Avatar of user Minh
A keyboard and a potted plant on a table
The sun is setting over a city skyline
A plane flying through a cloudy sky at sunset
A view of a city from a window
A sunset view of a city with clouds in the sky
A plane flying in the sky with a sunset in the background
A person crossing a street at a traffic light
A window with a wooden bench in front of it
A motorcycle parked next to a trash can
An escalator in a building with people on it
A group of people walking around a building
A city street with cars and people walking on the sidewalk
An escalator in a large building with stairs
Two cars are parked in front of a building
A couple of chairs sitting next to each other
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
A person taking a picture of fireworks with a cell phone
A firework display in the night sky
A firework display in the night sky
A keyboard and a potted plant on a table
A plane flying through a cloudy sky at sunset
A sunset view of a city with clouds in the sky
A person crossing a street at a traffic light
A motorcycle parked next to a trash can
A group of people walking around a building
An escalator in a large building with stairs
A couple of chairs sitting next to each other
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
A firework display in the night sky
The sun is setting over a city skyline
A view of a city from a window
A plane flying in the sky with a sunset in the background
A window with a wooden bench in front of it
An escalator in a building with people on it
A city street with cars and people walking on the sidewalk
Two cars are parked in front of a building
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
A person taking a picture of fireworks with a cell phone
A firework display in the night sky
A keyboard and a potted plant on a table
A view of a city from a window
A motorcycle parked next to a trash can
An escalator in a building with people on it
A city street with cars and people walking on the sidewalk
A couple of chairs sitting next to each other
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
The sun is setting over a city skyline
A sunset view of a city with clouds in the sky
A plane flying in the sky with a sunset in the background
A window with a wooden bench in front of it
An escalator in a large building with stairs
A crowd of people watching a fireworks display
A firework display in the night sky
A plane flying through a cloudy sky at sunset
A person crossing a street at a traffic light
A group of people walking around a building
Two cars are parked in front of a building
A person taking a picture of fireworks with a cell phone
A firework display in the night sky
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