Taurus Season Is For Creature Comforts and Little Treats. What to Expect Based on Your Sign

Give yourself a present every day. Read our queer Taurus Season horoscope.
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Welcome to Taurus Season. Would you like a hot towel? More than any other sign in the zodiac, Taurus knows how to live a good life. Rest? It’s essential. Delicious food? Necessity. Nice things? You deserve them! Relaxation is the ultimate goal in life, the only real reason for doing anything, and every Taurus instinctively understands this truth. Unfortunately, an ideal state of relaxation usually requires a lot of tedious prep work, which is why Taureans are often grumpy.

Taurus individuals are hard workers, obviously. Somebody has to get everything done so that they can kick back and chill out, and who else could possibly manage to do it correctly besides themselves? Grouped with each other, however, Taureans can either be extremely effective or entirely dysfunctional. Their sign symbol is a bull, and human Taureans are similarly obstinate. If they don’t all agree to pull in the same direction, nobody’s moving anywhere.

Taurus hauls around a history of heavy feelings, which may explain why they’re archetypically focused on hearth and home. It’s much more convenient to stash a hoard of emotions safely in the cellar of a perfectly architected abode, rather than truck the whole load around everywhere on a frenzied world tour. That’s not to imply that Taureans never enjoy travel! It’s just that they tend to feel more secure sallying forth if they know that home is safely anchored behind them, awaiting their eventual return.

Taurus individuals also tend to feel particularly at home within their own bodies. This isn’t always the case — this world is screwed up, trauma abounds, and personal tastes always differ — but as a general rule, Taurus is talented at letting the soft animal of their body love what it loves. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of desire, and Taureans innately know what they want. Problems spring up when Taurus attempts to deny their own cravings.

This Taurus Season is all about creating a life of comfort and happiness, even if it takes a little work to get there. Let’s get to it! To find out what the coming month has in store for you, read on.

Click here to jump to a sign: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus begins the season in Aries, where it passes through conjunction with Chiron. At the end of April, Venus moves from Aries to your sign.
  • In mid-May, Mercury moves from Aries to your sign.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury all square off against Pluto. The Sun and Venus both form sextiles with Saturn, pass through conjunction with Uranus, and create trines with Lilith. The Sun passes through conjunction with Jupiter and forms a sextile with Neptune.
  • The New Moon in your sign passes through conjunction with the Sun.
What it means:

This season, you don’t want change. You don’t want to confront the unknown. You don’t care to dig up buried secrets right now. You just want to daydream about weird stuff, work on impractical art projects, indulge in exactly whatever you feel like doing at any given instant, and do nothing else whatsoever. Your schedule is full. No one better call!

Lucky Jupiter spends about a year with each sign as it makes its way around the Sun, and it’s been parked in your patch since last May. This will be your last season with the big planet before it follows the Sun into Gemini, and you won’t host it again for nearly 12 years. Appropriately, given the influence of your other oddball tenant, Uranus, you aren’t interested in using Jupiter’s typically expansive energy right now. Instead, you’re funneling wealth and bounty into the private spaces that make you feel most secure. Build up that castle, baby! Put up some tapestries! Install a whole moat filled with alligators!

In some years, your own season with the Sun brings challenges. This spring, your season asks you to seriously devote yourself to you. Give in to the planets’ decree and relax into your own personality on a heretofore unprecedented level. Don’t be afraid to approach the threshold of parody in attaining ridiculous heights of you-ness. Imagine your ultimate vision of yourself, and then take the reality even further. You’re not changing during this season, not really; you’re just becoming more of yourself.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the season retrograde in Aries. On 4/25, Mercury turns direct! Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
  • In mid-May, Mercury moves from Aries to Taurus. Mercury squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

You’re in for a massive jet boost starting next month, but we’ll worry about that when we get there. Now, it’s time for pre-trip preparation. First you’ve got to do some healing, and that requires talking. You’re undefeated at chit-chat, but you don’t often let others catch a glimpse of vulnerability. (LOL, like, why would you ever risk revealing a weakness?) Oversharing random minutiae can be a shockingly effective shield against nosy people who might suspect true feelings hidden beneath your unending stream-of-consciousness ramblings. However! You’ve got to talk about some real stuff if you want to recover from old harm. Share your soul with an intimate loved one you truly trust, or a total stranger you’ll never see again. Either way, a little earnest recognition and release of insecurity should do the trick.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through all of the signs, spending two shifts in Virgo and Libra at the beginning and end of the season.
  • The Full Moon opposes the Sun in Scorpio.
  • The Last Quarter Moon squares off against the Sun in Aquarius.
  • The New Moon passes through conjunction with the Sun in Taurus.
  • The First Quarter Moon squares off against the Sun in Leo.
What it means:

You’re always a trip during Taurus Season, when your sign ruler the Moon strikes melodramatic poses in the gothiest set of sibling signs. When the Full Moon rises in Scorpio, your eyes shine bright like a knife made of ice. When the New Moon communes with the Sun in Taurus, your emotions emerge from the proverbial grave. While other signs appreciate the warmth of spring, you’re busy swishing around listening to ambient dark wave tunes and contemplating the inevitable decay of every blooming flower. It’s not a negative attitude, however, even if it’s a little morbid. Acknowledging the finitude of everything around you can render fleeting experiences appropriately poignant.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Taurus.
  • The Sun squares off against Pluto, forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune, passes through conjunction with Uranus and Jupiter, and creates a trine with Lilith.
  • The First Quarter Moon in your sign squares off against the Sun.
What it means:

Your sign ruler the Sun is busy this season, and mostly happy. Like Taurus, you’re not particularly keen on undertaking major life reorganization at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you’re sitting idle. You’re working hard to make your home and headspace comfortable, and you aren’t scared to prioritize your personal efforts over the expectations of others. The First Quarter Moon in your sign brings a brief hiccup to your determination, but don’t fret! Take the opportunity to examine your plans through a skeptical lens, then proceed as intended once the moment has passed.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign. The Sun and Venus create trines with Lilith.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the season retrograde in Aries. On 4/25, Mercury turns direct! Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
  • In mid-May, Mercury moves from Aries to Taurus. Mercury squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

Your route might not be easy at the moment, per se, but it’s much better lit than it has been for the past few months. Communication troubles get smoothed out in the first week of the season as Mercury concludes its retrograde and rejoins Earth in direct perspective orbit. Then, it’s time for some healing and focus. Lilith is more likely than usual to behave itself in this scenario. This month, the shadow ruler will help you notice what’s important and prioritize your needs effectively, rather than tempting you with self-destructive impulses.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node of the Moon’s orbit is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus begins the season in Aries, where it passes through conjunction with Chiron.
  • At the end of April, Venus moves from Aries to Taurus. In Taurus, Venus forms a sextile with Saturn, passes through conjunction with Uranus, and creates a trine with Lilith.
  • Mars opposes the South Node.
What it means:

You’re still under the influence of the South Node of the Moon’s orbit, tethered firmly to the weight of your own past. It remains frustrating, especially when a late season surge of energy tries to push you forward, but staying “stuck” for a bit longer is actually helping you make progress on necessary healing. It feels exhaustively slow, but that’s just because the burden is heavy. When you eventually pass the South Node backward to Virgo, you’ll be surprised to realize how strong you’ve become in the meantime.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is in Aquarius. At the beginning of May, Pluto turns retrograde.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury square off against Pluto.
  • The Full Moon in your sign squares off against Pluto and opposes the Sun.
What it means:

Ouch! Beware! The coming weeks are scattered with sharp square angles to Pluto, and if you’re not careful you could step on a painful jolt of resistance like a LEGO brick hidden in thick-pile carpet. The Full Moon in your sign appears magnificent, but its glow this season is generated by anger. The glare of disdain bestowed upon your features by the unhappy Moon somehow renders you more attractive to others, even as you’re not in the mood to entertain company. You’d really just prefer to drift alone in the distance, like your retrograde sign ruler Pluto.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter spends its last full season in Taurus for this trip around the Sun. In the first week of Gemini season, Jupiter will move from Taurus to Gemini.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Jupiter.
What it means:

You wake each morning consumed with a vague sense of purpose, working toward a mission you haven’t yet defined. You’re quite cheerful about this scenario; you’ve never needed to understand your motivations in order to act on them. Ultimately, you’re in the last stretch of a year spent focusing, however haphazardly, on the concept of home. The next four weeks lead you to discover a space of comfort and safety within your own soul… just in time to jump into a swirl of exciting chaos at the start of Gemini season! Woohoo!

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • The Sun and Venus form sextiles with Saturn.
What it means:

You’re as content as a Cap can get. You’re in a fellow earth sign’s season, and the vibe is solid. The Sun and Venus encourage you to set your house in order, but in a pleasantly undemanding manner. You don’t feel forced to organize, you just want to, and they both stop by with some supplies to help you out. Clean your bathroom, keep your head down, and continue to stay out of trouble. Mundanity often catches a bad rap from rabble-rousers seeking adrenaline rushes, but routine actually feels great. Appreciate the privilege of predictability.

What the stars are up to:
  • Pluto is in your sign. At the beginning of May, Pluto turns retrograde.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury square off against Pluto.
  • The Last Quarter Moon in your sign passes through conjunction with Pluto and squares off against the Sun.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus. The Sun and Venus pass through conjunction with Uranus.
What it means:

In May, Pluto begins its journey backward to kiss Capricorn one final goodbye for the remainder of our mortal lifetimes. Throughout the season, the representatives of willpower, desire, and communication take turns fighting with the unstoppable dwarf planet of change, but you’re not bothered by the conflict. You know that strife is sometimes necessary, and you’re supported by the unconventional perspective of your own sign ruler, Uranus, which spends the season cooperating with powerful forces of self-understanding and attraction. Sometimes it feels nice to rattle out of step with the majority. The discordance reminds you that you exist as a unique entity, individual and irreplaceable in the whole of the vast universe.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mars, Saturn, and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Mars forms sextiles with Jupiter and Uranus, opposes Lilith, and passes through conjunction with Neptune.
  • At the end of April, Mars leaves your sign and moves to Aries.
  • The Sun and Venus form sextiles with Saturn.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Neptune.
What it means:

Mars comes through with a powerful wave of energy before departing your space for its own sign, Aries. You don’t have much draw toward self-interest this season; your motivations are generous, creative, and driven by instinct. Order and intuition are strong with you right now, and you’re blessed with an even stronger than usual sense of harmony within your own psyche. Inside of your brain, the weather should stay pretty nice no matter what’s happening outdoors. Enjoy spring!

What the stars are up to:
  • Chiron, the North Node, Venus and retrograde Mercury are in your sign.
  • Venus passes through conjunction with Chiron. At the end of April, Venus leaves your sign and moves to Taurus.
  • In the last week of April, Mercury turns direct! Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron. In mid-May, Mercury leaves your sign and moves to Taurus.
  • Your sign ruler Mars begins the season in Pisces. Mars forms sextiles with Jupiter and Uranus, opposes Lilith, and passes through conjunction with Neptune.
  • At the end of April, Mars leaves Pisces and moves to your sign. Mars forms a sextile with Pluto and passes through conjunction with the North Node.
What it means:

Healing! Communication! Intuition! Destiny! Your season with the Sun may have passed, but the plot of your life isn’t slowing down at all. Late April is absolutely packed with activity. Mercury wraps up its latest retrograde and makes some amends for its backwards rampage. You recover with Venus, then hand the planet over to its favorite earth sign, Taurus. Your own ruler Mars comes home to join your sign, where it sparks off major new undertakings. Take a cue from Taurus and recognize the importance of rest. You’re booked and busy all season; you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep to keep pace with the action.

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