5 definitions by Maddbutch

Any drug that makes watching tv more exciting(downers)
Yeah man just popped a heap of T.V drugs while eating my tv dinner I think the couch is trying to eat me
by Maddbutch April 8, 2019
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Someone who needs a cone. Hunger for weed
I'm fuckin conegry man can I have bud man
by Maddbutch April 8, 2019
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Yemen is just simply combining the two words yeah and man

Slang term for the word yes
When someone asks you a question and your too stoned to come up with an answer just reply with yemen

"You hungry man" ......."yemen"
by Maddbutch April 8, 2019
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A methamphetamine user,drug addict or junkie who's characteristics are slimy like a lizard or a frog
Damn my car just got jacked by those amphibians
by Maddbutch April 8, 2019
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People who share the same needle
Two junkies down at the lake are pamstsnin it today
by Maddbutch April 8, 2019
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