Aggrorithm (n): an algorithm written to incite aggression.

Aggrorithms are a dark pattern employed by businesses with bottom lines tied to confrontation and conflict (“engagement”).
Profiling data is used to nudge users into conflict and increase revenue.
The Youtube Aggrorithm has been recommending Red-Pill Incel videos to my 13 year old son again.
by toffee crisp November 30, 2021
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An easy way to remember "The Sign of the Cross" in Christianity, more specifically, Catholicism.
John couldn't remember which order to sign his cross, and Tim said, "Heck man, that's easy. Go like this, spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch." He then demonstrated.
by XsTaTiKaL September 15, 2013
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When someone interrupts you while you are talking but what they have to say has nothing to do with what you were talking about. Someone who talks out of turn.
ME: My boss fired me the other day because I kept interrupting him when he was trying to tell me what to do.

YOU: Sounds like you suffer from Premature Articulation.
by GD Daddy for Trixy September 24, 2019
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A lighting fixture on ones ceiling that resembles a women's breast.
Bro, your ceiling titty is turning me on.
by M-Deezy Enterprises October 5, 2013
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1. A reference to the Woodstock Festival in 1969, when stage announcements were made by legendary radio disc jockey Wavy Gravy, telling people that some of the brown-colored blotter acid (LSD) circulating the crowd was giving people negative hallucinations, causing freakouts.
2. A bad drug experience
3. Something that was supposed to be pleasurable but turned out nightmarish.
1. I thought this job was going to be fun, but it turned out to be, like, "Dude, don't take the brown acid."
2. That chick is the brown acid, but hey, it's up to you.
by MojoJojo101 January 6, 2008
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1. First coined in the 1970s, the word has been popularized by the historian Adam Tooze to describe the coming together of multiple crises.

2. A polyamorous relationship 90% of the time
The president choked on a peanut and died, I can't pay my bills and my gf and my other gf broke up with me...bruh this is a polycrisis
by Sickomonster May 22, 2024
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