107 definitions by Spiritual-Master

This is the modern response to those who still believe there is no such thing as a stupid question.

If there are no stupid questions then answer me this riddle:

"What would you call the questions that stupid people ask?"
Because "Stupid People Ask Questions Also."

SPAQA= "Stupid People Ask Questions Also."

There is no need to explain to the dipshits who say there are no stupid questions.

Just pronounce it as a word SPAQA
Unless they ask what SPAQA means.

Then you just give them a stupid look and say, "Duh, Stupid People Ask Questions Also."
Bill: Hey, Jeff, if you don't understand me just ask a question because there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Bill: (looking puzzled) what?
Bill: what the hell is SPAQA?
Jeff: I see you did not understand me and asked that question. Well, Duh, Stupid People Ask Questions Also.
by Spiritual-Master February 16, 2022
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The NACLU scam is doing good business as famous people start swapping the letters of their names and laughing at themselves in the mirror while going $18 a day in debt to the leprechaun Tyrant,,,
An old song was gifted with inspirational help from T̶o̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ Pom Teddy while working as a lowly road hand For a band/Gang whose name changes From RAM BOB and the Savage Gang To Bob Christ and the second coming depending on the mood and temperament of the obnoxious son of a time-traveling Judge. M̶i̶l̶e̶y̶ ̶C̶y̶r̶u̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶o̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ are gifted a song for the movie by Dolly Parton OOPS PollyDarton. Now that the leprechaun switch code was Broken The famous flood the Plantation with laughter using their new names without being offended or Butt hurt. T̶h̶e̶ ̶O̶l̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶g̶ The new song is a hit for Both bands as it is covered by the Savage Gang and the second coming in two different styles or genres.

LORD BUD: Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice.
After hearing both versions.

Polly Darton: I don't give a rats ass what the critics think I liked it both ways. OOPS, that didn't sound right stop...I meant to articulate it this way. Halos and Horns was good music no matter HOW you PLAY it.
by Spiritual-Master February 4, 2022
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In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

This ensures that all trespass fines collected By the Holy Okie will never be considered worthy of counter-suits for the fines fall short of twenty dollars by the amount of a single McKinney Penny. If a suit is filed all that may be collected is A Penny for every twenty that is being sought. example: If the suit is for $100 then only a Nickle can be recovered.
Bill: Hey, Jim I heard you were suing that Totalitarian tyrant Blackfoot redneck Leprechaun Lord Bud to recover those fines for trespass, how did it go?

Jim: I combined six years of fines so the amount would be in excess of twenty dollars but because of his 7th amendment rebuttal I could only recover a Nickle. Damn common law keeps protecting that tyrant and the jury was laughing the whole time.
by Spiritual-Master January 26, 2022
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The decriminalization of every known criminal activity, so that nothing is illegal. This also creates a lawless society. Nothing is illegal in a lawless society.
Only an act of God's will can save us from Democratic Crime Reduction. The best democrat is a dead one, and I died 22 years ago. Let us elect my Holy Okie Godfather "Lord Bud" A real spiritual voice of reason.
by Spiritual-Master January 7, 2022
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Basic Human Rights Mandate.

The best possible universal mandate that could ever be signed into law. This should be taken straight to the top of all governments worldwide bypassing every bureaucratic producer of red tape including the senate and congress. All Monarchs, czars, emperors, noblemen, and Women of all titles should implement this mandate without delay. Consider it a passed ACT and act accordingly.
Lord Bud: My private Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation has adopted a new mandate known as the Basic Human Rights Mandate or the universal BHRM act.
by Spiritual-Master January 28, 2022
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The handle is used by an Urban Dictionary contributor whose knowledge of prison life is suspected not to be firsthand. His trespass into the Oklahoma Blackberry Plantation was unintentional and the Holy Okie rewarded his bold nature with the new kingdom's first full pardon now known as the "Queensbury Parden" twenty-two Blackberry futures were issued because His definitions landed on a magic number 44. He is the first to receive a Quarter in change.
George Washington: Hey ben I heard that Queensbury kid stumbled into the Leprechauns Oklahoma Blackberry Jurisdiction. Was he fined for criminal trespass?

Benjamin Franklin: No he managed to get a laugh out of the judge and was granted a "Queensbury Parden" 22 Blackberry Futures just for pursuing happiness go figure. The first to get the quarter as change. That quarter still has your image on it, George.
by Spiritual-Master January 27, 2022
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1. thinking usually independent of and unaffected by objective reality 2. the process of using legal terms to alter, create or deny reality 3. process used to maintain or assist the status quo, power structure, and the resourceful and effective 4. a thought process commonly raised to the level of stupidity while maintaining the appearance of brilliance 5. sometimes called inverted intelligence.
The judge used his superior powers of Legal Analysis to determine my guilt despite knowing I was at the golf course with him at the time the crime was committed.
by Spiritual-Master December 11, 2021
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