1. A song by the Arctic Monkeys.

2. a child who, through overexposure to television, movies and music, grows up too quickly and without substance. By the time they are around 13 they believe they are ready for sex, alcohol, and drugs. The later feel remorse for the childhood that they skipped over.
1. Fluorescent Adolescent is my favourite song from Favourite Worst Nightmare.

2. If you let your child sit infront of the tv everynight he's going to become a fluorescent adolescent.
by Sanna C. September 18, 2008
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An aesthetic and fashion trend popularized by TikTok and Instagram in late 2023 and early 2024, taking inspiration by 1990's to 2000's corporate culture, luxury brands and being defined by items such as "Bayonetta glasses", pencil skirts, button ups, heels and female associated formalwear. The look is intended to look sleek, mysterious, sexy and nerdy. Occupations of the "office siren" include lawyer, librarian, receptionist and most popularly, a secretary.
The secretary was described as an office siren by their boss.
by clockenslocker June 6, 2024
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A non binary person that falls under the “himbo/bimbo” definition.
Person 1: damn Dani is such a himbo
Person 2: are you dumb? They’re non binary! They’re a thembo!
by Escobar8 September 1, 2020
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Someone who consistently annoys others to the point of receiving a physical and/or verbal attack.
Jonesy : "Did you have a nice day today? how about I make you some nice carbonara for dinner?"

Loft : Fuck off you nause
by The El Hadj Groove November 24, 2010
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Glitter. Like the STD herpes, once you have glitter on you, you cannot get rid of it. If you have glitter on you and you touch someone, they will suddenly have glitter on them. You may think that you have washed it all off, but one day you will be in the right light and notice it on you somewhere.

There are many forms of craft herpes, including:

+Low-grade chunky - The kind that is usually used in grade school. Easiest of the outbreaks to wash off

+Glitter glue/liquid squeeze on - Harder to wash away than low-grade chunky due to the fact that it is in some form of an adhesive.

+Fine to micro-fine - Commonly called pixie or fairy dust due to it's resemblance to effect used in movies to show the "magic". The hardest form to remove and the easiest to get. It is dust like and is everywhere. Often found at parties, fairs, and anywhere that people dressed as pixies or fairies can be found-usually being blown into crowds of people by the handful.
+"I was at the party when that wanna be raver started spreading craft herpes! I think she threw a bag of fairy dust in the fan!"

+"I thought I'd gotten it all weeks ago but when I looked in the mirror just now, I had a piece of glitter by my eye!"

+"Just when I thought I was safe, this girl came up to me and sprayed me with something. I looked and I was covered with glitter! They have spray on craft herpes now!"
by Kitysrblk June 22, 2011
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You most likely hate life in general or just the earth or the universe but you hate it somewhere
Me:I hate it here
My friend: where
Me: everywhere
by Thyself_Fallon September 15, 2021
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A term used by Brits to describe a meal reserved for (approx 7 annual) hot weather days because it is too hot to cook. Consists of sweet and savoury finger food, along with beer, cider, Capri Sun and wasps.
Child: "What's for tea?"
Mum: "Picky bits"
by scfcspaceman August 13, 2022
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