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Boris Berezovsky
Boris Berezovsky spent much of his fortune on a hugely expensive legal battle with Roman Abramovich. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images
Boris Berezovsky spent much of his fortune on a hugely expensive legal battle with Roman Abramovich. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images

Boris Berezovsky's death leaves friends suspecting foul play

This article is more than 11 years old
After the tycoon's many financial, political and legal battles, those close to exile say he would not have taken his own life

During the final few months of his life, Boris Berezovsky was living in a mansion in Surrey. The property – just outside Ascot, and surrounded by bucolic fields and close to the M25 – belonged to his second ex-wife, Galina.

The couple remained on friendly terms after their divorce and Galina invited Boris to take up residence after he was forced to sell his own £25m mansion in nearby St George's Hill to pay his astronomical legal bills following his defeat in the high court last summer to Roman Abramovich.

Galina Berezovsky arrived at the house – Titness Park in Mill Lane – on Saturday afternoon, having been informed that the father of her two children was dead. At first, detectives refused to let her inside. Undeterred, she opened the gate and entered the property.

According to Nikolai Glushkov, one of Berezovsky's oldest friends, Galina emerged from the house believing Berezovsky may have been murdered. She has yet to give an account of what she saw, but Glushkov, who spoke to her afterwards, told the Guardian: "I'm definite Boris was killed. I have quite different information from what is being published in the media."

Glushkov is a former deputy director of Aeroflot, and – like Berezovsky – fled from Russia to Britain. He noted that a large number of Russian exiles including Berezovsky had recently died under mysterious circumstances. "Boris was strangled. Either he did it himself or with the help of someone. [But] I don't believe it was suicide."

Friends concede that the normally indefatigable oligarch had been in poor spirits since last summer when his £3bn private litigation battle against Abramovich, the Chelsea FC owner, ended in disaster. Still, they insist, the businessman and vehement Kremlin enemy would never have killed himself. "I don't believe what is being said about Boris being depressed or suicidal. This is terrible. This is bullshit," Glushkov said.

Until the end the oligarch was in close contact with his family – six children from three different women. Two of his children are now in their 40s, two in their 20s, and his youngest are aged 12 and 10.

All three marriages ended, the second in an eye-wateringly expensive divorce. In January his former lover Yelena Gorbunova won a freeze order on his £200m assets after they split last year.

Nevertheless, Glushkov said: "Galina still loved Boris. All his wives did. He was very fortunate about that. He was loved by his children and grandchildren."

According to Berezovsky's friend Lord Bell, his children are "totally distraught". A family friend told Bell his eldest son, Artem, "was just in tears and unable to speak".

Gorbunova sat with Berezovsky during his high court showdown. Berezovsky testified, in fluent but erratic English, that he and Abramovich had co-founded the Russian oil firm Sibneft in the wild west Russia of the 1990s. Abramovich later cheated him out of his share of the business, Berezovsky said, following his much-publicised feud with Vladimir Putin.

Mrs Justice Gloster came to another conclusion. She threw out Berezovsky's claim, finding that he was "dishonest" and "delusional".

Even after this blow, Berezovsky was "full of life", Glushkov said. He added: "Boris subsequently managed to resolve his financial problems."

This may have been true. But there is no doubt the Abramovich case left him broke. The costs were estimated at $100m. Berezovsky was forced to shut down his political foundation, which had waged a bitter campaign for over a decade against Putin. He was even unable to fund lawyers for Alexander Litvinenko's widow, Marina, ahead of an inquest this October into her husband's death. He was reportedly forced to sell a £50,000 Andy Warhol portrait of Lenin.

According to Andrew Stephenson, a London lawyer who represented Berezovsky for the last 20 years, his wealth had been increasingly tied up in a series of investigations around the world instigated by Russia. At the time of this death, he had faced actions against him in locations including Brazil, the Isle of Man, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands, Stephenson said.

A chateau at Cap d'Antibes in the south of France, where his mother lived, was among assets frozen as a result of a complaint by Moscow to the French authorities which led to an investigation for money laundering.

The truth of Berezovsky's final hours may not be known for some time. But the response of Thames Valley police, which has carried out a series of radioactive and chemical tests, suggests that nothing can be ruled out.

Following the 2006 polonium murder of Litvinenko, Berezovsky's close friend, British authorities are alert to the possibility of foul play by Moscow. As of Sunday evening, Berezovsky's body was still at the scene. According to Glushkov, Scotland Yard had Berezovsky's home under surveillance; detectives will be now be examining the tapes.

Viewed as tragic drama, Berezovsky's flaw was simple: he misread Putin. Born in 1946 in Moscow to a Jewish civil engineer father, Berezovsky showed an early talent for mathematics. He gained a doctorate in applied mathematics, worked as an engineer and rose in the Soviet Union's prestigious Academy of Sciences.

Like other nascent oligarchs, he was quick to grasp that Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika offered opportunities to make money. When the Soviet Union collapsed he was one of the first to exploit the new capitalism.

Berezovsky's first business partner was Badri Patarkatsishvili. Like Berezovsky, the Georgian billionaire fled later to the UK, dying in 2008 of a heart attack. His friends refuse to believe his death was from natural causes.

The two went into the car business together, selling Soviet-built models. By 1994, Berezovsky had grown sufficiently rich that someone tried to murder him – planting a bomb under his car. He survived, but the blast killed his driver.

Berezovsky's ambitions were not just financial, extending to the political arena. In 1994 he acquired the television channel ORT, using it as a potent weapon to rescue Boris Yeltsin and to secure his re-election in 1996 against the resurgent communists.

Berezovsky's courting of Yeltsin has become the stuff of Machiavellian legend. He published the president's memoirs, befriended Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana and bankrolled Yeltsin's re-election campaign with fellow oligarchs. By the mid-1990s the mercurial Berezovsky was a figure of enormous influence inside the Yeltsin court – a fact that led many to hate him.

He played an instrumental role in ending the 1994-96 Chechen war and took on a powerful public post as chair of Russia's security council.

But it was Berezovsky's friendship with Putin, followed by intense mutual enmity, that came to define his subsequent life and lead him to exile.

His witness statement to the high court last year recalled how they were once close. They first met in 1991: Putin was working for St Petersburg's mayor, having returned from East Germany where he was a mid-ranking spy.

"During this time we became friends. We met frequently," Berezovsky recalled, adding that Putin had even stayed at his chalet in Gstaad.

The friendship continued throughout the 1990s. Berezovsky supported the then little-known Putin, who became head of the FSB, the KGB's successor agency. In retrospect, Berezovsky suggested that Putin's authoritarian impulses had been there all along. He recalled how he once spotted a statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the hated Cheka, Lenin's secret police, in Putin's office.

Nevertheless, in the late 1990s Berezovsky backed Putin as the best candidate to succeed the ailing Yelstin, believing that he could control him.

This turned out to be a mistake. Soon after Putin took over as acting president in 2000, the two men fell out. Berezovsky's ORT TV station criticised Putin for his indifference to the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk. During their last stormy encounter in August 2000, Putin told his one-time mentor that he had to sell ORT – or go to jail.

Berezovsky departed using the affectionate words: "Goodbye Volodaya." Putin responded with Berezovsky's formal patronymic: "Goodbye Boris Abramovich." Soon after, Berezovsky decamped to London. From here he would wage a bitter and unrelenting anti-Putin campaign.

Their feud was nasty and personal. It also had an adverse impact on Russian-British relations. Back in Moscow, investigators launched dozens of criminal cases against Berezovsky. But a British court turned down the Kremlin's extradition request – a move that infuriated Putin, who interpreted it as a personal snub by Tony Blair.

Two former KGB agents allegedly slipped radioactive polonium into the tea of Litvinenko. Just over six years later, fellow exile and former friend Berezovsky was himself dead in circumstances that are as yet unclear.

Until they are, Berezovsky's friends will continue to believe the worst: that more than a decade after he left Russia, the Kremlin finally caught up with him.

Glushkov said: "I don't believe Boris died of natural causes. Too many deaths [of Russian exiles] have been happening."

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