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Ewen MacAskill

Ewen MacAskill was the Guardian's defence and intelligence correspondent until 2018. He was Washington DC bureau chief from 2007-2013, diplomatic editor from 1999-2006, chief political correspondent from 1996-99 and political editor of the Scotsman from 1990-96. Twitter @ewenmacaskill

Ewen MacAskill's public key

October 2023

  • Democratic gun control legislation press conference, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, USA - 20 Jun 2016<br>Mandatory Credit: Photo by Nicole Albee/Planet Pix Via Zuma Wire/Shutterstock (5735488e) U.S Senator Dianne Feinstein of California speaks Democratic gun control legislation press conference, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, USA - 20 Jun 2016 Senate Republicans joined together to stop gun control efforts by Democrats despite worst mass shooting in modern history last week in Orlando.

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June 2023

  • Edward Snowden at 29th May in Moscow<br>JA1G3H Edward Snowden at 29th May in Moscow

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December 2022

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July 2022

  • Christopher Meyer in 2009 at the end of his stint as chair of the Press Complaints Commission. Thereafter he wrote and spoke on international affairs, and presented TV documentaries.

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    British ambassador to the US in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq who later served as chair of the Press Complaints Commission

December 2021

  • Roberto Kozak, at the airport, helps a rebel leader catch a plane into into exile.

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    From the archive: Latin America’s Schindler: a forgotten hero of the 20th century – podcast

    This week, from 2016: Under General Pinochet’s rule of terror in Chile, one man saved thousands of people from the dictator’s brutal secret police. How did Roberto Kozak do it – and escape death?

February 2021

  • George Shultz, centre, during his time as secretary of state, at the White House in 1985 with President Ronald Reagan, left, and Vice President George Bush. They were returning after arms talks with the Soviet Union in Geneva.

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    Secretary of state to Ronald Reagan who worked with Mikhail Gorbachev to help end the cold war

December 2020

  • Hamish MacInnes

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    Mountaineer and adventurer who tackled Everest in 1953, invented the all-metal ice-axe and set up the Glencoe mountain rescue team

November 2019

  • Sadako Ogata was quietly spoken and courteous in negotiations but direct and persuasive.

    Sadako Ogata obituary

    Independent-minded head of the UN agency for refugees, who expanded its role to help millions more displaced people

September 2019

  • Edward Snowden

    Today in Focus
    Edward Snowden: life after leaking

    Edward Snowden’s life was upended by his decision to expose US mass surveillance. Ewen Macaskill, who helped break the story for the Guardian in 2013, visits him in Moscow. Plus Caelainn Barr on why rape prosecutions are at a 10-year low
  • Edward Snowden in exile: ‘you have to be ready to stand for something’ – video

    Edward Snowden has spent the last six years living in exile in Russia and has now decided to publish his memoirs, Permanent Record. In the book he reflects on his life leading up to the biggest leak of top secret documents in history, and the impact this had on his relationship with his partner, Lindsay Mills. The Guardian's Ewen MacAskill, who helped break Snowden's story in 2013, has been given exclusive access to meet him

  • snowden

    'They wanted me gone': Edward Snowden tells of whistleblowing, his AI fears and six years in Russia

    The man whose state surveillance revelations rocked the world speaks exclusively to the Guardian about his new life and concerns for the future

December 2018

  • A ruined croft.

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    The Scottish Clearances by TM Devine review – lives ruined for profit

    An eminent Scottish historian chronicles the loss of land in the Highlands and records the voices of those sent into exile

September 2018

  • Ewen Macaskill in the Guardian newsroom

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    'Nasty, nasty man': Guardian reporter on being insulted by Trump and breaking the Snowden story

  • Interpreter Mohammad Hares, wearing a bandana, and Ed Aitken, centre, on duty in Afghanistan.

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August 2018

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  • Dawn Sturgess, who died after being exposed to novichok.

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  • Army chief defends British soldiers over Northern Ireland

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