27 definitions by HmmfCreator

An alternative way of saying, 'Hey' or 'Hi' which originated in conversations between two BFFs.
Jen: Hey... i mean hoy...

Jen: That HoyGirl is SO ANNOYING.
Sally: Yeah wtf is Hoy?
Jen: I don't know i just go along with it.
by HmmfCreator June 4, 2009
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Commonly used between two 'Bffs' (best friends forever) to describe the state of being Bff's.

Just like friends have their friendship. Bff's have their Bffness.
Mary: Bee! i think our Bffness is deteriorating drastically!
Jen: What do you mean Eff? Since when?
Mary: Since you've been hanging out with Sally!
Jen: I think your just being paranoid... your my Bff and our Bffness will last forever!
by HmmfCreator May 27, 2009
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FatMingElephantSkinBraceletsCarvedByBlindNunsEatingGrass originated in 3000BC when overweight, unnatractive blind nuns peeled the dead skin off their pet and or stray elephants to make bracelets and other various forms of clothing to ensure that they were not naked during the winter. They did this by picking grass through their teeth until it was strong enough to bind the elephant skin together.
Susan: 'Oh my God i love your bracelet where did you get it?'
Maria: 'My great aunt was a blind nun back in the 80's, she weeved the bracelet together from elephant skin and grass.'
Susan: 'What!?'
Maria: 'Haven't you heard of FatMingElephantSkinBraceletsCarvedByBlindNunsEatingGrass??'
by HmmfCreator June 4, 2009
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An abbreviation of the word 'FRIENDS' or 'FRIENDS FOREVER' from 'Best Friends Forever' or 'Bff.' Typically used between two Bff's who have created nicknames for each other from 'BFF,' one friend is Bee and the other is Eff Eff (or just Eff for short.)

Spellings of this word Eff can range from, 'Eff to Effffffff' depending on how many f's you prefer. Further nicknames include, Effaroo, Effness, Effy, Eff Eff Effness and EffLochness.
Mary: Hey bee

Jen: Hey Eff

Mary: Bee i'm in such a hmmf :(

Jen: Don't worry we'll be bee's and eff's forever.
by HmmfCreator May 27, 2009
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A nickname which originates from the word 'Efflochness' which is another nickname typically used between two bffs. One bff is 'Loch' and the other is 'Ness.'

These types of nicknames share strong similarities with the primary bff nick-names, 'bee' and 'eff.'
Jen: Hey loch!
Mary: Hey ness!
Jen: Do you think our nicknames are starting to get a bit weird?
Mary: Yep.
by HmmfCreator May 29, 2009
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A nickname which originates from the word 'Efflochness' which is another nickname typically used between two bffs. One bff is 'Loch' and the other is 'Ness.'

These types of nicknames share strong similarities with the primary bff nick-names, 'bee' and 'eff.'
Jen: Hey loch!
Mary: Hey ness!
Jen: Do you think our nicknames are starting to get a bit weird?
Mary: Yep.
by HmmfCreator May 29, 2009
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An abbreviation of the words, 'Yeah man.' Commonly used between friends and co-workers.

Shares strong similarities with the word, 'Yemen' which is a country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. Both words are pronounced in the same way, however, possess very different meanings.
Jesse: Your still coming to ralphs tonight?
Dave: Yemmen.

Albert: You can go on your lunch-break now.
Sally: YEMMEN!

Daniel: Watching this episode of 'Friends' really makes me want to move to Yemen.
Ben: yemmen.
by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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