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Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins is a lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies at Yale University. He is writing a book for Columbia University Press tentatively titled: The Crisis of Secularism since 1989: A Global Perspective.

June 2019

  • Italian Interior Minister and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini, of the League, kisses a crucifix as he talks to reporters during a press conference at the League headquarters in Milan, Italy, early Monday morning, May 27, 2019. Italy's anti-migrant, anti-Islam interior minister, Matteo Salvini, boosted his right-wing League party to become the No. 1 party in Italy, with more than 30 percent of the vote, according to early projections. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

    The populist right is forging an unholy alliance with religion

    Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins and Anton Jäger
    From Salvini to Orbán, ethno-nationalists are hijacking religious themes to fuel their agenda, say Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins and Anton Jäger

November 2018

  •  Donald Trump delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again rally in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on 5 November 2018.

    What progressives need to defeat Trump: populism and religion

    Luke Bretherton and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
    Together the two have generated some of the most vital moments of democratic change in the modern era

April 2018

  • trump

    Ideas for America
    Can Christian democracy save America from Trump?

    Carlo Invernizzi-Accetti and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
    Religious conservatism doesn’t have to be populist, argue the academics Carlo Invernizzi-Accetti and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

December 2017

  • notre dame paris

    Do secularism and gender equality really go hand in hand?

    Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
    In Sex and Secularism, a provocative new book by Joan Wallach Scott, the gender historian claims secularism has often had gender inequality at its heart

October 2017

  • Ta-Nehisi Coates

    Is atheism the reason for Ta-Nehisi Coates' pessimism on race relations?

    Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
    In his latest book, Ta-Nehisi Coates, one of America’s leading public intellectuals, betrays an atheistic worldview devoid of redemption

December 2016

  • Steve Bannon

    Why Steve Bannon wants to destroy secularism

    Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins
    The former head of Breitbart and senior Trump strategist blames the decline of Judeo-Christian values for most of the western world’s ills