455 definitions by Brian

it means to pack a bowl, when someone tells you to put your gay badge on you take out your pipe and pack the bowl
"ay man you needa put on your gay badge so we can get toked"
by Brian October 3, 2004
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Radio talkshow host Neal Boortz's nickname for Sean Hannity, the conservative half of FoxNews's Hannity and Colmes.
by Brian May 6, 2004
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To be taken advantage of; hosed.
Jack was going to hook Joe up with the drugs, but after Joe gave him the money, Jack ran off and Joe was beat.
by Brian April 17, 2003
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The noise made when you have the walkin farts to cover the embarrassing sounds excreated by the poop cutter.
"Woop Woop Woop Woop....."
"Damnit Granma you got the walkin farts again?"
by Brian March 7, 2005
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short for on the down low. meaning a brotha is secretly looking for have sex with another dude
DL brotha here lookin to freak wit a hot dude.
by Brian January 23, 2005
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This is what a Korean-born guy in his thirties who has a heavy accent and not very understandable and who works 80 hours a week says if he agrees with you.
Me: So, you said that your landlord fed you with rotten fish?

Korean friend: Rightrightright!
by Brian April 23, 2005
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