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Teacher's '30 seconds or less' rule on kindness is going viral

“Can we send this to all men on dating apps?"
/ Source: TODAY

A Minnesota teacher’s lesson on kindness is going viral.

Natalie Ringold calls it the “30 seconds or less” concept and it’s meant to demonstrate the power of words. 

“If somebody can’t change something about themselves in 30 seconds or less, then you shouldn’t be mentioning it to them,” Ringold, 29, tells her fourth grade class in a video she shared on social media.

While addressing her students, Ringold gives an examples of things that can be changed in 30 seconds or less, including an untied shoelace or a zipper that has fallen down (just pull the person aside so they don’t get embarrassed!).

“But if you comment on someone’s hair color or hair texture or hairstyle or body — they can’t change that in 30 seconds or less,” Ringold says. 

Once words come out of a person’s mouth, they can apologize, but they can’t completely take them back, Ringold explains. 

“We are responsible for our words & actions,” Ringold captioned her post, in part. “Our words & actions have power and an impact on others.”

“It’s so important that they understand that words can leave a lasting impression that might never be erased,” Ringold tells "I still remember hearing things when I was in second grade that have stayed with me all these years."

Teach your children kindness
Teacher Natalie Ringold shared an important lesson about kindness with her fourth grade students, and her social media followers.Courtesy Natalie Ringold

Ringold’s reel has been seen more than 23 million times on Instagram. 

“BLESS YOU!!! As a person who was relentlessly racially harassed as a child, I wish this was taught,” one person wrote.

Added another, “This should be required viewing for anyone who wants to join social media.”

Other reactions included:

  • “And don’t become a grown up who spreads hate and calls it freedom of speech. The world says thank you.”
  • “This made me cry. Can I start my college courses with this?”
  • “Can we send this to all men on dating apps? Thank you for being a great teacher.”
  • “If they are old enough to be mean on purpose they are old enough to be kind on purpose.”
  • “I feel this needs to be spread to the parents as well.”