146 definitions by Theamazinggeek

A guy or girl (straight or gay) who studies dicks. Or

(B) a person whos gotten laid so often, he knows his stuff.
The upshot and the use is ..... they can tell you by sight if you have a possible std. This guy can tell you if its just rug burn or vd. If its an allergy or something more.
The Cockologist, a musican on campus gives a look and says " dont worry its just rug burn"
by Theamazinggeek January 14, 2018
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1. A character found in Lewis Carroll

book "Through the Looking Glass"

2.A character type (characteristic) found in literature, media, etc and can sometimes describe a persons style in life. People described as white knights usually martyr themselves for a greater good or another person. They take on the pain, anguish, challenges, and consequences another would have face. They sacrifice all they have to give for the peace and love of others. Essentially a white knight is a hero who in most stories ends up dead or worse.

Some white knights are great crusaders and heros who have a just cause. Some have no real self esteem and are trying to make there lives worthy.
Kris is such a white knight, when it comes to the business of the resturant. He so willing to give all for his customers, and naught for himself
by Theamazinggeek January 21, 2019
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1. A heroic character whose only role is to either steal the limelight, or steal the role as a white knight. The silver knight has only vanity and glory on there mind. Silver knights on the outside look like a heros ready to martyr themselves, but on the inside there ready to cave in, retreat, and hide the moment real danger comes there way. People described as a silver knight are just as two faced. If theres glory and reward, then theyll make the sacrifice. If there is no glory, there the first to run tail. They lack integrity. He has no cause, nor belief, just wants reward and its glory.
Usually in any story involving a silver knight, they end up pay in ng the price

Tip: if you wanna spot the difference between a white and silver knight look for fake humility.
The silver knight lets the white knight make the sacrifice and essentially never ends up dead.
by Theamazinggeek January 21, 2019
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1) The playboy party hue hefner throws.
2) similar to a bachelor party or stripper party but that rather than strippers you have hookers

3) Dance or rave or party where there is 10% grinding on the dance floor. and 90% actual sex
4) a sex party or orgy
5) a party where you find one guy and a bunch of hookers

* note: usually held in amsterdam
hey hey guys joes throwing a bunny party at his house again. another night filled with every kind of
by Theamazinggeek April 15, 2015
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1. A song by Sammy Davis Jr.

2. A term for a perfect Craps game gone sour

3. A Concept for which a person wishes and acheieves the perfect life. you have money, power and so many ways to show it off. With A block long limo with its driver, a penthouse with spending money laying about, and good looking people surrouding you. and then suddenly Its taken from you in an instant. like as if a single dice roll destroyed your life and your dreams.
Eee-o Eleven Strikes again ha ha with its patent pending tragic irony.
by Theamazinggeek February 21, 2019
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A feeling of

*wanting to work for
*play a role in
*get involved in
*vote for
*feeling a can win
*a general feeling of pro for candidate and there policies

After the election is long over.
Guy 1: Hey dude i got a belated bern for the bernie sanders campaign!

Guy: but the election was a year ago!
by Theamazinggeek March 13, 2018
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a lover who has been passed through all possible family members including not limited to any parental person
poor guy hes been passed around. first the daughters and then the mother ...
by Theamazinggeek March 9, 2015
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