About this book series

The volumes in this series provide insights into how education, equity and economy are related. The most prominent issue in education is equity. Equity has had dramatic effects not only on education processes and outcomes but also the economy. As the global economy has developed we have moved from post-industrial, to knowledge, to most recently the creative economy. Each of these economic shifts has driven inequities, which in turn has led to more urgent calls to reduce inequities in education. While this outcome is widely known, the focus of much recent work has been on the economy per say. This is the first series to take education rather than economy as its centerpiece. Education is widely regarded as the key resource for global competitiveness, at both the individual and national level. Education, and the differential return from education for different groups in a society and across the globe are best captured by exploring the linkages to the economy. While this connection is important there is mounting evidence which suggests that education alone is insufficient to redress the inequities persisting in most countries. The volumes in this series offer the reader analyses and critiques that cut across these intersecting forces. Specifically, they critique the notion of individual capital while interrogating the systemic intersection of education, equity and economy. For information on how to submit a book proposal for this series, please contact the publishing editor, Melissa James: melissa.james@springer.com
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN

Book titles in this series

  1. Innovative School Reforms

    International Perspectives on Reimagining Theory, Policy, and Practice for the Future

    • Kitty te Riele
    • Meg Maguire
    • Kim Beasy
    • Emma Towers
    • Copyright: 2024

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • eBook
  2. Migration, Education and Employment

    Pathways to Successful Integration

    • Marianne Teräs
    • Ali Osman
    • Eva Eliasson
    • Open Access
    • Copyright: 2024

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • eBook
  3. Education in Central Asia

    A Kaleidoscope of Challenges and Opportunities

    • Denise Egéa
    • Copyright: 2020

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook