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UCL (University College London)

February 2021

  • Mike Maltby

    Other lives
    Mike Maltby obituary

    Other Lives: Head of student accommodation at University College London who lived for and loved his job

January 2021

  • University College London with students sitting on steps

    'Price gouging from Covid': student ebooks costing up to 500% more than in print

    Call for inquiry into academic publishers as locked-down students unable to access study material online
  • Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911)

    University College London apologises for role in promoting eugenics

    Links to early eugenicists such as Francis Galton a source of ‘deep regret’ to institution
    • Calls grow for students to get rent rebates at universities in England

    • UCL tells students 'stay away for at least seven weeks' over Covid fears

    • People started breaking Covid rules when they saw those with privilege ignore them

      Daisy Fancourt

October 2020

  • Gerta Hilton who recently died at the age of 93, was one of the last survivors of the Holocaust and a Professor of Developmental Neuroscience. Born in Trnava, Slovakia.

    Other lives
    Gerta Vrbova obituary

  • Conventional wisdom is that people living in big cities are less likely than those in smaller towns to help strangers.

    Big city indifference to strangers may be a myth, study suggests

September 2020

  • Bob Audley Photo Second Crop official Image (10).jpg BoB for Other Lives

    Other lives
    Robert Audley obituary

    Other lives: Psychologist whose research into how people make choices was used to improve NHS patient safety
  • Prof Matthew Smith next to wall

    Jamaican director of UCL's slavery research centre: British racism is 'clear and sharp'

    The UK continues the fiction that racial exploitation is in the past, says Matthew Smith. He hopes his London appointment will help change that
  • The UCL Portico during the 2022 undergraduate open day.

    University Guide 2023
    University guide 2023: UCL (University College London)

    All you need to know about studying at UCL (University College London)

August 2020

  • University College London.

    UCL has a racist legacy, but can it move on?

    University College London has denamed three of its buildings because of historical links with racist science. But not all staff are happy about the change

July 2020

  • Home schooling in Huddersfield during lockdown, in May, 2020.

    Women 'put careers on hold' to home school during UK Covid-19 lockdown

  • Teenage pupils in a chemistry class

    Teenage boys' academic ambition may explain gender pay gap, study says

June 2020

  • The Sherlock Holmes pub in London, owned by Greene King.

    There are British businesses built on slavery. This is how we make amends

    Catherine Hall
    The UCL database of slave owners shows how the past still lives in the present – and we are now expanding it, says Catherine Hall of UCL
  • Francis Galton

    UCL renames three facilities that honoured prominent eugenicists

    London university removes names of Francis Galton and Karl Pearson from two lecture theatres and a building
  • A London bus crosses Waterloo bridge against a backdrop of skyscrapers, including 22 Bishopsgate office tower, in City of London

    Bank praised by Boris Johnson had slavery links, data shows

    Arbuthnot Latham founder owned hundreds of people and received payout when trade was abolished, UCL says

May 2020

  • Students on the Soas campus before the lockdown.

    Soas survived the end of empire but can it recover this time?

    London’s School of Oriental and African Studies was already struggling as modern language study declines in UK
  • Ampule of remdesivir drug

    Remdesivir drug to be available for selected NHS Covid-19 patients

    Drug pioneered for Ebola to be used in UK under emergency medicines provision
  • Children in care today face a far higher risk of early death.

    Childhood in UK care system makes you twice as likely to die earlier, study shows

    Research reveals ‘shocking’ mortality trend in those looked after by the state
About 407 results for UCL (University College London)