4 definitions by John9999

A toxic person who, despite having many opportunities to succeed in life, consistently makes bad choices which result in professional and personal failure. They usually end up dragging everyone near them into the loser culture, which makes them toxic. The key to identifying a loser is the consistency with which they make bad decisions and their inability to learn from, admit to, and correct their mistakes. Narcissism and low self-esteem are hallmark personality characteristics of a loser.
This loser was married to one of the most beautiful women in Britain and threw his marriage away for oral sex from a LA streetwalker and drugs.
by John9999 October 10, 2016
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A description of a person, object, or organization that rejects any culture other than a white, middle American one. It's often accompanied by informal segregation through the use of rules or social conventions meant to exclude or discourage minorities from joining.
The lily white housing association had absolutely no minorities living in it.
by John9999 February 20, 2012
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(Noun - Person)

A person who makes completely self-absorbed bad decisions that result in very bad personal consequences and personal failure with little payback to the individual making the decisions. This type of person typically does really bad, self-destructive things purely as a means of getting attention. Activities usually involve doing something very mean to someone else for attention. Often suffers from low self-esteem and can be also defined as a loser.
This piece of shit recorded a YouTube of himself licking ice cream and putting in back on the shelf.
by John9999 July 10, 2019
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1) Adjective - The ultimate mistake which ends with disastrous consequences, usually involving multiple parties which were not, directly, involved in the incident. Usually, it starts with a minor, low level, bad decision.
2) Noun - A person who commits the "ultimate" mistake.
The introduction of the Africanized Bee in Brazil in 1957 created consequences that spanned across continents and devastated ecosystems. This is prime example of a "fuck up of the first order".

The person who actually released the bees, or setup the conditions where the bees where released, is also nown as a "fuck up of the first order".
by John9999 October 7, 2011
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