12 definitions by Jezij

A dope was YouTuber with over 200 whole subscribers👌🏽
by Jezij November 8, 2018
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A phone accessory that helps you take better photos, holds your phone better, and works as a stand. AKA PopSockets
I dropped my phone but the sock puppet on the back kept it from breaking
by Jezij January 6, 2019
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The best response to the pointless question "how's life?"
Them: Hey dude! How's life?
You knowing this is a horrible conversation starter: life is life
by Jezij August 31, 2018
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The best way to answer the phone, from the Christmas movie Elf
I got a scam call so I answered the phone with "Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?"
by Jezij December 18, 2018
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