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OpenTSDB Update
Distributed, Scalable Time Series Database
Chris Larsen
Who Am I? (no really, who am I?)
Chris Larsen
Current lead for OpenTSDB
Software Engineer @ Yahoo!
Monitoring Team
What Is OpenTSDB?
Open Source Time Series Database
Store trillions of data points
Sucks up all data and keeps going
Never lose precision
Scales using HBase, Cassandra
Or Bigtable
What good is it?
Systems Monitoring & Measurement
Sensor Data
The Internet of Things
Financial Data
Scientific Experiment Results
Use Cases
Backing store for Argus:
Open source monitoring
and alerting system
15 HBase Servers
6 month retention
10M writes per minute
95p query latency < 30 days = 200ms
Moving to 200 node cluster writing at 100M/m
Use Cases
●Monitoring system, network and application
performance and statistics
110 region servers, 10M writes/s ~ 2PB
Multi-tenant and Kerberos secure HBase
~200k writes per second per TSD
Central monitoring for all Yahoo properties
Over 2 billion time series served
Some Other Users
What Are Time Series?
Time Series: data points for an identity
over time
Typical Identity:
Dotted string: web01.sys.cpu.user.0
OpenTSDB Identity:
Metric: sys.cpu.user
Tags (name/value pairs):
host=web01 cpu=0
What Are Time Series?
Data Point:
Metric + Tags
+ Value: 42
+ Timestamp: 1234567890
sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0
^ a data point ^
How it Works
Writing Data
1) Open Telnet style socket, write:
put sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0
2) ..or, post JSON to:
3) .. or import big files with CLI
No schema definition
No RRD file creation
Just write!
Querying Data
Graph with the GUI
CLI tools
Aggregate multiple series
Simple query language
To average all CPUs on host:
avg sys.cpu.user
HBase Data Tables
tsdb - Data point table. Massive
tsdb-uid - Name to UID and UID to
name mappings
tsdb-meta - Time series index and
tsdb-tree - Config and index for
hierarchical naming schema
Data Table Schema
Row key is a concatenation of UIDs and time:
metric + timestamp + tagk1 + tagv1… + tagkN + tagvN
sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0
Timestamp normalized on 1 hour boundaries
All data points for an hour are stored in one row
Enables fast scans of all time series for a metric
…or pass a row key filter for specific time series with
particular tags
New for OpenTSDB 2.2
● Append writes (no more need for TSD
● Row salting and random metric IDs
● Downsampling Fill Policies
● Query filters (wildcard, regex, group by or not)
● Storage Exception plugin for retrying writes
● Released February 2016
New for OpenTSDB 2.3
● Graphite style expressions
● Cross-metric expressions
● Calendar based downsampling
● New data stores
● UID assignment plugin interface
● Datapoint write filter plugin interface
● RC1 released May 2016
Fuzzy Row Filter
How do you find a single time
series out of 1 million?
For a day?
For a month?
Fuzzy Row Filter
Instead of running a regex
string comparator over each
byte array formatted key…
TSDB query takes 1.6 seconds
for 89,726 rows
Match -> m t1 tagk tagv1
No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv2
No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv3
No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv4
No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv5
No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv6
Match -> m t2 tagk tagv1
No Match -> m t2 tagk tagv2
Fuzzy Row Filter
Use a byte mask!
● Use the bloom filter to skip-scan
to the next candidate row.
● Combine with regex (after fuzzy
filter) to filter further.
FuzzyFilter{[FuzzyFilterPair{row_key=[18, 68,
-3, -82, 120, 87, 56, -15, 96, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]}]}
Now it takes 0.239 seconds
Match -> m t1 tagk tagv1
Skip -> m t1 tagk tagv2
m t1 tagk tagv3
m t1 tagk tagv4
m t1 tagk tagv5
m t1 tagk tagv6
Match -> m t2 tagk tagv1
Skip -> m t2 tagk tagv2
Fuzzy Row Filter
● Can improve scan latency by orders of magnitude
● Combines nicely with other filters
● All row keys for the match have to be a fixed length
● Doesn���t help much when matching the majority of a set
● Doesn’t support bitmasks, only byte masks
AsyncHBase is a fully asynchronous, multi-
threaded HBase client
Supports HBase 0.90 to 1.x
Faster and less resource intensive than the
native HBase client
Support for scanner filters, META prefetch,
“fail-fast” RPCs
AsyncHBase in YCSB
AsyncHBase in YCSB
Upcoming in 1.8
●Reverse Scanning
●New Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
(YCSB) module for testing
●Lots of bug fixes
OpenTSDB on Bigtable
● Bigtable
○Hosted Google Service
○Client uses HTTP2 and GRPC for communication
● OpenTSDB heads home
○Based on a time series store on Bigtable at Google
○Identical schema as HBase
○Same filter support (fuzzy filters are coming)
OpenTSDB on Bigtable
● AsyncBigtable
○Implementation of AsyncHBase’s API for drop-in use
○Uses HTable API
○Moving to native Bigtable API
● Thanks to Christos of Pythian, Solomon, Carter, Misha,
and the rest of the Google Bigtable team
OpenTSDB on Cassandra
● AsyncCassandra - Implementation of AsyncHBase’s
API for drop-in use
● Wraps Netflix’s Astyanax for asynchronous calls
● Requires the ByteOrderedPartitioner and legacy
● Same schema as HBase/Bigtable
● Scan filtering performed client side
● May not work with future Cassandra versions
if they drop the API
Salesforce Argus
●Time series monitoring
and alerting
●Multi-series annotations
Thanks to Tom Valine and the Salesforce engineers
Turn Splicer
●API to shard TSDB queries
●Locality advantage hosting
TSDs on region servers
●Query caching
Thanks to Jonathan Creasy and the Turn engineers
The Future of OpenTSDB
The Future
Reworked query pipeline for selective ordering
of operations
Histogram support
Flexible query caching framework
Distributed queries
Greater data store abstraction
More Information
Thank you to everyone who has helped test, debug and add to OpenTSDB
2.3 including, but not limited to:
Contribute at
Mailing List:

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Update on OpenTSDB and AsyncHBase

  • 1. OpenTSDB Update Distributed, Scalable Time Series Database Chris Larsen
  • 2. Who Am I? (no really, who am I?) Chris Larsen Current lead for OpenTSDB Software Engineer @ Yahoo! Monitoring Team
  • 3. What Is OpenTSDB? Open Source Time Series Database Store trillions of data points Sucks up all data and keeps going Never lose precision Scales using HBase, Cassandra Or Bigtable
  • 4. What good is it? Systems Monitoring & Measurement Servers Networks Sensor Data The Internet of Things SCADA Financial Data Scientific Experiment Results
  • 5. Use Cases Backing store for Argus: Open source monitoring and alerting system 15 HBase Servers 6 month retention 10M writes per minute 95p query latency < 30 days = 200ms Moving to 200 node cluster writing at 100M/m
  • 6. Use Cases ●Monitoring system, network and application performance and statistics 110 region servers, 10M writes/s ~ 2PB Multi-tenant and Kerberos secure HBase ~200k writes per second per TSD Central monitoring for all Yahoo properties Over 2 billion time series served
  • 8. What Are Time Series? Time Series: data points for an identity over time Typical Identity: Dotted string: web01.sys.cpu.user.0 OpenTSDB Identity: Metric: sys.cpu.user Tags (name/value pairs): host=web01 cpu=0
  • 9. What Are Time Series? Data Point: Metric + Tags + Value: 42 + Timestamp: 1234567890 sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0 ^ a data point ^
  • 11. Writing Data 1) Open Telnet style socket, write: put sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0 2) ..or, post JSON to: http://<host>:<port>/api/put 3) .. or import big files with CLI No schema definition No RRD file creation Just write!
  • 12. Querying Data Graph with the GUI CLI tools HTTP API Aggregate multiple series Simple query language To average all CPUs on host: start=1h-ago avg sys.cpu.user host=web01
  • 13. HBase Data Tables tsdb - Data point table. Massive tsdb-uid - Name to UID and UID to name mappings tsdb-meta - Time series index and meta-data tsdb-tree - Config and index for hierarchical naming schema
  • 14. Data Table Schema Row key is a concatenation of UIDs and time: metric + timestamp + tagk1 + tagv1… + tagkN + tagvN sys.cpu.user 1234567890 42 host=web01 cpu=0 x00x00x01x49x95xFBx70x00x00x01x00x00x01x00x00x02x00x00x02 Timestamp normalized on 1 hour boundaries All data points for an hour are stored in one row Enables fast scans of all time series for a metric …or pass a row key filter for specific time series with particular tags
  • 15. New for OpenTSDB 2.2 ● Append writes (no more need for TSD Compactions) ● Row salting and random metric IDs ● Downsampling Fill Policies ● Query filters (wildcard, regex, group by or not) ● Storage Exception plugin for retrying writes ● Released February 2016
  • 16. New for OpenTSDB 2.3 ● Graphite style expressions ● Cross-metric expressions ● Calendar based downsampling ● New data stores ● UID assignment plugin interface ● Datapoint write filter plugin interface ● RC1 released May 2016
  • 17. Fuzzy Row Filter How do you find a single time series out of 1 million? For a day? For a month?
  • 18. Fuzzy Row Filter Instead of running a regex string comparator over each byte array formatted key… (?s)^.{9}(?:.{8})*Qx00x00x00x02 E(?:Q)x00x0F‡x42x2BE)(?:.{8})*$ TSDB query takes 1.6 seconds for 89,726 rows KEY Match -> m t1 tagk tagv1 No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv2 No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv3 No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv4 No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv5 No Match -> m t1 tagk tagv6 Match -> m t2 tagk tagv1 No Match -> m t2 tagk tagv2
  • 19. Fuzzy Row Filter Use a byte mask! ● Use the bloom filter to skip-scan to the next candidate row. ● Combine with regex (after fuzzy filter) to filter further. FuzzyFilter{[FuzzyFilterPair{row_key=[18, 68, -3, -82, 120, 87, 56, -15, 96, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]}]} Now it takes 0.239 seconds KEY Match -> m t1 tagk tagv1 Skip -> m t1 tagk tagv2 m t1 tagk tagv3 m t1 tagk tagv4 m t1 tagk tagv5 m t1 tagk tagv6 Match -> m t2 tagk tagv1 Skip -> m t2 tagk tagv2
  • 20. Fuzzy Row Filter Pros: ● Can improve scan latency by orders of magnitude ● Combines nicely with other filters Cons: ● All row keys for the match have to be a fixed length ● Doesn’t help much when matching the majority of a set ● Doesn’t support bitmasks, only byte masks
  • 21. AsyncHBase AsyncHBase is a fully asynchronous, multi- threaded HBase client Supports HBase 0.90 to 1.x Faster and less resource intensive than the native HBase client Support for scanner filters, META prefetch, “fail-fast” RPCs
  • 24. Upcoming in 1.8 ●Reverse Scanning ●New Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) module for testing ●Lots of bug fixes
  • 25. OpenTSDB on Bigtable ● Bigtable ○Hosted Google Service ○Client uses HTTP2 and GRPC for communication ● OpenTSDB heads home ○Based on a time series store on Bigtable at Google ○Identical schema as HBase ○Same filter support (fuzzy filters are coming)
  • 26. OpenTSDB on Bigtable ● AsyncBigtable ○Implementation of AsyncHBase’s API for drop-in use ○ ○Uses HTable API ○Moving to native Bigtable API ● Thanks to Christos of Pythian, Solomon, Carter, Misha, and the rest of the Google Bigtable team ● bigtable/#
  • 27. OpenTSDB on Cassandra ● AsyncCassandra - Implementation of AsyncHBase’s API for drop-in use ● Wraps Netflix’s Astyanax for asynchronous calls ● Requires the ByteOrderedPartitioner and legacy API ● Same schema as HBase/Bigtable ● Scan filtering performed client side ● May not work with future Cassandra versions if they drop the API
  • 28. Community Salesforce Argus ●Time series monitoring and alerting ●Multi-series annotations ●Dashboards Thanks to Tom Valine and the Salesforce engineers alerting-d2941f67864#.ez7mbo3ek
  • 29. Community Turn Splicer ●API to shard TSDB queries ●Locality advantage hosting TSDs on region servers ●Query caching Thanks to Jonathan Creasy and the Turn engineers
  • 30. The Future of OpenTSDB
  • 31. The Future Reworked query pipeline for selective ordering of operations Histogram support Flexible query caching framework Distributed queries Greater data store abstraction
  • 32. More Information Thank you to everyone who has helped test, debug and add to OpenTSDB 2.3 including, but not limited to: TODO Contribute at Website: Documentation: Mailing List: Images