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Content Management

A CMS for complex organizations

A flexible, low-code enterprise content management system designed to manage multiple sites with many editors.

Content Management

Designed to simplify complexity

Empower your large team of editors, designers, and developers to do more without compromising speed or control.

Page builder

Build pages faster using reusable components with a “design once, reuse anywhere” approach.

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Page builder

Build pages faster using reusable components with a “design once, reuse anywhere” approach.

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Web content editor

Create and edit content with a simple and easy-to-use inline editing interface.

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Web content editor

Create and edit content with a simple and easy-to-use inline editing interface.

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Maximize user engagement by delivering tailored content to different segments of your audience.

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Maximize user engagement by delivering tailored content to different segments of your audience.

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Reusable content

Create more flexible content models for your digital projects, allowing for faster content updates.

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Reusable content

Create more flexible content models for your digital projects, allowing for faster content updates.

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Demo video

Get a quick overview of Squiz DXP Content Management with this short video.

“The architecture of Matrix CMS impressed us. Particularly that we could use it headless for our portal, but also head-on for our website as a full-blown CMS.”

Mark Stoneham

Mark Stoneham

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

Frequently asked questions

Our content management capability is more than a CMS. It’s a low-code content management platform that fits easily into any digital ecosystem and will allow your organization to make continuous improvements over time.

Squiz DXP content management is made for complex service organizations that need to create and govern content across many websites, applications, intranets, portals, devices and channels.

Our user-friendly interface allows non-technical users to create content once and publish content across multiple customer touch points through integrations and secured API solutions.

The approval workflow and permission tools make governance easy. Administrators can set up access control for different user groups, and restrict content down to the single asset level to meet your specific business needs.

For content editors: our content management capability is an asset-based system with a highly intuitive interface for non-technical users to create and edit content quickly and confidently. Large volumes of digital content can be managed and published at speed.

Editors build website pages and content for digital channels fast with drag-and-drop components that can be customized to meet any needs. Content assets stored in the CMS  can be updated once, and instantly published anywhere.

Additionally, inline editing enables editors to make updates, and preview them as they'd appear on screen, before approving them to go live across different channels.

For developers: Developers move faster with less coding required. Using low-code tools, citizen developers can build dynamic websites with only HTML and CSS. Developers are empowered to build solutions and content components that their teams can easily reuse.

Squiz DXP content management takes care of your website’s templating, rendering, and routing for traditional solutions delivered through CDN. Content can be rendered through as many different templates as you like, for other channels, or accessed through API for headless builds.

Our content management capability also has a long list of more specific functionality using its asset-based system, including Forms, Triggers, REST assets, and other integration assets, among others.

For administrators: Administrators centrally govern and maintain security and standards by granting user groups and roles permissions. Control publishing and asset approvals via an approval workflow and authenticate users with a Single Sign On (SSO) capability via ADFS and OAuth. Log management shows the creation and modification details of a given change for all content assets.

For marketers: Gain full control over your brand. Implement your brand into pre-built templates for a higher-starting point when you need pages or websites spun up fast. Tools that separate design from content increase design consistency, with styles, applied across all content and channels. Reusable components ensure you are efficient and your page, portal or app content is consistent. Ensure continuous compliance with WCAG 2.0 standards with inbuilt accessibility auditing tools.

Components are drag-and-drop template-based assets used to build a web page and can be configured for various formats and content types. Examples of components include text blocks, image sliders, logo lists, headers, accordions, logo lists, and site maps.

As with all assets in our content management capability, components are modular and reusable.

A component is template-based, meaning it can be copied from another component, enhanced, changed with added functionality and features, or rewritten in an entirely different way.

Components can also be built from scratch and according to your requirements using standard out-of-the-box tools. They are stored in a centralized library and are configurable, reusable and shareable, giving content editors flexibility to select from when building or editing content.

Components come out-of-the-box. They can be configured by administrators and editors via the standard implementation of design and data assets, along with some supporting CSS. No back-end development is necessary.

An approval process workflow can be set up in the administration interface of Squiz DXP content management, for any asset. No coding is required.

It is simple to add, edit or delete steps in your approval process flow, and apply conditions and rules to meet your content editing requirements. Notifications, comments and emails can be defined as part of the logic when setting up a new flow. Once a workflow is created, it can be customized and automated using logic for the user scenario you require.

Our content management capability is built for organizations that want to scale and grow with a component-based model, yet retain the ability to create distinctly unique experiences. Everything, from look-and-feel to the behaviour of content can be customized to your needs.

Some examples where you can employ customization:

  • design
  • editing layout
  • body design area
  • nest content design area
  • declared vars design area
  • asset design screen contexts
  • design area
  • inline edit mode
  • search manager
  • column layout
  • site asset
  • design asset
  • asset lineage design area
  • SCSS design file
  • comments
  • forms
  • asset builder
  • menu design area
  • trigger actions
  • layouts

Since the customization is inbuilt by design, each step is well documented, described and explained in the user guide, and comes with hints and useful information in the interface.

This makes it convenient, predictable and effective to plan, design and apply the customization in all intended areas.