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RDBMS To Hadoop
Tech Evangelist
“Big data is like teenage
sex: everyone talks about
it, nobody really knows
how to do it, everyone
thinks everyone else is
doing it, so everyone
claims they are doing it…"
- Dan Ariely -
Most of Startup in Indonesia using RDBMS
But if we talk about BigData, everyone will talk about Hadoop
“In pioneer days they used
oxen for heavy pulling, and
when one ox couldn’t budge a
log, they didn’t try to grow a
larger ox. We shouldn’t be
trying for bigger computers,
but for more systems of
- Grace Hopper -
RDBMS vs Hadoop
RDBMS focuses on relations, structures data in databases while the new Hadoop
system processes unstructured data in parallelism on large clusters of
inexpensive servers. Hadoop’s parallelism offers advantages in fast and credible
results at low cost
SQOOP - RDBMS to Hadoop
• Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently
transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop
and structured datastores such as relational
• Sqoop imports data from external structured
datastores into HDFS or related systems like Hive
and HBase.
• Sqoop can also be used to export data from
Hadoop and export it to external structured
datastores such as relational databases and
enterprise data warehouses.
• Sqoop works with relational databases such as:
Teradata, Netezza, Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, and

What is SQOOP?
• As more organizations deploy Hadoop to analyse vast streams of information,
they may find they need to transfer large amount of data between Hadoop and
their existing databases, data warehouses and other data sources
• Loading bulk data into Hadoop from production systems or accessing it from
map-reduce applications running on a large cluster is a challenging task since
transferring data using scripts is a inefficient and time-consuming task.

Why is SQOOP?
• Hadoop is great for storing massive data in terms of volume using
• It Provides a scalable processing environment for structured and
unstructured data
• But it’s Batch-Oriented and thus not suitable for low latency interactive
query operations
• Sqoop is basically an ETL Tool used to copy data between HDFS and
SQL databases
• Import SQL data to HDFS for archival or analysis
• Export HDFS to SQL ( e.g : summarized data used in a DW fact table )

Designed to efficiently transfer bulk data between Apache
Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases,
Apache Sqoop:
• Allows data imports from external datastores and enterprise data
warehouses into Hadoop
• Parallelizes data transfer for fast performance and optimal
system utilization
• Copies data quickly from external systems to Hadoop
• Makes data analysis more efficient
• Mitigates excessive loads to external systems.

What Sqoop Does?
• Sqoop provides a pluggable connector
mechanism for optimal connectivity to
external systems
• The Sqoop extension API provides a
convenient framework for building new
connectors which can be dropped into
Sqoop installations to provide
connectivity to various systems.
• Sqoop itself comes bundled with
various connectors that can be used for
popular database and data
warehousing systems.

How SQOOP Works?

List Databases RDBMS

List Tables RDBMS


• sqoop job —list
• sqoop job --show myjob
• sqoop job --exec myjob

• sqoop job —list
• sqoop job --show myjob
• sqoop job --exec myjob
Schedule Your Job

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SQOOP - RDBMS to Hadoop

  • 3. “Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it…" - Dan Ariely -
  • 4. Most of Startup in Indonesia using RDBMS But if we talk about BigData, everyone will talk about Hadoop
  • 5. “In pioneer days they used oxen for heavy pulling, and when one ox couldn’t budge a log, they didn’t try to grow a larger ox. We shouldn’t be trying for bigger computers, but for more systems of computers" - Grace Hopper -
  • 7. RDBMS focuses on relations, structures data in databases while the new Hadoop system processes unstructured data in parallelism on large clusters of inexpensive servers. Hadoop’s parallelism offers advantages in fast and credible results at low cost
  • 9. • Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases. • Sqoop imports data from external structured datastores into HDFS or related systems like Hive and HBase. • Sqoop can also be used to export data from Hadoop and export it to external structured datastores such as relational databases and enterprise data warehouses. • Sqoop works with relational databases such as: Teradata, Netezza, Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, and HSQLDB. SQOOP
 What is SQOOP?
  • 10. • As more organizations deploy Hadoop to analyse vast streams of information, they may find they need to transfer large amount of data between Hadoop and their existing databases, data warehouses and other data sources • Loading bulk data into Hadoop from production systems or accessing it from map-reduce applications running on a large cluster is a challenging task since transferring data using scripts is a inefficient and time-consuming task. SQOOP
 Why is SQOOP?
  • 11. • Hadoop is great for storing massive data in terms of volume using HDFS • It Provides a scalable processing environment for structured and unstructured data • But it’s Batch-Oriented and thus not suitable for low latency interactive query operations • Sqoop is basically an ETL Tool used to copy data between HDFS and SQL databases • Import SQL data to HDFS for archival or analysis • Export HDFS to SQL ( e.g : summarized data used in a DW fact table ) SQOOP
  • 12. Designed to efficiently transfer bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores such as relational databases, Apache Sqoop: • Allows data imports from external datastores and enterprise data warehouses into Hadoop • Parallelizes data transfer for fast performance and optimal system utilization • Copies data quickly from external systems to Hadoop • Makes data analysis more efficient • Mitigates excessive loads to external systems. SQOOP
 What Sqoop Does?
  • 13. • Sqoop provides a pluggable connector mechanism for optimal connectivity to external systems • The Sqoop extension API provides a convenient framework for building new connectors which can be dropped into Sqoop installations to provide connectivity to various systems. • Sqoop itself comes bundled with various connectors that can be used for popular database and data warehousing systems. SQOOP
 How SQOOP Works?
  • 17. SQOOP
 JOB • sqoop job —list • sqoop job --show myjob • sqoop job --exec myjob
  • 18. SQOOP
 JOB • sqoop job —list • sqoop job --show myjob • sqoop job --exec myjob