Our chilly summer could be all in the mind

Plus: the weather forecast where you are
Spectators at Wimbledon were dressed for wet, cold weather on Tuesday
Spectators at Wimbledon were dressed for wet, cold weather on Tuesday

No need to put away jumpers and jackets quite yet. A chill wind is blowing through the UK, temperatures are widely below average, and added to this grim picture, sunshine is in short supply and rain is in prospect this Friday and over the weekend.

Blame these wretched conditions on the jet stream, which has become turbocharged at high speed across the UK, driving depressions with it and allowing a cool northwesterly airflow to sweep over the country.

For anyone thoroughly fed up with these grim conditions there is a glimmer of hope later next week when temperatures may pick up, although possibly it may only be a brief intermission before temperatures slip back again. However, the three-month outlook over July to September hints at