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Your data

Personal dataDigital and Population Data Services Agency


You can check your data in the Population Information System, enter your preferred name, profession, native language, communication language and email address, activate or remove a non-disclosure of personal data, you can check the processing stage of your notification of move and block your move notification, remove your non-disclosure for personal safety reasons, and resign from a religious community.

Property informationNational Land Survey of Finland


The property information shows a compilation of central information about you that has been stored in the Land Information System. The Land Information System consists of the information in the cadastre and in the title and mortgage register covering the entire country. You cannot use the property information shown in your data to prove your ownership of a property. For that, you need to use official extracts and certificates from the Land Information System.

Finnish Trade Register informationFinnish Patent and Registration Office


Finnish Trade Register information contains a compilation of your registered roles in companies and organisations. The roles include private trader, member of the board of directors, managing director, partner, auditor, and holder of procuration.

Beneficial owner details in the Finnish Trade RegisterFinnish Trade Register


Check if you have been registered as the beneficial owner of a company in the Trade Register.

Finnish Register of Associations and Finnish Register of Religious CommunitiesFinnish Patent and Registration Office


Check if you are registered as a person entitled to sign for the entity, or in some other position in an association, religious community, or chamber of commerce.

Vehicle informationTraficom


Vehicle information is a compilation of the key data entered into the Vehicular and Driver Data Register.

My driving licence informationTraficom


Your driving licence category and the status of your right to drive are shown in your driving licence information.



The details of all sailboats and motorboats with a hull length of at least 5.5 metres and boats with an engine power of at least 15 kW (more than 20 horsepower) are kept in the Watercraft Register. The registration obligation also applies to other motorised watercraft, such as water scooters, as well as the watercraft owned by the State and local authorities.

Your Pension ProviderFinnish Centre for Pensions


In the service Your Pension Provider you can see which earnings-related company has insured your current or latest employment. You can go to your pension provider’s own website to see what services it offers.

My rights to studyFinnish National Agency for Education


You can view your education information from My Studyinfo service at