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Gaby Del Valle

Gaby Del Valle

Policy Reporter

Gaby Del Valle is a policy reporter at The Verge. Her past work has focused on immigration politics, border surveillance technologies, and the rise of the New Right.

“Will you accept the results of the election?”

It was a yes or no question.

There were a lot of words said, none of which was exactly a yes. Instead, Trump reminded us he still hasn’t really accepted the results of the past election.

Maybe Trump reminding us about his relationship to Twitter in the aftermath of January 6th is not the best move?

On account of, you know, Twitter permanently suspending his account for inciting violence.

What is Trump going to do to help Americans struggling with opioid addiction?

Uh, China, tariffs, not exactly answering the question...

FYI, undocumented immigrants can’t get Social Security! Or Medicare!

But a lot of them pay into both. Billions, even!

We had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash, H2O.

Now we have no jobs, no cash, and no H2O.

“Green New Scam” isn’t as catchy as Trump’s usual quips.

They should’ve workshopped it, is all I’m saying. Green New Steal, maybe?

(In any case, Congress has not actually passed a Green New Deal.)

Hunter Biden’s laptop has entered the presidential debate.

“51 intelligence agents said that the laptop was Russia disinformation,” Trump said. “It wasn’t. That came from his son Hunter — it wasn’t Russia disinformation.”