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"Joy Ride" Cast Speed Date Each Other

Presented by Lionsgate | In this game-ified version of speed dating, the cast of "Joy Ride" ask each other about their preferences in a partner. See Ashley Park, Stephanie Hsu, Sherry Cola and Sabrina Wu interview each other one at a time with juicy first date questions that'll determine their compatibility. Who's the best match of the group? Take a look!

Released on 07/07/2023


Stephanie, do you believe in astrology?

Okay. Sagittarius, Scorpio cusp,

moon in Pisces rising Aquarius.

That's a no.

[upbeat music]

[Announcer] This is the cast of Joyride.

You are about to speed date each other.

You'll ask first date questions until the bell rings.

You may award a point to your date for every good answer.

Good luck.

Can we establish a safe word?

[record scratches] [group laughs]

[bell dings]

Yeah Ashley, I'm such a fan of your work

[Ashley laughs]

[bell dings] and I'm so happy we matched.

Oh, and Ashley's giving Stephanie

some pity points right now.

Yeah, yeah, they're buckling under pressure.

Stephanie, what is your love language?

Ooh. I think my love language is definitely quality time.

Hence why like, if your love language is texting,

that's not mine.

Yeah, yeah.

[Stephanie] But because-

Which mine is not,

because we both don't text well.

Well now love language is like,

what you receive and what you give.

You think you give, like

that's how you express love? I think I give quality time.

I think time, the love language that I receive best

or that is really valuable to me is touch.

Ah! True.

But also words of affirmation.

Because you and I play a reassuring game daily.

Save it for later, baby.

Oh, honey, honey.

[Stephanie laughs]

[bell dings]

[upbeat music]

All right, questions.

Sherry, it's so nice to get to meet you in person.

Wow no, I mean you look

just like picture. Just like your picture.

Yeah. Wow.

[Sabrina and Ashley laugh]

So using a top sheet in your bed set.

[Stephanie squeals] Yes or no?

Funny question.

[Sherry] We're going straight in there.

Honestly, I'm into a top sheet.

What is a top sheet?

It's like the sheet under the duvet.

So I have to say,

I refer to that sheet as the American sheet.

It is very...

Because I never grew up with that.

In hotels there's always that extra sheet.

What is it? Filter?

Well, that's why I like it.

That's the Paris filter.

That's why I like it though.

Sometimes the duvet, I'm like, that's seen some [beep].

So you love, you appreciate the American sheet.

I would be so happy to meet you halfway

in whatever you feel like you prefer.

Points! Yay!

We just literally transcended into a real dating show.

Yeah. There's potential for a pitch here.

All right, you go.

I feel like we should leave.

[upbeat music]

Oh, you're getting comfortable. Okay.

I just want you to know that I'm of high society.

So we play cousins Joyride.

[horn honks] [bell dings]

This is a fun little challenge.

It's thrilling.


Hey Sherry, which character from Joyride are you most like?


I literally can't.

I mean, it's just like-

This is [laughs] I dunno, it's just,

it feels good, you know what I mean?

To finally like be aligned with someone.

I don't care if you're my cousin.

[bell dings]

Let's [beep]. [bell dings]

A heart.

Okay. Sabrina Wu.

Yeah. What TV show

would you live in if you could?

I would have to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Oh! Interesting.

So scary. [bell dings]

Absolutely not.

Sarah Michelle Gellar,

stan. [bell dings]

No, no, no, no, no.

The Willow Tara, how can I bring a polyamory arc

into that storyline is what I am looking for.

[bell dings] Points for you.

So, shoes in the house, yes or no?

No. Shoes not in the house.

I don't even let them wear it into the house.

They have to leave it in their cars.

No, that makes no sense.

' Cause then their feet get dirty on the way to the house.

No, I'm actually really religious about

no shoes on the couch, no shoes on the bed.

Which happens a lot in American TV

and it makes me cringe all the time.

So no, no shoes in the house.

Okay. I need to ask one follow up question then.

Like what about, like how do you feel

about feet on your stuff?

Or like organization generally?

Feet I'm okay with.

Okay. [bell dings]

[upbeat music]

What would you cook for me if I came over for dinner?

I honestly like,

I mostly do like home style Chinese cooking.

What dishes?

Probably like, honestly like tomato egg.

You love tomatoes and egg.

But you know what? Oh, soup.

But you know what, since I know that you're Korean,

I would do something sort of at the intersection,

like a little jjajangmyeon.


[bell dings]

Way to my heart. [laughs]

Wait, that is intersectional fine.

Morning person or a night owl?

[Stephanie and Sherry] Mm.

[Ashley laughs]

That's interesting.

'Cause you're Pilates like 5:30 AM.

I think that it depends on,

if I was just me alone, it'd be early bird.

But what I mostly am is sometimes night owl.

I just don't get to sleep.

You know, I think we can have a really special friendship

and I'm so glad that we met, but.

[record scratches]

I just, I'm looking for a wife

and I need someone who has routine and structure.

Okay, that's a no.

I'm gonna go make Steph an honest woman.

Please go watch Joyride the film

that we are all in on July 7th.

[Sherry] With friends.

[upbeat music]

I think you might have won.

I think you won us all over.

Oh, there you go. Fair and square.

Sherry, I never dated Sherry.

Yeah and Steph never dated a Sabrina.

Can we have a sequel to this?

Our date was cute.

Okay well, Stephanie's still wants

to go on a second dare with me.

Just for a beer tonight.

Starring: Ashley Park, Stephanie Hsu, Sabrina Wu, Sherry Cola