22 definitions by Wanderlust®

Yu was sitting in the car, checking on Jin's definitions on UD as always. Yu was a little bit emotional and cried.. due to some events that happened lately between them.
All of sudden, Yu saw a jet was flying high up at an angle just to suddenly make a 90 degree to fly right down. Yu turned her head toward the jet and looked, thinking "hmm that aircraft was fast and I could not see who was flying. I wish I could. Flying all the way up here just to fly down so suddenly? For what reason?"

Yu decided to just follow her intuition this time. (Yu had always been confident in her ability to sense things correctly. Lately, Yu starts distrusting her ability). Yu tried to catch up with that jet.. Suprisingly, that jet was ways faster than Yu expected. "Okay. Now this seems very suspicious. I am driving 40mph and still could not catch up" - Yu thought. Finally, Yu made it and it was not because she litterally made it, but it was because that Jet was going to stop. "Hey, why suddenly create this traffic jam when there is no one in front of you? This must be an old lady who does not know how to fly or a kidnap scene that I only saw in a movie.."
Yu opened the door, thinking she should let it running and open in case something goes wrong. Yu walked to the Jet..prepared for the worst. She could not believe in her eyes. She busted out crying again. Jin looked at her and said: "Please don't. I told you not to cry again."
Yu: Here, take my hand. I want to show you around. It's been a long time, Jin..
Jin: ... I'm still mad at you but I can't get myself anymore..

PG-1 and there are multiple PG stories that have not yet been written down due to my laziness because of having energy drainage. The most recent one was on 1/8/23 looking via rear mirrors 🙃on the day that I didn't wash my short hair
by Wanderlust ® January 06, 2022
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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In my dream, I was sick - my monthly cycle began. I got up & went shower. After the shower, I realized I lost my phone & my diary. I tried to look for them. I then entered to a basement where it was icy-cold. I found an exist & got out of the building (apparently I was not at my house in my dream).

Once I got out, I saw forest. I saw people frightened abt sth. They said they've seen strange animal. I looked around & saw anaconda(s) that have the same colors & patterns as military clothes. I then saw a group of military crews were trying to show people techniques to conquer dangerous situations such as "snake-attack" & so on. I learned by observing it. Someone gave me a phone that doesn't have sim-card. I left, trying to find my way back home. There was a snake on the side of a road trying to approach me. I used the technique I learn. That snake thought it was a bird and started eating grains instead of eating me.. : )
I ran way. I found a dead man in a truck along the way. I looked, then kept running. I got back to the building, couldn't find the elevator that led me to the highest floor (where I believe my family was). Finally, I found my way through that puzzle/maze. I entered the elevator & I saw number 22. I sat down, wrapped my arms around my legs and cried. I hope I would find my family there. I got out, calling their names loudly.
"We are here"

I said, "I was about to message you on Twitter"
She replied, "Why Twitter? By the way, your phone & diary are here."
I woke up from a strange dream 1
🦦 February 06, 2022
by Wanderlust® April 20, 2023
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Her: Can you eat tomatoes with me?
Him: I don't like tomatoes..
Her: Oh.. I'm sorry.. I bought a lot of tomatoes for you. :(
Him: It's okay you didn't know.
Her: If it's okay, then you'll eat with me right..? :)

Him: I don't like tomatoes.. It tastes weird. It smells strange.
Her: But you will eat with me right? :)
Him: Are you like this in real life..? Stubborn?
Her: I don't know but you'll eat with me..right? :)
Him: ...
Her: Right..? Please..
Him: Alright. Put one in my mouth. Just one.
Her: I don't like odd numbers so I'll give you two.. :)
Him: Just one..
Her: I will give you two Tomatoes. Now, open your mouth.. Eat with me :( I always buy a lot of food but I lately lose weight because I don't have appetite to eat.. I've been stressed out a lot lately. So, eat with me.

🦦 February 10, 2022
by Wanderlust® April 20, 2023
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It means "Hometown". Home is where your heart is or where your heart is longing for.
by Wanderlust ® November 05, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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ゆめ - A Dream
Waking up, laying my head on your arm. I turn aside toward you and put my hand on your chest, touch your smooth skin, caress your body, your hair. I sneakily crawl on top of you and kiss you.. Does the cold breeze matter anymore? You are so warm here under the cozy blanket with me. We are so in love..
Yume wo mita. 夢を見た I had a dream.
by Wanderlust ® November 10, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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Rules ABC 🔤
Definitions are written based on unreal stories.
Definitions are written based on imaginary characters.
It's easy like ABC..
FYI: The writer is a very handsome guy, likes humor, sometimes can be very sensitive and deep. Attentive. Creative. Sincere and Genuine indeed...

Don't throw paper rocks at the writer if you disagree with something.. just for entertaining.. alright? : )
With love 💕 and with my Rule ABC
by Wanderlust ® November 16, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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Momentum = Motion in Mass.
He has always been known as a straight A's guy. She is going to have a Physics exam upcoming weeks. She asks him to come over and tutor her..

Girl: I have trouble understand the concept of "Momentum" and how it works. Can you help me...?

Guy: Sure! It's pretty easy. P = m•v whereas P is momentum, defined by M (Mass) and V (Velocity). In another word, momentum is "mass in motion".

Girl: Can you give me an example..?

Guy: Sure...

Girl: Yes..? Why are you blushing? Do you have a fever? Are you alright? Do you need a cup of water or something..?

Guy: .. Can you come here? I will show you an example that you are asking for..

Don't you love physics? It's the fundamental of many things..

Nerd Jokes, Rules ABC, Disclaimer.
by Wanderlust ® November 23, 2021
by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023
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