49 definitions by GerthPaul

A unit specific to measuring the rating of a VPX™️ Bang Energy beverage (in honor of Bang a Energy CEO/CSO Jack Owoc)
He only rated Miami Cola 7.9 Owocs when I assure you it’s a 9.5 on the Owoc Scale! Miami Cola is a send!!!
by GerthPaul November 5, 2019
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Awful smelling buttocks;

Extra stinky buttocks (noun)
“He had such bad ranktocks- it smelt like a wilted squid crawled up his anus and died!”
“Bro- I was wondering why my car smelled like straight ranktocks and I remembered I had given that guy who smelled like he soiled himself with stool a ride to the store last week.”
by GerthPaul December 21, 2018
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When one slightly cracks a carbonated beverage and sucks the beverage out of the can.
My dad always gets pissed off when he picks up a seemingly unopened soda off the counter just to discover I had been meef sucking at it all morning.

I don’t mind that Pesbin likes to savor his drinks, but the slurping is so annoying when he’s meef sucking!
by GerthPaul September 28, 2020
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The stinky yellowish greenish brownish reddish phlegm that coats an unwashed anus. Respected in certain regions.
Olivius had the stinkiest fecking buttocks oobleck that the guys could smell him from three Burroughs over.

He wasn’t respected amongst the plus sized males until he had copious amount of buttocks oobleck.
by GerthPaul November 8, 2020
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When We saw that girls ass spilling out of her trousers, the guys all screamed “dicktime!”
When my boy Rupi said we were getting Brazilians I straight up said dicktime.
by GerthPaul January 8, 2020
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Bay Area slang term for penis.
Olga’s baby winçul was covered in schlem after he tried to clean the smear off of it.

Mavis told the guys that he thought they all had pretty sweet winçuls.
by GerthPaul November 8, 2020
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Neither liquid nor solid stool- more so a unique combination of a variety of soft chunks of stool that may sink or float above the hatch.
"Me and my boys all had straight up FreeForm after we hit Taco Bell for Fourth Meal. My homeboy Augustus dropped something purely horraceous and all of the guys standing in line were commenting on how woke he was."

"Pubis was very well respected for the consistency of his FreeForm. He never had a solid loaf."
by GerthPaul March 21, 2023
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