What does 2024 hold for investors – and was 2023 a good or a bad year? This is Money podcast

 The Footsie just managed to keep its head above water in 2023 – but across the Atlantic stock market returns were sparkling.

The contrast is stark, with the FTSE 100 up 1.9 per cent this year, whereas the S&P 500 has soared 24 per cent.

So, have investors had a good year and what does 2024 hold?

On this podcast, Georgie Frost, Tanya Jefferies and Simon Lambert look back at what happened to shares, bonds, gold and other investments this year.

And with experts getting their crystal balls out, the team run the rule over the forecasts for 2024.

Can the Magnificent Seven keep delivering, will the bond market manage to have a quieter year, and could this finally be the time for UK shares?


Did you have a good investing year in 2023?

  • Yes 136 votes
  • No 136 votes

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The team look at the key themes for investors and whether they will bring a boost or a challenge, from falling inflation, to rate cuts, recession vs recovery, and looming elections around the world.

Also on the show, a question from a reader whose early retirement dream has vanished due to the Boots pension scheme moving and a home-swapping tax puzzle.

And finally, listen to the end for a listeners corner update on a chance encounter with a podcast audience member for Simon and an update on Lee Boyce’s kettle.

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