Frequently Asked Questions

When is SXSW London taking place?

Early June 2025. Dates will be confirmed at the end of the summer.

What will be happening at SXSW London?

Building on the fantastic legacy that Austin has created over four decades, SXSW London will feature inspiring and challenging keynotes, music showcases, and innovations in tech, gaming and screen. We'll also be introducing boundary pushing visual arts, design and fashion programming, with exhibitions and interactive and immersive experiences in public spaces.

Where is SXSW London taking place?

We will be working with dozens of venues, galleries, clubs and other spaces in Shoreditch, east London; renowned as a vibrant centre for creativity and tech innovation.

Will it be different from SXSW in Austin?

SXSW London will bring its own distinctive personality, driven by London's internationally renowned cultural life and creativity, its status as a global meeting place, and its proximity to other major creative and tech centres in Europe. 

How much will it cost to attend? 

We will be announcing ticketing details later this year, with packages on sale from October. 

How can my company get involved as a partner/sponsor?

We welcome interest from any company or organisation interested in becoming a partner of SXSW London. Find out more by contacting [email protected]

As a band/artist/creative, how can I get involved?

Opportunities will be announced in the coming months. Sign up for news and updates on the website. You can also email [email protected].

Will the general public be able to attend or get involved? 

SXSW London is focused on the creative and tech sectors, but we will work to ensure there are opportunities for the local community, students and families who may have a specific interest in creativity and tech to get involved. Sign up for updates on the website.

How can I find out more about SXSW London?

To find out more, sign up for news and updates on the website, and follow us on social media. You can also email [email protected].