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UK security and counter-terrorism

July 2024

  • Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards participate in a military parade in Tehran.

    Labour unlikely to rush into proscribing Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

    Exclusive: Lammy said to be looking at creating new category of state-sponsored terrorism to allow restrictions to be imposed

June 2024

  • Sturgess

    Skripals ask not to appear at Salisbury novichok poisoning inquiry

  • Keir Starmer speaking into a microphone

    Former head of GCHQ praises Labour’s defence and security plans

May 2024

  • Ciaran Martin

    UK not heeding warning over China threat, says ex-cybersecurity chief

  • Andy Beckett

    How a Labour MP became a rightwing figurehead – and enabled the clampdown on protest

    Andy Beckett
  • George Monbiot

    Who are the real extremists? The people challenging injustices or those trying to shut down our rights?

    George Monbiot
  • Head and shoulders shot of Anne Keast-Butler

    Russia directing hackers to attack UK and west, says director of GCHQ

  • BAME people about 70% of those held at UK ports under terror laws, data shows

  • On an island still tormented by the Troubles, Britain’s Legacy Act is making things worse

    Fintan O’Toole
  • Terrorism arrests of three men in Greater Manchester

April 2024

  • Protesters outside the British Embassy in Paris

    Met police to pay ‘five-figure sum’ to French publisher arrested under anti-terror laws

  • Cambridge Kings College Chapel Exterior

    Foreign states targeting sensitive research at UK universities, MI5 warns

  • Composite image of Tahir Aziz, Naweed Ali, Mohibur Rahman and Khobaib Hussain

    ‘Birmingham Four’ ask CCRC to investigate convictions for terror plot

  • Wall mural with three soldiers painted holding guns up in the air below a sign that says OUR DAY WILL COME

    Former British spy in IRA who allegedly admitted murder will not be prosecuted

  • Terror watchdog condemns WhatsApp for lowering UK users’ minimum age to 13

  • Sunak faces new calls to proscribe Iran’s Revolutionary Guards after Israel attack

  • Manchester Arena attack survivors and relatives take legal action against MI5

  • Kingsmill massacre an ‘overtly sectarian attack by IRA’, coroner rules

  • Does Counter-Terrorism Work? by Richard English review – a thoughtful and authoritative analysis

March 2024

  • Footage from The Secret Army shows Martin McGuinness, age 21, in a jumper over a shirt, sitting in a car with a pencil in his hand and two young boys leaning through the window and another one peering through the windscreen

    The Secret Army: how the IRA gave US crew access for 1972 propaganda film

    BBC documentary uncovers story behind film that included scenes of bomb missions before it vanished for almost 50 years
About 10,385 results for UK security and counter-terrorism