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CCTV footage shows a racist incident on the Paris Métro when a black commuter is pushed off a carriage Guardian

Four Chelsea fans banned from matches over racist incident on Paris Métro

This article is more than 9 years old

Judge says supporters pushing a black commuter out of a carriage tarnished English football, adding that such behaviour must be stamped out

Four Chelsea fans have been banned from football matches following a racist incident on the Paris Métro when a black commuter was pushed off a carriage by fans chanting: “We’re racist, we’re racist, and that’s the way we like it.”

Describing video footage of the incident ahead of a game between Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain on 17 February as “compelling”, Gareth Branston, the district judge, described the behaviour as “abhorrent, nasty, offensive, arrogant and utterly unacceptable”.

Handing down the orders at Stratford magistrates court on Wednesday, he said it was a racist incident that tarnished English football. Such behaviour must be stamped out and the orders should act as a deterrent to others, he said.

Souleymane Sylla was repeatedly and violently pushed off the carriage as he tried to board at the Richelieu-Drouot station in the French capital, in an incident filmed on a mobile phone by a passerby and also captured on CCTV.

Richard Barklie, 50, from Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, Joshua Parsons, 20, from Dorking, Surrey, and William Simpson, 26, from Ashford, Surrey, were each banned from football matches for five years – the maximum period allowed. Jordan Munday, 20, from Sidcup, south-east London, was banned for three years. All four had denied racist behaviour.

Footage of the incident captured by a passerby Guardian

The judge said Barklie, a former police officer with the Royal Ulster constabulary and now a director with the World Human Rights Forum, had taken a leading role in preventing Sylla, who was on his way home from work, from getting on the train.

Barklie had “demonstrated aggressive disorderly conduct” at odds with the many character references attesting to his good character at work, said Branston, adding: “His behaviour at football matches has not matched the picture of him away from the game.”

Barklie had denied racist chanting, and said Sylla had been pushed off because the carriage was full.

Branston said he was satisfied Barklie was one of those physically pushing Sylla off the carriage and telling him to “fuck off”. He was also satisfied the retired officer had joined in chanting: “John Terry is a racist and that’s the way we like it.”

Terry, the Chelsea captain, was cleared in a 2013 trial of racially abusing the QPR defender Anton Ferdinand during a match.

The court heard Barklie had been reported to police in February 2015, after Chelsea played at home to Manchester City, when staff at an Earls Court hotel reported he was drunk and had urinated in a corner of the hotel lobby. He was with his son, and both were verbally abusive to police.

Of the former law enforcement officer’s actions in Paris, the judge said: “Whether it is drink, the pack mentality or tribal impulse, Mr Barklie has proved to be a menace to law-abiding members of the public and opposition supporters”.

Munday, who lost his accountancy job as a result of publicity surrounding the case, had also denied chanting, claiming video footage showing his mouth open during the chant was just him breathing.

But the judge said the video captured him saying “ooh ooh” at the end of one chant “and the implication is he sang the rest of it”. He had also been seen, before the incident, pushing a Parisian in the street. Banning him, the judge said he was a young man whose role was more limited but had helped to “stir up racial hatred through chanting”.

Parsons had been seen making “wanker” hand gestures to police before the game, and was described as agitated and overexcited and was almost dancing as Chelsea fans converged on the Métro, the court heard.

He helped push two Paris Saint-Germain fans off the train, was seen “fist pumping”, banging and chanting “Where were you in world war two” to French passersby at the station, and “fuck the IRA”.

“I am satisfied he helped to prevent Mr Sylla entering the carriage,” said Branston, adding that he also made “a wanker sign” toward the Frenchman. He was also satisfied he had joined in racist chanting. He demonstrated “sustained aggression and threatening behaviour”, took a “leading role in the treatment” of Sylla and demonstrated “racist and xenophobic behaviour”, the court heard.

Simpson had contributed to violent disorder in Paris at a previous game in 2014, the judge said, and had blocked Sylla’s way in the incident in February. “He was intent on blocking him; he did not want him on the train,” Branston said.

It was not possible from the video to tell if he joined in chanting, “but he was smiling and clearly enjoying the situation” and “endorsed and encouraged offensive behaviour”, the judge told the court.

Jordan Munday received a three-year ban. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA

The Paris Métro incident happened ahead of Chelsea’s 1-1 draw with Paris Saint-Germain in the Uefa Champions League. The judge said about 200 Chelsea supporters had gathered at bars in the city centre and “heavy drinking was evident and some were taking cocaine”.

Two hours before kickoff, a large and “intimidating” group of about 150 moved off through the city centre. “The group was massive and very loud. It was tribal. It was strewn across the road, halting traffic,” he said.

In a previous statement to the court, Sylla said fans were shouting and singing but because he did not speak English he did not understand what was being said. “Another person made a sign indicating to the colour of the skin on his face,” his translated statement said.

The banning orders were issued under section 14B of the Football Spectators Act 1989.

In his hour-and-a-half judgment, Branston said football hooliganism and violence was a “scourge which has badly damaged this country’s reputation abroad”.

“Football has had, and still does have, a problem with racism,” he said. “This case has concerned four men of positive or effective good character. Notwithstanding the way they have behaved in their daily lives, the video footage has provided compelling evidence of how they behave in a mob of Chelsea football fans.”

Rejecting submissions that the Metropolitan police had made the four scapegoats, he said: “A scapegoat is a person unfairly made to bear the blame for others. Each of these respondents has enough blame of their own to bear.”

He added: “The behaviour of the mob on that Paris Métro train, at the forefront of which were Mr Barklie and Mr Parsons, has been seen across this country and beyond. It was a racist incident. Mr Sylla says that reference was made to the colour of his skin, though that has not been tested in evidence, in any event, the manner in which the group then demonstrated its support for racism is unmistakable. The incident has further damaged the already tarnished image of British football in Europe.”Under the banning order, the four are prohibited from attending football matches in the UK and must surrender their passports to police ahead of matches played abroad.

Parsons was ordered to pay £3,000 and Simpson £1,000 in costs. The costs of the remaining two will be decided at a later hearing.

Ch Supt Colin Morgan from the Met’s public order branch said: “Violence and racism have no place in football and we will continue to put offenders before the courts as part of our efforts to make football a safer environment for everyone.”

A fifth man, Dean Callis, 32, of Islington, north London, accepted a five-year banning order without contest at a previous hearing for his role in a separate incident in Paris.

Mr Sylla said his life was still “shaken up” after the incident and that he is not working and on medication.

But after refusing an offer from Chelsea shortly after the incident to visit the club - when fans raised money for him to come over - he has now decided he will come if he can help in the battle against racism in football.

He told BBC Radio 5 Live: “I plan to go. When they first invited me it was early on. I did refuse their invitation, I just want to do it at a later stage. I had an open wound and it was hurting me, so I couldn’t go out and I was scared.

“But the door is open. Even if Chelsea want to invite me I will go. We will talk about racism and everything about racism to try to eradicate it in the world of football.
“I am 200% up for this, even in the future. I want it to be my fight.”

Chelsea FC, in a statement, said: “Our offer remains open and we certainly hope he’ll take us up on it so he can meet real Chelsea fans and experience the true spirit of the club.”

This article was amended on Tuesday 28 July 2015 to correct the spelling of district judge Gareth Branston’s surname.

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