Taylor Casey

Taylor Casey.

As authorities continued their investigations into the disappearance of a Chicago, Illinois woman who traveled to The Bahamas to attend the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Center on Paradise Island, Ministry of Tourism officials flew into high gear yesterday, trying to prevent significant fallout from the growing US media attention on the Taylor Casey matter.

Casey, 41, was reportedly last seen at the yoga retreat on the eastern end of the island on June 19.

Bahamian police have issued a missing person’s report on her.

The matter is focusing attention on The Bahamas as the search continues without any known development.

Speaking yesterday, Director General of Tourism Latia Duncombe told local reporters, “From a PR perspective, it’s all systems go. We have meetings even today because we do need to get ahead of it and try and map it out. Tourism is our number one business.

“It is an ongoing police investigation. Our hearts are with the family of the person [who] is missing and I’m sure the authorities are doing everything within their power to bring some resolve.”

Officials took similar measures to reassure visitors and potential visitors that The Bahamas is a safe place to visit following a US crime alert on the country issued early in the year amid a spate of murders. None of the incidents involved any visitor to The Bahamas.

Duncombe said yesterday, “The destination is safe and we have to make sure visitors do feel safe when they visit The Bahamas. Whenever there is an odd occurrence, it does increase concern and we want to make sure we address it in a very measured way.”

Meanwhile, police officials and Casey’s relatives are urging anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward.

Police recovered Casey’s phone on the beach on Paradise Island.

Casey’s loved ones have created accounts on Facebook and Instagram – Find Taylor Casey – in an effort to get word out and aid search efforts.

“We are deeply concerned for Taylor’s safety and well-being,” Casey’s mother, Colette Seymore, said in a statement.

“We love Taylor and want her home.”

She added, “I believe Taylor is in danger because she was eager to share her yoga retreat experience with others upon her return.

“Taylor would never disappear like this.”

The statement said a “contingent, including her mother, is traveling to Paradise Island and Nassau, to coordinate with local authorities”.

Casey is known for her vibrant and loving personality, her family said.

“She has been practicing yoga for 15 years and went to the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat to fulfill a long-term goal of deepening her practice,” the family said.

“Eager to return to Chicago, she looked forward to sharing her newfound knowledge and experience with others.”

The family is urging anyone with information about Casey’s whereabouts to come forward.

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