Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive company—and tech ecosystem—is both incredibly hard and important. While we know we have to do so much more, Techstars is committed to being an action-driven leader in this work.

Building an Inclusive Ecosystem

“We all know it's important to give everyone a fair shot, right? At Techstars, we're not just talking about fairness — we're talking about unlocking a whole world of untapped potential. Imagine all those amazing ideas out there, just waiting to be heard. By breaking down the barriers that hold back so many talented people, we're not just doing the right thing, we're opening the door to a flood of new ideas and fresh perspectives that could make the world a better place for everyone and solve some of our biggest challenges. If we can reach out to those who haven't had the same opportunities, and create a space where they can be themselves, we can empower them to share their ideas, get the funding they need, and truly change the world together. Isn't that exciting?”

- David Cohen, Founder & CEO, Techstars

Founder Diversity Stats



57% White

11% Black or African American

6% Hispanic or Latinx

14% Asian*

2% Prefer Not to Disclose

10% Other

33% White

22% Black or African American

14% Hispanic or Latinx

9% South Asian

14% Prefer Not to Disclose

8% Other

*In 2022 Techstars began offering South Asian, East Asian, and South East Asian to reflect individual identifications beyond Asian

**Race and ethnicity data is collected for US founders. The 2020 data has a less than 60% fill rate ad the 2023 data has a 90% fill rate.

**Data in 2020 and 2023 were collected through different methodologies which may result in minor inconsistencies between data sets, however we wanted to follow through on our commitment to provide an update on the 2020 numbers.

Committed to Better

In 2020, Techstars made seven commitments to improve our DEI policies and practices. You can find annual updates on these commitments here