2 definitions by Fireheart

An increasing sign of insanity, it's often said aloud multiple times by those slowly losing their minds. Often accompanied with a blank stare.
Steve: Tick-tock...tick-tock...

Joe: You alright man?

Steve: Tick-tock...tick-tock...
by Fireheart July 29, 2010
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A lullaby typed in text, either because a person is too lazy to call or has a horrible singing voice. Can also occur when a person doesn't have enough minutes, but has unlimited texting.
Person 1: Did you hear? John gave Susan a textaby last night.

Person 2: Aww how sweet!

Person 1: Yeah, but thank god he didn't sing it. His voice sounds like a cat eating sandpaper.
by Fireheart July 29, 2010
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