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client services

client services

publisher services

Writing with fountain pen icon.

alt-text writing

textBOX provides high-quality alt-text + image descriptions for every type of image, from graphs to graffiti.

We use our unique focus|LOCUS methodology to tell the story of your images.

A lamp icon

discover for website alt-text

The discover service provides specialised alt-text for your website that weaves accessibility together with discoverability. Help your customers explore your content by using keyword rich alt-text phrases to tell your story.

Headphones icon.

image description for audiobooks

Audiobooks are the fastest growing format in the book publishing industry and we can help publishers of image-rich content to broaden their range of available content.

Our SCRIPT service delivers the whole book to every reader.

Cyclical arrow icon.

image description on demand

Our FLOW service offers fast, high-quality on demand image description service for clients.


If you are up against a deadline or confronted with a complex image that is difficult to describe, we are more than happy to help.

Band aid icon.

image description repair

Poor quality image descriptions negatively impact the user experience.

our FIX service helps content providers assess + correct existing alt-text + image descriptions.


consulting + training

Conversation icon.

image description consulting

Contact us with any questions you may have about how to integrate image descriptions in your workflow. We're happy to help.


Presentation icon.

image description training

textBOX provides comprehensive TELLING IMAGES training for staff responsible for writing image descriptions.


Achieving consistency and accuracy with image descriptions can feel like an uphill battle without the proper training and support. We are here to help content providers overcome challenges with producing high-quality image descriptions at scale.

An icon of a checklist on a clipboard.

image description guidelines 

textBOX have created a comprehensive image description companion, Described, which is available as a subscription product. 

We can also create bespoke image descriptions based on your content and organization's requirements.

An icon of the accessibility figure.

accessibility statement consulting

As part of the ASPIRE project we are happy to provide consulting services to improve the quality of accessibility statements and ensure they are user-focused and tell your story.


Client: University of Manchester
Project: Online courses

An icon of an opening quotation mark.

It has been a pleasure to work with textBOX on image descriptions for several of our online units. Their descriptions are of outstanding quality and are always accurate and comprehensive, whether for simple photographs or complex graphics.


Our collaboration with textBOX has enhanced our learning content and ensured that all of our students have equal access to visual materials. They have provided an invaluable contribution to our courses and we look forward to working with them again in future.

Steve Miller | Digital Learning Developer | University of Manchester

Client: The Open University
Project: Stardust by Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess

An icon of an opening quotation mark.

I must congratulate textBOX for doing such an excellent job. The transcription is accurate and readable, detailed and consistent, and it draws the reader into the story as told by images and words together.


The collaboration with textBOX has been a pleasure and will enable all of our students to enjoy and understand this novel in its entirety.

Dr Francesca Benatti | Open University

contact us

Please contact us to learn more about services + discuss your requirements. We're happy to help.

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