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A fox standing on an urban wall.
Judith Flanders had to contend with foxes taking up residence in her London garden. Photograph: Image by cuppyuppycake/Getty Images
Judith Flanders had to contend with foxes taking up residence in her London garden. Photograph: Image by cuppyuppycake/Getty Images

Once foxes come, they’re here to stay

Foxed by Camden council | Spatula posting method | Letterbox intolerance | Biden’s Waffle House | “Milliganesque”

Geraldine Blake wonders how to get rid of the rat in her garden (Letters, 28 June). When foxes took up residence in my garden, burrowing and undermining the wall, I rang Camden council. A wonderfully cheerful voice assured me, “Oh yes, we have a leaflet about that. We’ll post it to you.” And sure enough, it arrived shortly afterwards. “Learning to live with foxes”, it was called.
Judith Flanders
Montreal, Canada

Since I was recently bitten on the finger by a dog through a letterbox, I have used David Harper’s spatula method (Letters, 27 June). You do need to keep a tight grip: dogs have stolen two of my spatulas so far – but I do still have all my fingers.
Tim Lidbetter

Never mind protecting leaflet-deliverers from letterboxes, how about vice-versa? Someone managed to wrench off the outer flap of mine, dumping it and vanishing before I could get downstairs to investigate the sounds of rattling and scraping. And it was (ugh) a Reform leaflet.
James Mitchell
Farnham, Surrey

Whoever had the idea for Joe Biden to meet the press in a Waffle House after the TV debate deserves a medal (Biden’s dire debate performance spurs anguished calls to withdraw from race, 29 June).
David Duell
High Shincliffe, Durham

Now that “clout bombing” has been explained, perhaps Marion Kuit (Letters, 27 June) could supply a definition of the term “Milliganesque”, for the benefit of younger readers?
William Bailey
Sydney, Australia

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