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The Center for Special Needs

Caring, Compassion, Community.

Elderly couple discussing needs with an advisor

The American College Center for Special Needs is committed to elevating the special needs planning knowledge of financial professionals and the public.

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A Growing Need

Special Needs Require Specialized Planning

Having a family member with a disability or chronic medical condition impacts every part of life. Families and caregivers need specialized guidance to build a sustainable future. To meet this need, we created the Center, with the support of founding funding partner, MassMutual.

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Woman walking across the street with her assistance dog
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We Provide Expertise to Help

Preparing Professionals for Special Needs Planning

The Chartered Special Needs Consultant® (ChSNC®) Program is designed for experienced financial advisors who want to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

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Special needs professional woman shaking hands with colleague
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Four Strategies for Financial Stability

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Focus on Your Key Priorities

Families and caregivers must prioritize emergency savings, retirement, and future care needs.

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Consider Insurance in Your Plan

Families should be familiar with insurance products that complement their planning needs.

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Access and Maximize Benefits

Caregivers must be guided on how to access the public benefits available for the individual with special needs.

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Enlist an Experienced Advisor

Find a financial professional who's a ChSNC®, the only designation ensuring comprehensive knowledge in special needs planning.

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