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Did anybody else notice Jill walked halfway out of her left shoe? When I saw the first pic I thought she was a bit old for those wedges, but then she proved me right in the second photo. Or is it a cheap fake photo? 🙄

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Who is worse, the fundamentally obtuse that didn't see this four plus years ago, of the party hacks, that did see it and have been covering it up? Take your pick.

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The stooped posture, paucity of movement, shuffling gait certainly fit a Parkinson's dx. What I'm not seeing is any evidence of a tremor.

The classic Parkinson's tremor occurs in the hands at rest and is described as a "pill rolling" tremor in that the patient appears to be rotating an unseen object between the thumb and fingers. It often occurs early in the disease.

You can have Parkinson's without the tremor, but it's absence should suggest a careful look for other causes of Mr. Biden's plainly evident debility.

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I have often stated and long believe that ambitiion and intelligence occur in inverse proportion to each other. Biden is living proof of that theorem.

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A President who shakes hands with ghosts, who speaks with unseen spirits, who constantly wanders off and is in need of a child shoulder harness / leash that can be controlled by his handlers, who brain-glitches unintelligibly on live TV (in his debate with Trump) as if he’s a partly broken automaton at Chuck E. Cheese, who can’t even follow simple Sesame Street-level pictorial instructions for meetings as compiled by his staff and as documented by journalists, and who has many other symptoms of dementia…. THIS is the person that we’ve authorized to launch - at a delirium-induced moment’s notice - the entire nuclear arsenal of the United States of America; thereby, possibly ushering in an End of Days Apocalypse for the world? I can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong.

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Democrats back Biden in lopsided internal debate

Mike Lillis and Mychael Schnell

07/09/24 2:14 PM ET


Democrats emerging from a closed-door meeting Tuesday to discuss President Biden’s political future offered support for their party leader a day after the White House’s full-court press to beat back critics within his party, even as some detractors pushed for a reset.

In a meeting that ran for roughly two hours, the debate was lopsided in favor of keeping the president on the ticket — a dynamic suggesting that Biden has, at least for now, prevented the slow seep of individual detractors from becoming a flood.


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Another View

House Democrats emerge from closed-door meeting divided on Biden’s fate

Rachel Schilke

July 9, 2024 1:16 pm


House Democrats met Tuesday with consensus on their mind, but many members emerged from their weekly caucus ranging from shell-shocked and annoyed to stoically ignoring the big question — is the Democratic Party behind President Joe Biden as the nominee?

Following Biden’s lackluster debate performance combined with months of gaffes and mishaps, eyes turned to congressional Democrats on Capitol Hill this week to determine if the president’s political future is coming to an end, or if the party will support him as he faces a rematch against former President Donald Trump in November.

A mix of emotions and comments from various Democratic lawmakers Tuesday made one thing clear — no one is on the same page when it comes to supporting Biden as the nominee.


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Do you know how many people on earth go to see a neurologist that specializes in Parkinson’s for routine physicals (no less than 8 times in 3 years)? 1 in 8.09 billion human beings on earth have done this. Just Joe Biden.

I would go further to say that a neurologist with a sub speciality is a terrible choice as a physician to be giving the President of the United States a physical. It’s not what they do. It’s not a normal or routine part of their skill set. Could they do it? Sure, about as well as a first year resident.

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Look at Biden. He gives of "Parkinson's vibes." My mother-in-law had it. When they move, their nerves don't tell them to stop. When they want to move, their nerves don't tell them to start. You can feel it in their energy. That condition is a lot to deal with. Cut him loose from running our country.

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Good article. But I don't need a doctor to tell me what I saw trying to watch the debate, of which I could only gag down about 25 minutes. (Presidential debates are awful IMHO). I don't need medical experts to interpret what I am seeing when I see the President walk, move, talk. We all have the innate ability as humans to see the decline. It's not debatable. His condition is at the point where the body picks up speed on the immutable downfall into oblivion. This isn't an opinion, or spin, or "name tag" we put on a political opponent.

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I have thought for a while decisions made, like the executive rewrite of Title IX which gutted it, were not things Joe Biden would have done. Joe was never that left, or that stupid. So, I have to wonder who has been in charge for say the last 2 years?

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Clearly his decisions have not been those of the man we thought we were voting for.

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Very serious and important Democrats have told me that Dr Cannard visits the White House on a house call and as a highly-paid Parkinson’s specialist, not to visit Joe Biden (“who could ever think such a thing?!?”), but to spend hours watering the plants that sit in the Oval Office. Then they said, “nothing to see here….move along…” as they danced the jig, exiting stage right.

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Linked is an interview of an excellent neurologist who treats movement disorder patients on a daily basis and is a Democrat. He does not mince words on Biden's diagnosis. He also points out that it is absurd that a neurologist specializing in movement disorders would visit so frequently to examine and treat military personnel there, as they are typically young and would have been discharged from the service (boarded out) if diagnosed with that problem.


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An interesting interview. And yes, a several hour test by a neuropsychologist can pinpoint the specific areas of cognitive decline.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Who are the people here in the comments expressing shock and outrage that a political party, here the Dems, covers up for an ailing president? Have you all forgotten that Ronnie Reagan had Alzheimer’s while he was president? This is nothing new. And it certainly doesn’t justify a vote for the MAGA-Maniac. As bad a Joe may be, Donald is far worse.

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But sticking with Biden may hand Trump victory.

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So you are okay with the guy having access to the nuclear codes being debilitated?

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Ronald Reagan was debilitated and we survived. I don’t trust Trump with the codes at all. His issues are far worse than Biden’s.

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Well, Trump had his hands on the codes and NOTHING happened when he was President. What makes you think he has itchy fingers? As for 'his issues'...a loud mouth and narcissism are not as serious as what Biden's issues are.

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Actually Trump, as president, was surrounded by people who challenged him and tried to redirect his worst impulses. But if Trump is re-elected he will surround himself with sycophants and will do whatever he wants. His narcissism is extremely dangerous.

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So which is more dangerous? Narcissism or what Biden is suffering from?

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We also didn't have wars in Europe or the Middle East on Trump's watch.

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I am really eager to see Trump's policies put in place and a reversal of some of the Biden madness - like regarding the border and gender mania/changing title IX and "gender affirmation medical care" without even so much as a gatekeeper - just let the patient determine the "care" at any age - because $$$$$ and narcissists like many of the doctors including the fake admiral Levine (who is also a fake woman).

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This may be a red herring. My last GP was a pulmonary expert; that didn’t mean I had lung cancer.

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What you describe in your GP is not unusual. Any internist who's done a post-residency fellowship (pulmonary, arthritis and rheumatism, gastroenterology, etc) may not be able to attract enough patients in that sub-specialty to keep busy.

As a result, they end up caring for a lot of general medicine patients.

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And how many times a year were you scheduled to visit with this "pulmonary GP"? (And did he come to your house?)

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That's irrelevant since I'm not president of United States. If I were, my GP would come to "my house" plenty of times, regardless of what his specialty was.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Aside from what is up with Joe Biden (which is not something new in terms of dementia and corruption), why has his HHS sociopath Richard Levine not been arrested yet? Or, even fired?

"Unsealed Court Documents Show That Admiral Rachel Levine Pressured WPATH To Remove Age Guidelines From The Latest Standards Of Care

A head-on collision between science and politics



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P.S. Why Rachel Levine is Still a Man



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