14 definitions by TheRealSpiritMan

The consciousness of the Original Human mentioned in the Gosple Of Mary, initiated by a conviction of truth of existence and a disregard for all belief that implies basic limitation.
It’s one thing if he chooses to be conscious awareness but, another if he chooses Christ consciousness.
by TheRealSpiritMan January 18, 2023
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A mysterious type of kratom that has dark hues of color depending on type of of vein usually grounded from leaf by hand.
Damn bro, that kratom is pecuck as fuck.
by TheRealSpiritMan September 1, 2022
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A mysterious type of kratom that has dark hues of color depending on type of of vein usually grounded from leaf by hand.
Damn bro, that kratom is pecuck as fuck.
by TheRealSpiritMan September 1, 2022
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An androgynous action of kissing in communion of hearts among men and women. Often given by a Spiritman.
He gave me a Holy kiss, and I knew he would show me the path of Christ consciousness.
by TheRealSpiritMan January 18, 2023
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(Not to be confused with Spirit. ) In the Spiritual Realm a Ghost is an energetic projection of the essence of a presence in the form of a condensed vibration subjective to a certain limited form of existence; in other words a ghost is what is left after a subjective experience has identified itself as life force energy.
Tony: Bro I think the Ghost of the last person to stay in my apartment is going to get me!
Spiritman: nah fam, Ghost can’t “kill” you, only Spirits can do that.
by TheRealSpiritMan January 23, 2023
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(Not to be confused with Ghost) in the Spiritual community is known as a conscious energy thought form condensed by a 3rd dimensional conscious thought system into (but not limited by ) a visible form of being usually manifested as visible light.
A Ghost is usually subject to a host limited to certain supernatural agreements in the 3rd dimensional experience, but a Spirit is usually a procreator of said experience.
by TheRealSpiritMan January 23, 2023
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the first emanation of God According to a rejected book of John. Also known as the first Angel of Goodness.
Yea, you heard of Jesus of Nazareth? How about Jesus from the realm of Barbēlō!? Didn’t think so…
by TheRealSpiritMan January 18, 2023
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