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Mission Statement

Mission Statement


The Center Square fights for you – the taxpayer. 

As a concerned citizen, you know the mainstream media deeply influences the way we see our world, our country, and our government.

Our news organizations bear an enormous responsibility. The future of our nation depends on the objectivity and integrity of their reporting.

In the past decade, the public has come to believe that the national media has abandoned its duty to present the news with fairness and accuracy, preferring instead to pursue a partisan agenda that ignores the real needs of our families and neighbors.

The result is that according to a recent Gallup poll, only 7% of Americans say they have “a great deal of trust” in the media, with 64% expressing little to no trust in mainstream news reporting.

In recent years, with the rise of progressive, “woke” ideology in Big Media newsrooms, news reporting bias has only gotten worse – and is hitting closer to home.

Through their sins of omission, Big Media routinely downplays taxpayers’ concerns –  your concerns – while pushing an oftentimes radical narrative that is not fair or objective, distorts the truth, corrupts our institutions, and ultimately damages the lives of our most vulnerable citizens.

The Center Square is the alternative to this suffocating, biased version of the news. We report fairly, with a balance that was prevalent in news media years ago, but is absent today.

Our journalists deliver fact-based, unbiased news coverage of government policies and spending in all 50 states and at the federal level, and we’re guided by one burning question: Is government working for you, the taxpayer?

The Center Square’s objective, fact-based reporting breaks through Big Media’s echo chamber and delivers the news you need to make the informed choices necessary to see how tax dollars are spent and hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions and inactions.

Our original, straight-news reporting focuses on the issues that matter most to taxpayers, and to all concerned citizens who simply want to understand what government is doing, and how their policies impact families and entire communities.

Americans just like you are tired of the false choices presented by mainstream news outlets, and across our nation they’re responding enthusiastically to The Center Square’s level-headed, consistent approach to reporting the news. (Click here to read our Impact Statement).

I invite you to join us in our mission to provide American citizens with the facts they need to hold those in power accountable.

Your generosity helps make it possible to deliver the hard-hitting, fact-filled, taxpayer-centric reporting our nation urgently needs.

Can I count on you? Click here to donate today.

With gratitude,

Christopher Krug

CEO & Publisher, The Center Square