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Which Postgres is Right for Me?!
PostgreSQL or Postgres Plus Advanced Server?!
1© 2013 EnterpriseDB . All rights reserved.
EnterpriseDB - The Company!
u  The	
u  Founded	
u  130+	
u  1,400+	
u  70,000+	
u  Enabling	
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2© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
What is PostgreSQL? (a.k.a. Postgres)!
u  1986 The Berkeley Postgres Project
•  Led by Michael Stonebreaker!
•  Succeeded his work on Ingres!
u  1995 Postgres95
•  SQL Query Language added!
•  Public-domain, open source descendant of the original Berkeley code!
u  1996 PostgreSQL
•  PostgreSQL Global Development Group organized!
•  Consistency and uniformity to the code base!
•  Detailed regression tests for quality assurance!
•  Mailing lists for bug processing and new features!
•  Addition of user and developer documentation!
3© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
What is PostgreSQL? (cont’d)!
u  Today
•  Reputation for stability!
•  Adherence to standards !
•  Modern features !
•  Last true open source RDMS!
•  Active community that is accelerating development!
•  Common alternative to Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server!
–  comparable functionality, performance, quality, security and usability!
•  Widespread use!
–  Federal Government (FAA and DOD)!
–  Financial institutions of all types (TD Ameritrade)!
–  High Tech companies (, Facebook)!
4© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
PostgreSQL Core Features!
u  RDBMS that excels at OLTP (it just works)
u  Runs on all major OS platforms that you may have
u  MVCC supports large numbers of concurrent users
u  Extensive indexing for high performance reporting
u  Support for modern applications (XML and JSON)
u  ANSI SQL support for transportable skills/code
u  Foreign keys support for efficient storage of data
u  Table joins and views for flexible data retrieval
u  Triggers/Stored Procedures for complex programs and transactions
u  Support for multiple programming languages
u  Add-on component ecosystem e.g. PostGIS
u  Replication for data backup and read scalability
u  Extensive Security (data, authentication, communications)
5© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Working with Open Source (the DIY way)!
u  PostgreSQL has high quality code and documentation
•  Easy to work with!
•  A thousand mile head start!
u  PostgreSQL License is very liberal
•  Easy to customize, use, and re-distribute!
u  You control:
•  the software build process!
•  testing!
•  installation!
•  configuration!
u  You:
•  monitor the community for updates and issues!
•  find related open source tools to fill in the application gaps!
•  are the main source of technical support backed by community mail lists!
u  Contributors: strong focus on core technology
6© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Consumers of Open Source software !
u  No time or expertise to be a contributor
u  Control and DIY are not the consumer’s key concerns
u  Typical consumers want enhanced usability:
•  Simplified packaging, installation and configuration!
•  One stop shopping for tools!
u  Typical consumers need a broader solution
•  Additional components for scalability and availability!
•  Integrated performance tools!
•  Monitoring and alerting for mission critical applications!
u  Typical consumers want Services and Support
•  Support when needed instead of when available!
•  Training!
•  Professional Services!
•  Access to deep skills expertise !
7© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
The Enterprise-Readiness Gap!
u  The difference between how contributors work with open source
software and what typical consumers of open source software
8© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
The Enterprise-Readiness Gap (cont’d)!
u  Commercial entities can fill the gap:
•  Red Hat for Linux, EnterpriseDB for PostgreSQL (community proxies?)!
•  Simplified packaging, installation and maintenance!
•  One stop shopping for tools!
•  Access to community expertise!
•  Focus on Enterprise needs!
•  Broader base of solutions (scalability and availability)!
•  Performance and monitoring tools!
•  SLA based Support, Consulting, and Training!
9© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
The Enterprise-Readiness Gap (cont’d)!
u  Commercial entities also provide:
•  Community developer sponsorships to ensure and expand development!
•  Marketing awareness and public acceptance!
•  Proof of project and partner viability!
10© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
How EnterpriseDB Helps Fill the Gap !
u  Freely available downloads of community packages
•  GUI installers and RPM installers!
u  StackBuilder
•  Free downloads for ancillary add-on modules like drivers and PostGIS!
u  Developer Sponsorship
•  Helps increase the number of dedicated developers PostgreSQL and
related projects!
u  Conference and Expo sponsorship
•  Builds commercial awareness and viability for PostgreSQL!
u  Enterprise Grade Tools for PostgreSQL
•  Enterprise Manager for monitoring and tuning!
•  xDB Replication Server for customized single-master and multi-master
•  Update Monitor!
u  Postgres Plus Advanced Server (a.k.a. Advanced Server)
•  PostgreSQL plus additional features!
11© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
What is Advanced Server? !
u  A superset of community PostgreSQL with added features for:
•  Performance!
•  Security!
•  Compatibility!
u  Generally Available since 2005
u  Developed in Lock-step with PostgreSQL
•  Synchronized with each major and minor release!
u  Proprietary IP of EnterpriseDB
•  Distributed under a commercial license!
u  Technology licensed to:
•  IBM for DB2!
•  Neteeza for the Twin Fin appliance for Data Warehousing!
u  Focus on Enterprise grade needs and users
12© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Advanced Server Features!
u  Performance
•  SQL Profiler!
•  Index Advisor!
•  Query Hints!
•  DynaTune!
•  Hi-speed bulk loader!
•  Bulk Collect/Fetch/Binding!
•  Multi-threaded Replication!
•  DRITA (discover SQL wait bottlenecks)!
u  Security
•  Audit Logging!
•  Row Level Security!
•  SQL Injection Protection!
•  Server Code Obfuscation!
13© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Advanced Server Features (cont’d) !
u  Oracle Compatibility
•  PL/SQL support!
•  PL/SQL Debugger!
•  Oracle SQL Extensions!
•  OCI support!
•  User Defined Objects!
•  Popular Function Packages!
•  Dictionary Views!
•  Database Links!
•  EDB*Loader, EDB*Plus and EDB*Wrap!
u  Bundled Tools and Support SLAs
•  xDB Replication Server!
•  Postgres Enterprise Manager!
•  SQL/Protect and Update Monitor!
14© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Working with Oracle and Advanced Server !
u  Cost control with complimentary and replacement strategies
•  New applications – low risk and high savings!
•  Extend existing Oracle deployments – e.g. reporting servers!
•  Migrate existing applications – DIY or with EnterpriseDB assistance!
u  Services/tools to contain risk or expedite deployments
•  Oracle Migration Assessment – identifies candidate applications!
•  Oracle Migration Factory – on schedule test ready implementations!
•  On staff Oracle/Postgres experts – manage implementations and
knowledge transfer!
•  xDB Replication Server – bi-directional replication between Advanced
Server and Oracle (standby servers, data migration, testing)!
15© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Which Postgres is Right for Me? !
u  Decided on Postgres?
•  You’ve already made a smart decision.!
u  Now which Postgres will best meet your needs?
•  Let’s get prescriptive but recognize that not every choice is black or white
and EnterpriseDB is available to help you decide.!
16© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Choose community PostgreSQL when... !
u  You must utilize software with an open source license
•  Contractual obligations!
•  Organization policy!
•  No budget!
•  Too cool to resist!
u  You wish to customize or modify PostgreSQL for your needs
•  Facebook - customized for unique social media needs!
•  Greenplum – PostgreSQL plus BI features from EMC!
•  HadoopDB – hybrid of DBMS and MapReduce from Yale University!
u  Your needs are unsophisticated but you want growth potential
and reliability
•  Startups!
•  No formal DBA role!
•  Migrating from MySQL?!
•  Integrating with NoSQL?!
17© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Choose Advanced Server when... !
u  You want to extend your Oracle infrastructure at reduced costs
•  and continue using Oracle skills!
u  You want to migrate applications off Oracle
•  for significant budget changing cost reductions!
u  You want Oracle-like features
•  advanced programming techniques, function packages, objects, and more!
u  You need more security than is available in PostgreSQL
•  row level access, server code protection, auditing, SQL Injection attacks!
u  You need a performance toolbox
•  Index Advisor, Query Hints, SQL Wait analysis, SQL Profiler, Hi-speed Bulk
u  You need a partner offering a complete enterprise-grade
database solution including supporting products and services
18© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
For PostgreSQL or Advanced Server ...!
... all of the following are available from EnterpriseDB:
u  24x7 world wide support – your help desk’s help desk
u  DBA and Developer training – in depth best practice workshops
u  Remote DBA Services – temp/permanent staff extension
u  Architectural Health Check – analysis and recommendations
u  Professional consulting – when it must be done right and on time
u  Postgres Enterprise Manager – monitoring, alerts and tuning
u  xDB Replication Server
•  Oracle or MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL or Advanced Server!
•  Single-master or multi-master replication!
19© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
The End!
20© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
Questions and more information...!
u  Questions?
u  PostgreSQL vs Advanced Server features
u  EnterpriseDB and the PostgreSQL community
u  Want to talk more?
•  Email:!
21© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.

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Which postgres is_right_for_me_20130517

  • 1. Which Postgres is Right for Me?! PostgreSQL or Postgres Plus Advanced Server?! 1© 2013 EnterpriseDB . All rights reserved.
  • 2. EnterpriseDB - The Company! u  The  Postgres  Database  Company   u  Founded  in  2004,  first  product  GA  in  2005   u  130+  employees   u  1,400+  customers  across  all  market  segments   u  70,000+  downloads/week  of  PostgreSQL  and  related  products   u  Enabling  database  consolidaMon  using  PostgreSQL  and  advanced   Oracle  compaMbility  in  Postgres  Plus  Advanced  Server   u  Saving  customers  millions  through  the  value  of  open  source   u  Strong  financial  backing:   2© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 3. What is PostgreSQL? (a.k.a. Postgres)! u  1986 The Berkeley Postgres Project •  Led by Michael Stonebreaker! •  Succeeded his work on Ingres! u  1995 Postgres95 •  SQL Query Language added! •  Public-domain, open source descendant of the original Berkeley code! u  1996 PostgreSQL •  PostgreSQL Global Development Group organized! •  Consistency and uniformity to the code base! •  Detailed regression tests for quality assurance! •  Mailing lists for bug processing and new features! •  Addition of user and developer documentation! 3© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 4. What is PostgreSQL? (cont’d)! u  Today •  Reputation for stability! •  Adherence to standards ! •  Modern features ! •  Last true open source RDMS! •  Active community that is accelerating development! •  Common alternative to Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server! –  comparable functionality, performance, quality, security and usability! •  Widespread use! –  Federal Government (FAA and DOD)! –  Financial institutions of all types (TD Ameritrade)! –  High Tech companies (, Facebook)! 4© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 5. PostgreSQL Core Features! u  RDBMS that excels at OLTP (it just works) u  Runs on all major OS platforms that you may have u  MVCC supports large numbers of concurrent users u  Extensive indexing for high performance reporting u  Support for modern applications (XML and JSON) u  ANSI SQL support for transportable skills/code u  Foreign keys support for efficient storage of data u  Table joins and views for flexible data retrieval u  Triggers/Stored Procedures for complex programs and transactions u  Support for multiple programming languages u  Add-on component ecosystem e.g. PostGIS u  Replication for data backup and read scalability u  Extensive Security (data, authentication, communications) 5© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 6. Working with Open Source (the DIY way)! u  PostgreSQL has high quality code and documentation •  Easy to work with! •  A thousand mile head start! u  PostgreSQL License is very liberal •  Easy to customize, use, and re-distribute! u  You control: •  the software build process! •  testing! •  installation! •  configuration! u  You: •  monitor the community for updates and issues! •  find related open source tools to fill in the application gaps! •  are the main source of technical support backed by community mail lists! u  Contributors: strong focus on core technology 6© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 7. Consumers of Open Source software ! u  No time or expertise to be a contributor u  Control and DIY are not the consumer’s key concerns u  Typical consumers want enhanced usability: •  Simplified packaging, installation and configuration! •  One stop shopping for tools! u  Typical consumers need a broader solution •  Additional components for scalability and availability! •  Integrated performance tools! •  Monitoring and alerting for mission critical applications! u  Typical consumers want Services and Support •  Support when needed instead of when available! •  Training! •  Professional Services! •  Access to deep skills expertise ! 7© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 8. The Enterprise-Readiness Gap! u  The difference between how contributors work with open source software and what typical consumers of open source software need 8© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 9. The Enterprise-Readiness Gap (cont’d)! u  Commercial entities can fill the gap: •  Red Hat for Linux, EnterpriseDB for PostgreSQL (community proxies?)! •  Simplified packaging, installation and maintenance! •  One stop shopping for tools! •  Access to community expertise! •  Focus on Enterprise needs! •  Broader base of solutions (scalability and availability)! •  Performance and monitoring tools! •  SLA based Support, Consulting, and Training! ! 9© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 10. The Enterprise-Readiness Gap (cont’d)! u  Commercial entities also provide: •  Community developer sponsorships to ensure and expand development! •  Marketing awareness and public acceptance! •  Proof of project and partner viability! 10© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 11. How EnterpriseDB Helps Fill the Gap ! u  Freely available downloads of community packages •  GUI installers and RPM installers! u  StackBuilder •  Free downloads for ancillary add-on modules like drivers and PostGIS! u  Developer Sponsorship •  Helps increase the number of dedicated developers PostgreSQL and related projects! u  Conference and Expo sponsorship •  Builds commercial awareness and viability for PostgreSQL! u  Enterprise Grade Tools for PostgreSQL •  Enterprise Manager for monitoring and tuning! •  xDB Replication Server for customized single-master and multi-master replication! •  Update Monitor! u  Postgres Plus Advanced Server (a.k.a. Advanced Server) •  PostgreSQL plus additional features! 11© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 12. What is Advanced Server? ! u  A superset of community PostgreSQL with added features for: •  Performance! •  Security! •  Compatibility! u  Generally Available since 2005 u  Developed in Lock-step with PostgreSQL •  Synchronized with each major and minor release! u  Proprietary IP of EnterpriseDB •  Distributed under a commercial license! u  Technology licensed to: •  IBM for DB2! •  Neteeza for the Twin Fin appliance for Data Warehousing! u  Focus on Enterprise grade needs and users 12© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 13. Advanced Server Features! u  Performance •  SQL Profiler! •  Index Advisor! •  Query Hints! •  DynaTune! •  Hi-speed bulk loader! •  Bulk Collect/Fetch/Binding! •  Multi-threaded Replication! •  DRITA (discover SQL wait bottlenecks)! u  Security •  Audit Logging! •  Row Level Security! •  SQL Injection Protection! •  Server Code Obfuscation! 13© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 14. Advanced Server Features (cont’d) ! u  Oracle Compatibility •  PL/SQL support! •  PL/SQL Debugger! •  Oracle SQL Extensions! •  OCI support! •  User Defined Objects! •  Popular Function Packages! •  Dictionary Views! •  Database Links! •  EDB*Loader, EDB*Plus and EDB*Wrap! u  Bundled Tools and Support SLAs •  xDB Replication Server! •  Postgres Enterprise Manager! •  SQL/Protect and Update Monitor! 14© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 15. Working with Oracle and Advanced Server ! u  Cost control with complimentary and replacement strategies •  New applications – low risk and high savings! •  Extend existing Oracle deployments – e.g. reporting servers! •  Migrate existing applications – DIY or with EnterpriseDB assistance! u  Services/tools to contain risk or expedite deployments •  Oracle Migration Assessment – identifies candidate applications! •  Oracle Migration Factory – on schedule test ready implementations! •  On staff Oracle/Postgres experts – manage implementations and knowledge transfer! •  xDB Replication Server – bi-directional replication between Advanced Server and Oracle (standby servers, data migration, testing)! 15© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 16. Which Postgres is Right for Me? ! u  Decided on Postgres? •  You’ve already made a smart decision.! u  Now which Postgres will best meet your needs? •  Let’s get prescriptive but recognize that not every choice is black or white and EnterpriseDB is available to help you decide.! 16© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 17. Choose community PostgreSQL when... ! u  You must utilize software with an open source license •  Contractual obligations! •  Organization policy! •  No budget! •  Too cool to resist! u  You wish to customize or modify PostgreSQL for your needs •  Facebook - customized for unique social media needs! •  Greenplum – PostgreSQL plus BI features from EMC! •  HadoopDB – hybrid of DBMS and MapReduce from Yale University! u  Your needs are unsophisticated but you want growth potential and reliability •  Startups! •  No formal DBA role! •  Migrating from MySQL?! •  Integrating with NoSQL?! 17© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 18. Choose Advanced Server when... ! u  You want to extend your Oracle infrastructure at reduced costs •  and continue using Oracle skills! u  You want to migrate applications off Oracle •  for significant budget changing cost reductions! u  You want Oracle-like features •  advanced programming techniques, function packages, objects, and more! u  You need more security than is available in PostgreSQL •  row level access, server code protection, auditing, SQL Injection attacks! u  You need a performance toolbox •  Index Advisor, Query Hints, SQL Wait analysis, SQL Profiler, Hi-speed Bulk Loader! u  You need a partner offering a complete enterprise-grade database solution including supporting products and services 18© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 19. For PostgreSQL or Advanced Server ...! ... all of the following are available from EnterpriseDB: u  24x7 world wide support – your help desk’s help desk u  DBA and Developer training – in depth best practice workshops u  Remote DBA Services – temp/permanent staff extension u  Architectural Health Check – analysis and recommendations u  Professional consulting – when it must be done right and on time u  Postgres Enterprise Manager – monitoring, alerts and tuning u  xDB Replication Server •  Oracle or MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL or Advanced Server! •  Single-master or multi-master replication! 19© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 20. The End! 20© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
  • 21. Questions and more information...! u  Questions? u  PostgreSQL vs Advanced Server features •! u  EnterpriseDB and the PostgreSQL community •! u  Want to talk more? •  Email:! 21© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.