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Chelsea fans prevent black man boarding Paris Métro train. Video: Paul Nolan Guardian

Why I filmed Chelsea fans on the Paris Métro

This article is more than 9 years old

Paul Nolan, who filmed Chelsea supporters stopping a black man boarding a train, says their behaviour wouldn’t have shocked him in London

I was on my way home from work. I went down on to the platform and the Métro train was pulling in to the platform.

It was very crowded, the train stopped and it was clear there was some trouble, some people shouting, and it was clear these were English people. There was some chanting: “Chelsea, Chelsea.” I didn’t actually know there was a match on.

There were a couple of guys thrown off by the Chelsea supporters. The supporters were insulting them, telling them to fuck off. They were picked on because they were Paris Saint-Germain supporters, wearing scarves. At one point one of the guys threatened to stab a PSG supporter.

They were also throwing small coins at people on the platform. The train had been stopped for two or three minutes; it seemed like the doors had been obstructed.

In one carriage it was mainly Chelsea supporters who were being very loud, and some people were walking off. The doors where they were standing were the only ones open. I got out my phone and started to discreetly film. I have worked as a journalist and was pretty appalled by what I saw.

Then the incident you see in the video happened. I was ashamed of their behaviour, as a fellow Brit. The black man was pushed quite forcefully. If he hadn’t been quite a big guy himself he could have been knocked over. He gets pushed and humiliated.

I sent the video to the Guardian and was going to leave it at that if I didn’t get a reply. I had no idea that it would have such a big reaction. Throughout the night and all morning I was called to speak about it.

I don’t think I’d be surprised if I saw it in London or Manchester – this kind of thing happens. I think the shocking thing here is that I’m in Paris and it’s very unexpected to find these Brits rocking up and acting like this.

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