25 definitions by booger

having a heroin addiction, using Heroin
I can't donate blood, I'm Riding The H Train. I also have AIDS, but thats beside the point.
by booger November 19, 2004
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A male or female. Who participats in the arts of theatre, and or Broadway. Or someone who wants to be in the movies.
Kasey-i want to be an actress when I get older
Sean-you might want to join theatre south.
Kasey-I am going to the first meeting today after school!
by booger January 12, 2005
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a spritely interjection, used to exclaim wonder or to show a large force like a punch or explosion.
1. and then Steve Buscemi showed up, and it was like BOUCHE, godliness

2. and then the bomb was like BOUCHE
by booger December 29, 2004
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a person who is miz like the coffee biz.
by booger March 20, 2003
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black, green is black
duh, green is black, stupid
by booger January 20, 2005
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one who pretends to be interested in the same topics as everyone else just to be included in a group
by booger December 2, 2003
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