10 definitions by HM

A pair of dark, dark, dark denim jeans. Not broken in at all. These jeans were broken in the oldfashioned way...honestly earned.
'he bought those honest earns brand new from Penny's'
by HM December 17, 2003
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Belly Over Hang. when you have too much gut and too tight pants.
'check out the ginormous boh on that chick'
by HM December 18, 2003
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You can either lay it down (1), or call it (2).
(1) After showing up for work 3 days in a row, Jack's boss had to lay down the law.

(2) "You come in my yard a-trespassing again, I'm 'onna hafta call the law!"
by HM January 5, 2004
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'what are you, new?!'
by HM December 17, 2003
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Creature that catches prey by ambush, death blow usually dealt by a quick yank from behind.
Beware the bacpacpularus... you are never safe on school pavement.
by HM October 1, 2003
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Small reptile with odd habits.
by HM May 22, 2003
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