TensorFlow Lite Hexagon delegate

This document explains how to use the TensorFlow Lite Hexagon Delegate in your application using the Java and/or C API. The delegate leverages the Qualcomm Hexagon library to execute quantized kernels on the DSP. Note that the delegate is intended to complement NNAPI functionality, particularly for devices where NNAPI DSP acceleration is unavailable (e.g., on older devices, or devices that don���t yet have a DSP NNAPI driver).

Supported devices:

Currently the following Hexagon architecture are supported, including but not limited to:

  • Hexagon 680
    • SoC examples: Snapdragon 821, 820, 660
  • Hexagon 682
    • SoC examples: Snapdragon 835
  • Hexagon 685
    • SoC examples: Snapdragon 845, Snapdragon 710, QCS410, QCS610, QCS605, QCS603
  • Hexagon 690
    • SoC examples: Snapdragon 855, RB5

Supported models:

The Hexagon delegate supports all models that conform to our 8-bit symmetric quantization spec, including those generated using post-training integer quantization. UInt8 models trained with the legacy quantization-aware training path are also supported, for example, these quantized versions on our Hosted Models page.

Hexagon delegate Java API

public class HexagonDelegate implements Delegate, Closeable {

   * Creates a new HexagonDelegate object given the current 'context'.
   * Throws UnsupportedOperationException if Hexagon DSP delegation is not
   * available on this device.
  public HexagonDelegate(Context context) throws UnsupportedOperationException

   * Frees TFLite resources in C runtime.
   * User is expected to call this method explicitly.
  public void close();

Example usage

Step 1. Edit app/build.gradle to use the nightly Hexagon delegate AAR

dependencies {
  implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.0-nightly-SNAPSHOT'
  implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-hexagon:0.0.0-nightly-SNAPSHOT'

Step 2. Add Hexagon libraries to your Android app

  • Download and run hexagon_nn_skel.run. It should provide 3 different shared libraries “libhexagon_nn_skel.so”, “libhexagon_nn_skel_v65.so”, “libhexagon_nn_skel_v66.so”
  • Include all 3 in your app with other shared libraries. See How to add shared library to your app. The delegate will automatically pick the one with best performance depending on the device.

Step 3. Create a delegate and initialize a TensorFlow Lite Interpreter

import org.tensorflow.lite.HexagonDelegate;

// Create the Delegate instance.
try {
  hexagonDelegate = new HexagonDelegate(activity);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
  // Hexagon delegate is not supported on this device.

tfliteInterpreter = new Interpreter(tfliteModel, tfliteOptions);

// Dispose after finished with inference.
if (hexagonDelegate != null) {

Hexagon delegate C API

struct TfLiteHexagonDelegateOptions {
  // This corresponds to the debug level in the Hexagon SDK. 0 (default)
  // means no debug.
  int debug_level;
  // This corresponds to powersave_level in the Hexagon SDK.
  // where 0 (default) means high performance which means more power
  // consumption.
  int powersave_level;
  // If set to true, performance information about the graph will be dumped
  // to Standard output, this includes cpu cycles.
  // WARNING: Experimental and subject to change anytime.
  bool print_graph_profile;
  // If set to true, graph structure will be dumped to Standard output.
  // This is usually beneficial to see what actual nodes executed on
  // the DSP. Combining with 'debug_level' more information will be printed.
  // WARNING: Experimental and subject to change anytime.
  bool print_graph_debug;

// Return a delegate that uses Hexagon SDK for ops execution.
// Must outlive the interpreter.
TfLiteHexagonDelegateCreate(const TfLiteHexagonDelegateOptions* options);

// Do any needed cleanup and delete 'delegate'.
void TfLiteHexagonDelegateDelete(TfLiteDelegate* delegate);

// Initializes the DSP connection.
// This should be called before doing any usage of the delegate.
// "lib_directory_path": Path to the directory which holds the
// shared libraries for the Hexagon NN libraries on the device.
void TfLiteHexagonInitWithPath(const char* lib_directory_path);

// Same as above method but doesn't accept the path params.
// Assumes the environment setup is already done. Only initialize Hexagon.
Void TfLiteHexagonInit();

// Clean up and switch off the DSP connection.
// This should be called after all processing is done and delegate is deleted.
Void TfLiteHexagonTearDown();

Example usage

Step 1. Edit app/build.gradle to use the nightly Hexagon delegate AAR

dependencies {
  implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.0-nightly-SNAPSHOT'
  implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-hexagon:0.0.0-nightly-SNAPSHOT'

Step 2. Add Hexagon libraries to your Android app

  • Download and run hexagon_nn_skel.run. It should provide 3 different shared libraries “libhexagon_nn_skel.so”, “libhexagon_nn_skel_v65.so”, “libhexagon_nn_skel_v66.so”
  • Include all 3 in your app with other shared libraries. See How to add shared library to your app. The delegate will automatically pick the one with best performance depending on the device.

Step 3. Include the C header

  • The header file "hexagon_delegate.h" can be downloaded from GitHub or extracted from the Hexagon delegate AAR.

Step 4. Create a delegate and initialize a TensorFlow Lite Interpreter

  • In your code, ensure the native Hexagon library is loaded. This can be done by calling System.loadLibrary("tensorflowlite_hexagon_jni");
    in your Activity or Java entry-point.

  • Create a delegate, example:

#include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/hexagon/hexagon_delegate.h"

// Assuming shared libraries are under "/data/local/tmp/"
// If files are packaged with native lib in android App then it
// will typically be equivalent to the path provided by
// "getContext().getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir"
const char[] library_directory_path = "/data/local/tmp/";
TfLiteHexagonInitWithPath(library_directory_path);  // Needed once at startup.
::tflite::TfLiteHexagonDelegateOptions params = {0};
// 'delegate_ptr' Need to outlive the interpreter. For example,
// If your use case requires resizing the input or anything that can trigger
// re-applying delegates then 'delegate_ptr' must outlive the interpreter.
auto* delegate_ptr = ::tflite::TfLiteHexagonDelegateCreate(&params);
Interpreter::TfLiteDelegatePtr delegate(delegate_ptr,
  [](TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
// After usage of delegate.
TfLiteHexagonTearDown();  // Needed once at end of app/DSP usage.

Add the shared library to your app

  • Create folder “app/src/main/jniLibs”, and create a directory for each target architecture. For example,
    • ARM 64-bit: app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a
    • ARM 32-bit: app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a
  • Put your .so in the directory that match the architecture.


For issues, please create a GitHub issue with all the necessary repro details, including the phone model and board used (adb shell getprop ro.product.device and adb shell getprop ro.board.platform).


  • Which ops are supported by the delegate?
  • How can I tell that the model is using the DSP when I enable the delegate?
    • Two log messages will be printed when you enable the delegate - one to indicate if the delegate was created and another to indicate how many nodes are running using the delegate.
      Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for Hexagon.
      Hexagon delegate: X nodes delegated out of Y nodes.
  • Do I need all Ops in the model to be supported to run the delegate?
    • No, the Model will be partitioned into subgraphs based on the supported ops. Any unsupported ops will run on the CPU.
  • How can I build the Hexagon delegate AAR from source?
    • Use bazel build -c opt --config=android_arm64 tensorflow/lite/delegates/hexagon/java:tensorflow-lite-hexagon.
  • Why does Hexagon delegate fail to initialize although my Android device has a supported SoC?
    • Verify if your device indeed has a supported SoC. Run adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Hardware and see if it returns something like "Hardware : Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSMXXXX".
    • Some phone manufacturers use different SoCs for the same phone model. Therefore, Hexagon delegate may only work on some but not all devices of the same phone model.
    • Some phone manufactures intentionally restrict the use of Hexagon DSP from non-system Android apps, making the Hexagon delegate unable to work.
  • My phone has locked DSP access. I rooted the phone and still can't run the delegate, what to do ?
    • Make sure to disable SELinux enforce by running adb shell setenforce 0