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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
The recent pronouncement of the World Wide Web (WWW) had over the years changed from a stationary HTML pages
to a more dynamic and intelligent web applications.
These applications possesses desktop–application characteristics. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) serves as
the principal thrust to the development to a profoundly intelligent Web and the occurance of Web 2.0. AJAX, as most
misapprehended, is not a programming language, but rather is a combinations of technologies that allows the customer
side part of the web application to regularly update the substance of the application by asynchronously interacting with
the server.
The short Offbeat Javascript and XML is known as AJAX and it's a tern frequently used for technologies ... Show more
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Every web application can be differentiated into many operational segments. Making it a distinctive methods.
The programing procedures and strategies engage in are therefore discussed below
Server side Script(PHP, ASP.NET, Flex, cgi): this is a fraction of web application that is executed by the web server. The
total programming rationale in traditional (Web 1.0) was and a fraction of the benefits in AJAX based web application is
implemented utilizing server side script. The choice of scripting language is free of the other segments.
Client side Script(JavaScript, jQuery, Facebook Programming interface, YUI):Known to be fraction of application
executed on the customer computer by the browser interface. In outdated web application, customer end scripting was for
the most part operated for substance consent. With the coming of XMLHTTPREQUEST, the fraction of customer end
scripts has transformed and now integrates content organizing, content approval, Asynchronous updates and cross space,
cross podium information exchange.
Database (SQL, FML, XQuery ): This part gives information to the web application. All successful web applications
examples which include Google, Facebook, Flickr etc utilize database. Including AJAX, and Asynchronous updates,
questioning information from database resulted in a significantly more dynamic and complex. In traditional system,
information needed are gotten from databases a page revives.AJAX application in recent times,
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Description Of A Relational Database
NoSQL is the generalized term to describe a relational database that uses no form of SQL language querying and consists
of several data models to define it. My topic of this research paper is the Document Store data model. I will be covering
the introduction of the model and its mechanics, how and when the model emerged, its strengths and weaknesses, and it's
real world applications.
Introduction and How it Works
Document Store or "Document–oriented database" is a data model within the NoSQL family, made for storing,
retrieving, and managing document based information. The concept revolves around documents containing large amounts
of data. A variety of documents are accepted, from there they are encapsulated into an internal format, and ... Show more
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Both use the Document database concept, but differ in it's process and tools. Julie Lerman explains in her article "What
the Heck Are Document Databases" that Raven DB was written for the Microsoft .NET Framework and growing in
Model Emergence
In the 1970s, relational databases were introduced with data schemas simple and straightforward, conceiving objects as
sets of relationships. as mentioned in the Document Database webpage "an article object might be related to category (an
object), a tag (another object), and a comment (another object)".
These relationships between different types of data were defined in a database schema, the relational database could be
queried with a standard Structured Query Language (SQL). These SQL based databases require a fixed amount of tables,
a fixed amount of columns in each table, with each column represent a fixed data type (integer, string, etc). Consequently
fields of data stored in each column must comply with the structure of the database and its tables. whatever data you want
to store must be known to create an appropriate database schema, this is the concept behind relational databases.
NoSQL was created to remedy the architecture of relational databases, to make the schema more dynamic and ever
expanding. With the emergence of cloud computing, unstructured data such as social media posts in need of storage, and
Agile development practice, The Document
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Mobile Phones And Its Impact On Our Day Lives
Mobile phones becomes an essential companion in our day to day lives. They helps us to keep in touch with friends,
family, colleagues, access email, browse internet etc. Mobile phones were brought to life with the help of an operating
system. In the present world, Android and IOS are having the major mobile operating systems market share in the world.
Android holds a market share of 61.9% in the current US market while Apple`s IOS holds only 32.5% of share.
Internationally android`s market share is even lot better when compared to Apple`s IOS. So keeping these facts in mind
we are inspired to perform big data analytics on tweets related to android operating system.
Big data is the buzzing word in the present software industry. Huge amounts of data is being generated daily from
various sources. Companies are trying to perform analytics on big data and get some valuable output which gives an edge
over there competitors. In order to achieve this we need to program map reduce jobs in Hadoop ecosystem. It is very
difficult to develop the code and reuse it for different business cases. On the other hand, People are very much
comfortable to query data using SQL like queries.
A team of developers at Facebook developed a dataware house tool namely called as HIVE. Hive supports the queries
like SQL type which is called as HiveQL. These queries are compiled as map reduce jobs and are executed using
Hadoop. Through HiveQL we can plugin custom map reduce
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Notes On Association Rule Mining
Association Rule Mining: Association Rule Mining is a part of data mining, which are most important techniques. Data
Mining is used to extract the required information from a certain total data. Association Rules are mainly used in several
areas such as telecommunication networks, risk management, etc. The efficiency of using the Association Rules Mining
is to
1. Process the number of passes for the database.
2. Sampling the database process.
3. For the pattern structure, adding extra constraints.
4. By using the Parallelization
Big Data:
Big Data is the term which is used for data sets to make a very large application for processing the data. The Processing
may involve analysis, search, sharing, storage, visualization and privacy information. Big data is a type of predictive
analysis which is used for the purpose of extract the value from data. The data sets are used for the purpose of analysis to
find the new correlation of business trends, for the prevention of diseases and so on.
Cassandra is an open source project, which is used for Distributed Database Management System; this design is used to
handle large amounts of data across the servers. Cassandra supports multiple data centers with asynchronous replication
of low latency operations with all the clients.
The performance of Cassandra is very high, and contains a data model which is divided into row store with consistency.
Data Mining:
The major calculations in Data mining and examination shape
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
A Study Of Sapui5 Application Development Essay
INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW:– The project is a study of SAPUI5 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT along with all its
contents, controls, interface designs, connectivity and functionality. A simple demo test application is created using UI5
controls and technology for maintaining product database. In the demo application, ODataServices are created and used
in order to view, create, delete and update the database. The user can effectively maintain the given product database with
this demo application. OBJECTIVE:– The main objective of this project is to maintain database at the backend and
provide a front–end to the client. The changes made to the database in the front end should be reflected and saved at the
backend server as well. The following objectives were achieved in making this project:– Make the application mobile so
that it is usable on all types of devices. Simple and user–friendly interface for the clients. Effectively use and maintain
the database MOTIVATION:– ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is one the latest technologies being adopted by major
companies all around the world. ERP aims to integrate the business operations and simplifying them in the process. It
also aims to keep the data updated for all departments of the organisation. The scope of SAP ERP is unlimited and the
software is in great demand in the market today. SAP SAP stands for Software, Applications and Products in data
processing. SAP software was created by SAP Company itself which is the fourth
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Swot Analysis : Nosql Dbs
CS 557 Writing Assignment #2
Naveen Chitturi
Introduction to the topic of NoSQL DBs
Relational database systems came into existence in the 1970's, and revolutionized the way data is maintained in
computers. Like every technology that is subjected to test of time, relational database systems are under criticism for not
being scalable enough to meet growing users and exponentially increasing data management needs. Today, a new
technology called NoSQL is being pioneered by leading companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook etc. to meet the
shortcomings of the 40–year–old relational database technology. Modern web applications are making a transition from
traditional relational databases to NoSQL databases to meet the demand of steadily growing concurrent users and big
NoSQL today stands for 'Not only SQL' and encompasses a myriad of different database technologies that can cope up
with scale and agility challenges faced by modern applications. It provides the capability to store unstructured data,
which is not possible using RDBS. The major advantage of using a NoSQL DB is horizontally scalability, that is, cheap
infrastructure can be newly added to improve performance instead of upgrading an already expensive system. There are
four types of NoSQL databases, as follows
Document store: These store complex data structures known as documents, by associating them with a unique key.
Documents can contain many key–value pairs and can even nest other documents. E.g. MongoDB,
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Database Proposal : Analysis The Performance Of Database
Analysis the performance of database
Xiaoyu Liang
Computer Engineering Department
Student id: 010830131
Abstract–This report compares the performance of different type of databases and general the normal way to improve the
performance of the database.
Keywords–database; performance; SQL; NO–SQL;
The database means we collect data according to their types or relations and store these data in the tables in order to
make further operated. And the Database–management system is usually seen as DBMS which is software application
used to manage these databases. What we discuss here is mainly focus on the DBMS.
There are many different types of database. The following part lists the widely ... Show more content on
It is good at scalable.
G. Amazon Dynamo Database
Amazon DynamoDB is NoSQL database, it is famous for its cloud base and speed. It is agility to many data models.
H. Apache Cassandra Database
Apache Cassandra is a free open source which is a typically NoSQL with the distributed feature. This database could
manage volume data and provide no single point of failure.
I. Raven Database
Raven Database is a document–oriented database combine the relational databases feature and document databases.
In order to make it easy to analyze the performance of the database. We need to categorize the above databases. We can
categorize them due to the content of the database. Dividing them into "bibliographic, document–text, statistical, or
multimedia objects. Another way is by their application area, for example, accounting, music compositions, movies,
banking, manufacturing, or insurance" [1]. In our project, we divide the database according to the computer software
aspect. Mainly including the SQL database (relational database) and NoSQL database (non–relation database). We
compare these two databases in below aspects:
A. Storage
SQL database: store data in the table. This way is intuitive and clear. But the disadvantage is that the type of the data is
Table I: type of SQL Table Documents book_id book name author 001
Big data: principles and paradigms
Rodrigo N.
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
How Does IBM I Diversify Its Database Support?
There are many things that differentiate IBM i from other platforms, including its storage, security, and programming
models. But one of the most unique aspects of the IBM i platform is its integrated DB2 database, which is used
exclusively by practically all IBM i customers. You just dont find this on other platforms. But perhaps its time for IBM i
to diversify its database support?
In many respects, DB2 for i is the platforms greatest strength. IBM i is renowned for its transaction processing prowess
that drives ERP and other line of business applications, and DB2 for i (formerly DB2/400, but do not call it that around
Mike Cain) is the sturdy engine that powers those transactions.
It is theoretically possible to run an IBM i server without DB2 for i. Perhaps you want to serve HTTP requests in concert
with a separate Oracle or SQL Server database running on an X86 server. But doing so would seem to go against the
strengths of the platforms, let alone the laws of computing nature. In a heterogeneous setups, which are common in
Oracle JD Edwards and SAP Business Suite worlds, the IBM i server nearly always powers the database, while
mainstream X86 servers and their Windows and Linux OSes power the application and HTTP servers.
This database–centric identity has served the IBM midrange platform well for decades. The DB2 for i database is very
mature and powerful, supports both SQL and DDS programming constructs, and is more ANSI SQL compliant that other
relational databases (just as how, ironically, IBM i is more POSIX compliant than all Unix operating systems, even
though its not Unix). Whats more, DB2 for i just keeps getting better and better with each new release of IBM i. So why
in the world would an IBM i shop ever need something else?
Its The Data, Stupid
The most answer to that question may be that the nature of data itself is changing, and therefore the ways that we store it
need to change, too.
When IBM first developed the AS/400, storage (both main and disk) was expensive relative to today, and so companies
wanted to minimize the amount they stored. IBMs storage architecture reflected this reality, and therefore the data written
to disk was highly refined, or structured.
This focus on structured data
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Nosql Essay
Now days, open source technologies are becoming famous in the global market including corporate and government
sector. A number of domains in software industry are making use of open source products for multiple applications.
NoSQL Databases, Big Data Analytics and web services are on the top and used in diverse applications.
NoSQL Databases are being used in the social media applications and big data processing based portals in which huge,
heterogeneous and unstructured data formats are handled. NoSQL Databases are used for faster access of records from
the big dataset at back–end. The AADHAAR Card implementation in India was done using NoSQL Databases as huge
amount of information is associated including Text Data, Images, Thumb Impressions and Iris Detection. Any classical
database system cannot handle the dataset of different types (Image, Text, Video, Audio, Video, Thumb Impressions for
Pattern Recognition, Iris Sample) simultaneously.
Currently, a number of NoSQL Databases are used for different type of portals and these are specialized in handling
heterogeneous and unstructured data.
In classical web based implementations, the RDBMS packages are deployed for the database applications including
Apache Derby, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Notes, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase or any
other. These are known as Traditional SQL Databases which are ACID Properties Compliant. NewSQL is the new
generation database engine that
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The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Pros And Disadvantages Of ORM Impedence Mismatching
When to non–relate
While relational databases are great, they do come with trade–offs. One of those is ORM Impedence Mismatching,
because relational databases were not initially created with the OOP languages in mind. The best way to avoid this issue
is to create your database schema with referential integrity at its core. So, when using a relational database with an OOP
(like Ruby), you have to think about how to set up your primary and foreign keys, the use of constraints (including the
cascade delete and update), and how you write your migrations.
But, if you're dealing with a phenomenally huge amount of data, it can be way too tedious, and the probability of error (in
the form of an ORM Impedance Mismatch issue) increases. In that situation ... Show more content on ...
This means you need to perform multiple queries and join the data manually within your code –– and that can get very
ugly, very fast.
Since Mongo doesn't automatically treat operations as transactions the way a relational database does, you must manually
choose to create a transaction and then manually verify it, manually commit it or roll it back. Even the documentation on
the MongoDB site warns you that without taking some potentially time–consuming precautions, and since documents can
be fairly complex and nested, the success or failure of a database operation cannot be all or nothing. To put it simply,
some operations will succeed while others fail.
Of course, this all brings us back to the beginning; knowing how to ask exactly the right questions in order to effectively
whiteboard your data model. It's this key step that will allow you to determine the best route for you regarding your
application's flow. Taking the time to pinpoint the right questions will serve as a solid guide when choosing the
programming language to write your application in, and the use of one particular database over
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Adopting To Achieve Mobile Data Security
Adopting eLockBox to achieve Mobile Data Security
Akshay Prakash Pawar1, Rohan Manoj Thakkar2, SaurabhSahebrao Salunkhe3,
1,2,3,4Student of Computer Engineering Department
1,2,3,4K. J.Somaiya College of Engineering
Mumbai, Pin no.400077,,,
Abstract: Smartphones like android are becoming common. Phones are very small in size and hence easy to misplace.
Even a small inattention can lead to phone theft and hence information theft. Abusers can use your address lists, account
information and various passwords that are stored in your phone. There are many applications that are available to lock
your data stored on your ... Show more content on ...
For further security eLockBox can also restrict anyone from accessing the files on server on unclassified date and time. If
access is restricted on Sunday from 8 am to 5 pm no person will be able to access the server at the specified time.
Keywords: Security Systems,LockBox, Mobile Data, Data Security, eLockBox, Mobile Data Security.
An individual has many personal email accounts and hence he needs to remember their passwords. Remembering all the
credit card numbers is a heavy duty [6]. ELockBox can encrypt one's file containing all the ID's, passwords etc. and store
it on the server instead of storing it on the phone itself. For Encrypting and Decrypting the file AES algorithm is used.
AES algorithm can be implemented with 128, 192 and 256 bits[1]. AES algorithm is efficient to protect classified
information which is on SECRET level. For TOP SECRET 192 and 256 bit key AES is recommended. AES algorithm is
the main part in the eLockBox. The passwords required for authentication of a person and file is stored on the server
rather than in one's phone. In the authentication process, a person is required to prove his identity using Login ID's or
draw patter (CAPTCHA) or both for better security. After successfully entering into eLockBox a person can encrypt his
file and then upload it on the server. A person is required to remember the secret key that is generated automatically while
the process of encryption. This key
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Security Policies For Schema Less Or Dynamic Schema...
5.10 Authorization
Two important challenges (Obijaju, 2015; Srinivas & Nair, 2015; Urbanski, 2012; Kirkpatrick, 2013; Fidelis
Cybersecurity, 2014).
5.10.1 Possibility: How to define security policies for schema–less or dynamic–schema database?
5.10.2 Performance: Availability versus access controls overhead, how to manage the cost of access control?
Because of schema–less nature of NoSQL data models, fine–grained data access controls at the column or row level, as
gave by RDBMS i.e. oracle and these features are not accessible in the recent NoSQL databases. Some of them employ a
few kind of authorization if desired. Authorization setting of some of NoSQL database is allowed by all authenticators,
which means essentially there is no authorization per database level and allow any action by any user (Obijaju, 2015;
Srinivas & Nair, 2015; Kirkpatrick, 2013; Fidelis Cybersecurity, 2014). Authorization information is mentioned in Table
Table 6. Authorization Detail in NoSQL Databases
NoSQL Databases Granularity Explanation
BigTable Column Family Using ACL
Cassandra Column Family Using I Authorizer API
HBase Column Family /Cell Group–based authorization
Accumulo Cell using Visibility Field
5.10.3 Inference Control: Access control on data, especially in Column–Wide database.
5.10.4 Administration/access control management: How and where to grant database access.
Local versus Global access policies and their possible conflicts.
Centralized approach: single–point of
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Why Some Companies Use Couchbase Instead Of Other Servers...
The couchbase data storage becomes clear when we look at the reasons of why some companies use Couchbase instead
of other servers. For instance, LinkedIn has chosen Couchbase to handle the big number of users that is around 225
million members around the world. Couchbase has features like scalability of high data and access availability that the
company needs for logging, monitoring and analyzing the activities of their big users. At first LinkedIn used Memcached
to store their data, but found that Memcached used independent requests that do not share data between them. This causes
data conflict and slows the application performance. Then, LinkedIn replaced Memcached with a Couchbase Server that
provides fast and scalable storages to handle their previous and new data ( What is Couchbase
Mobile? With the development of technology, storing huge data is not the ultimate task of data administrators. They want
users to have the ability to share data among multiple mobile devices. So, Couchbase Mobile is defined as NoSQL
databases that is used in mobile. It delivers easy access to data either with a network connection or without it. Couchbase
Mobile consists of three elements: Couchbase Sync Gateway, Couchbase Lite, and Couchbase Server
( The Couchbase Sync Gateway is a way to securely link the data between the mobile and the
cloud by using web–facing cloud. Sync Gateway assists the process of synchronization because it provides balance
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Research And Development Of A Mobile Web Application
Research and Development of a Mobile Web Application
For Conducting Risk Assessments
Stephen J. Donnellon
Walsh College of Accountancy and Business
The information age has brought with it the need to secure computer networks against unauthorized access, data
manipulation and identification protection. "There is no such thing as 100% secure" or "if an attacker wants something
bad enough they will get it", is heard often when information assurance is discussed. In fact, as one Information Security
professional well knows, when a defense is developed to stop the breach, the enemy exhausts all means to find another
way to get to the information/data or the "golden nugget". This game of "cat and mouse" is no more omnipresent than in
the field of Risk Management. One of the many important tools used to "fight the good fight" against nefarious groups is
the Risk Assessment. The risk assessment application being developed is no stranger to these cyber–delinquents and is
developed with a blend of the top recommendations from the various agencies. The RAAPP will increase the feasibility
of conducting a risk assessment; thereby increasing the frequency risk assessments are conducted in order to fortify
operations and protect the "golden nugget".
Information security breach vulnerabilities are growing at a rapid rate with no end in sight. The threat is migrating from
financial, healthcare and business industries to the home as every new major appliance purchased
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Questions On Information And Programming
MIKIN PATEL HOMEWORK–2 Middleware Concepts (a)Search the Internet and recognize a meaning of Middleware
that you like Middleware is a general term for programming that serves to "paste together" discrete, regularly mind
boggling and as of now existing, programs. Some product parts that are as often as possible associated with middleware
incorporate venture applications and Web administrations. (b)Compare and differentiate the definition you found with the
definition in the course message/slides Definition from Internet: Middleware is a general term for programming that
serves to "paste together" independent, regularly intricate and as of now existing, programs. Some product segments that
are as often as possible associated with middleware incorporate venture applications and Web administrations Definition
from the course message: An arrangement of normal business–unconscious administrations Enabling applications and
end clients to associate with each different over a system. Dwells over the system and beneath the business–mindful
programming. Both the Definitions come to basic stage that the association between the applications and the end client
with each other is over the system. Besides middleware standards are heats into cutting edge joining base, for example,
Enterprise Service Bus and API Management programming to give more prominent administration and responsibility.
(c)According to this definition, which ones of the accompanying are considered as middleware
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The Analysis Based Monitoring Tools Of Cloud
Literature Search The primary focus of behind the literature search is to research about the latest trends in the log
analysis based monitoring tools of cloud which also provides the features for forensics ability. We list below our analysis
of different papers we read which pertains information related to our topic. We have analyzed various tools and
techniques available, which are doing log analysis on a cloud. The motive of which is to create a novel log based private
cloud analysis build with the help of OpenStack cloud operating system. The paper 'Cloud Computing Log Forensics–
The new frontier' talks about the complication when forensics is applied to the cloud.[1] Since there is no one to one
mapping in cloud and ... Show more content on ...
The paper proposes solutions to the aforementioned issues in a very detailed manner. The paper 'Log file 's centralization
to improve cloud security' proposes a centralized, secure and comprehensive architecture for log–based analysis for cloud
computing platform [3]. It suggests the use of logs generated by cloud due to different activities performed, defining the
policies of which log file should be kept and which files must be transferred, and reporting of the attacks and threats and
attacks based on the analysis of these logs. Algorithms like map–reduce are applied which can report about the patterns
which can lead to attacks based on comparison with the stored values. Updating the policies based on the new findings
during the analysis of the logs files. The paper 'Event Correlation for Log Analysis in the Cloud' proposes an approach
for correlating different log based events so that these logs can be segregated [4]. It uses Infrastructure–as–a–service
(IaaS) like OpenStack and through various correlation condition like Attribute–Based Correlation, Conjunctive
Correlation, and Disjunctive Correlation and through this correlation criteria are set. Once policies for correlating events
are defined, association rule mining can be applied to the log data. Based on the mining, classification and clustering of
the events can be done which can later be used for detection of attacks and abnormalities in the system. The paper 'Secure
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Key Features Of The Database Management System
.In this paper we will examine the key features of the database management system MongoDB. Day–to–day information
is growing in gigantic amount. Generated information include predominant information and it will have to be analyzed
for gathering essential expertise. On the whole, relational databases are used so as to system the data. These, ways works
successfully for small amount of knowledge. What if the data is very tremendous? To avoid this problems Mongo
databases are introduced. MongoDB is a cross–platform document–oriented database. Classified as a NoSQL databases.
NoSQL meets the requirements of the large–scale distributed computing environment, which provides scalability, high
availability, high performance and reliability. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real–time web
applications. Using NoSQL provides the benefit of storing data in schema less structure. NoSQL is not a brand new
database technology; yet, it provides the possibility and flexibility of handling complex semi–structured data and
optimizes solutions to different types of data in this massive and data–intensive era of large–scale computing.
MongoDB is a structure free and it is a cross–platform document oriented database. MongoDB is developed by 10gen.
MongoDB is classified as a non SQL database. NoSQL stores include the use of low–level query languages (instead of
SQL, for instance the lack of ability to perform ad–hoc JOINs across tables), lack of standardized
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Mooc And Document Orientated Nosql Database
MOOC and document orientated NoSQL database
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is getting popularity in not only in Universities worldwide but also in the people
who want to enrich their skill sets. As the demand grows, different MOOC websites are taking appropriate action to
provide more dynamic environment. They are using NoSQL to maintain the data. Most of the MOOC websites using
Document type NoSQL databases to manage videos, forums and assignments. But when it comes to decide which
NoSQL database should be implemented there are many choices like MongoDB, CouchDB, ClusterPoint etc. and
consequently a question arises why majority of MOOC websites are using MongoDB instead of CouchDB which is also
a NoSQL document oriented database? In the following paper it will be more clear which database MongoDB or
CouchDB in the present time is more suitable to use for a MOOC website.
Distance learning had three generations
1. Correspondence Study
2. Multimedia
3. Computer mediate
After the industrial revolution, correspondence study started in the Europe and United States because more skilled work
force was required and also reliability and speed of postal service was improved greatly.
In the 20th century multimedia is introduced and became new tool of education for teachers and learners. Class became
more adaptable to reach different kind of audience result of that even people of remote areas started to get grasp on the
subject. But Multimedia still lack
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Smarthings Architecture Analysis
subsection{SmartThings} The open–source platform SmartThings cite{SmartThings} allows users to build applications
and connect them to devices, actions and services offered by the platform. SmartThings also enables the integration of
new devices and provides support for applications (SmartApps) communicating with external Web services by sending
notifications via REST messages. begin{figure}[!ht] centering includegraphics[scale=0.60]{smartthing.PNG}
caption{Illustration of the SmartThings architecture.} label{fig:smartthing} end{figure} In Figure ref{fig:smartthing}
shows the infrastructure blocks of the devices illustrating the SmartThings architecture. The Hub provides
communication between the "things" ... Show more content on ...
begin{figure}[!ht] centering includegraphics[scale=0.60]{restthing.PNG} caption{Illustration of the RestThings
architecture.} label{fig:restthing} end{figure} The RESTful API allows you to transmit data between sensors that use
IP protocol, gateways, Web applications using three types of data formats, JSON, XML and CSV. For access to RESTful
objects, the HTTP protocol operations are used: the textbf{GET} method is used to retrieve the current state of the
device, the textbf{PUT} method is used to modify the current state of the device, the textbf{POST} method is used to
create a new device; textbf{DELETE} to remove an device and, in addition, the textbf{LIST} method, which allows
you to get all device connected to the platform. subsubsection*{Use Case} The Monitor Temperature and Heart beat
application is user interface in smart phone that combines physical and Web resources in the Restful API. The real–time
data view is used to obtain current data from WSNs. The smart phone updates this information through sending GET to
the restful gateway. The gateway will give the response as the feedback to the phone. The temperature sensor whose
device number is one to get current internal lab room temperature as used in Smart Health environments cite{Lavanya}.
subsection{Xively} The Xively platformcite{Xively} provides an API for manager data from the sensors/devices
through cloud services, allowing the visualization
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Hrm 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment
During my co–op work placement, I was employed at Evichat Inc. in the position of Full Stack Developer. The total size
of the company is 5 people. The Software Development team where I worked with was relatively small compared to
other companies as it is an early stage startup. Throughout the work placement, I was worked on projects that involved
integrating with third parties including Relativity and Clio, improving web app security with role based authentication
and improving site SEO.
The team's main goal or goals were to improve search speed of text search compared to SQL text search, develop an AI
solution that provides semantic search results in the context of social media, integrate with third parties to transmit data
that the lawyer has requested, comply with Canadian data privacy security law and security audits requested by law
firms, and refactor ... Show more content on ...
The team split into either teams of 2 or individuals to accomplish these goals over the course of the term.
My tasks included integrating with Relativity and Clio, improving search result navigation, and improving web app
security with role based authentication. For the Relativity integration, I built an ASP.Net web API that would take a
JSON request sent by our Ruby on Rails application server and send it to Relativity using the Relativity Services API.
The ASP.Net server is written in C# so I learned the relevant C# skills necessary to facilitate the success of the task. This
server was deployed to our Amazon Web Services environment with Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk to be used
by our clients. Another task I worked on was to integrate with Clio, a legal practice management software. In particular,
clients have requested that we have the ability to export relevant documents that they have been working on to Clio to
manage with the rest of their case data. Clio
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This project performs sentiment analysis in various...
This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input for the application is
Twitter tweets which are collected using Twitter API. The Twitter API is designed by Twitter which is made available to
all registered Twitter Developers which runs on the Twitter Server. Input for the search term is provided by a Web
Application User Interface designed for the user to input a product name on which the sentiment analysis is to be
performed. This search term then acts as an input query for collecting tweets related to the product. Once when the user
inputs the search term on the web application, the browser makes an Ajax call to the web application server with search
term as an input to initiate the ... Show more content on ...
The web application server is a Rails server which runs on ruby and is programmed to handle all inputs from web site
and the Twitter server. The Twitter server is hosted by Twitter Inc. to handle Twitter and Twitter API requests. Hadoop
machine is used to derive more semantic information using graphs generated by the web application server. The web
application server here is a rails server which runs on ruby. It uses Ruby on Rails web application framework which is a
open source software. It is model view controller framework and has a controller component which responds to external
requests from the web server to the web application and determines which view to be rendered for a particular action.
The controller is responsible for a particular action to be performed when is called and routed through the framework. In
this project the algorithm resides inside a controller class called home and it renders a index view. The home class in this
project invokes all the required libraries as gems and the Twitter API too. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the individual
components in the Ruby on Rails framework. This project provides storage of processed tweets and all tweets collected
by the Tweeter API. The file system is designed to hold all processed tweets and their sentiment with graphs generated
for each tweet while processed by the algorithm. The file system has the following files in it which does the above
functions. The user interface of the web
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Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) Systems Integration With...
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems Integration With Clarity Connect The challenges of integrating diverse
healthcare standards, intranet and Internet communications, patient and consultant accessibility to EHRs and internal
business systems require an exceptionally mobile, intuitive and secure platform. EMR and EHR software are designed to
integrate electronic health records into healthcare businesses to provide HIPAA compliance. However, to meet or exceed
these requirements and offer patients, medical staff, insurance providers and outside consultants access to EMRs and
EHRs, healthcare businesses need a robust communications platform to connect these stakeholders. The benefits of
offering Web access to health records include better patient care, cost savings and efficiencies, better coordination
between medical service providers and greater patient participation in his or her own care. Integrating with Top EHR
Software The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 committed
federal resources by creating incentives for integrating EHR and EMR systems with patient–accessible websites. These
integrations offer sweeping advantages for health care companies that include: Using Skype for Business to manage
communications about patient care among healthcare staff, outside consultants and patients Qualifying for Medicare and
Medicaid Electronic EHR Incentive Programs Improving data accessibility to clinicians, patients and outside
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The Relational Model For Data Storage
The relational model, which uses predefined tabular relations to store data, has remained the preeminent model for data
storage since it was first implemented in the early 1980s. However, due to the proliferation of the Internet, today data
flows in and out of organizations quickly, and most of this data is in a semi–structured state that is designed for
communication over http. It is difficult to fit this complex data into a flat two dimensional array. For that reason, it is
imperative that companies have the ability to store data in a semi–structured format compatible with modern network
communications as well as various platforms and devices. The market has realized this and responded with document
stores that support formats, ... Show more content on ...
However, the proliferation of the Internet in the late twentieth century has changed the database landscape rapidly and
Today, interconnected networks around the globe stream data to a profusion of devices that range from powerful
mainframe supercomputers, and massive grids of commodity machines to smartphones and tiny single–board computers
embedded in home appliances. Most of the flow of data is done through the Internet or over other large TCP/IP networks
that utilize HTTP communications. For that reason, most of this data is in a semi–structured state that is designed not for
storage in a relational database, but for communication over HTTP. This data often arrives and leaves in a voluminous
stream. It is therefore difficult for organizations to convert the data quickly to and from a format that is conforms to the
rigid tabular structure of a relational schema.
Support for semi–structured data is integral to the collection and storage of data in the Internet age. While the relational
model is sill a good long term storage solution, organizations must be able to store and query semi–structured data that is
in a format compatible with HTTP communication because almost all modern devices use this medium of
communication. While XML can serve as a solution to this problem, JSON, a condensed format that is based on the
well–known JavaScript language, has many benefits over XML which I will
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Advantages And Differences Between SQLAnd Nosql
SAP also known as systems applications and products in data processing is one of the better IT companies at the moment.
It is a German software company which develops software for both small and large businesses to track customer and
business interactions. Their largest software is ERP (Enterprise Planning Resource). The software was given the same
name as the company name which can be slightly confusing at times. The company have offices in almost 130 countries
and their software operates in 180 countries with 335,000 users spread across. As per task this research paper will
challenge the comparison and contrast of NoSQL databases with relational database managing system which will be
explained in greater detail further in the ... Show more content on ...
Lack ability to perform ACID transactions
Figure 2 Both databases have some advantages and disadvantages. As seen in "Figure 2" there are listed some limitations
of both. Although the NoSQL database is not as well tested as SQL it will still keep growing as the technology advances
so well and performance must be improved which NoSQL allows for. Below in "Figure 3" are listed some advantages of
both databases.
Uses long established standards used by ASCI Easier to manage, files are more organised
SQL is a simple language which uses standard English keywords Higher level of flexibility
Easily maintained as all tools are provided unlike in NoSQL Open source meaning it is available to even the smallest
company at a very low cost
It is not as fast as NoSQL although SQL has its own simplicity which organizations like. Detail database model is not
needed therefore it increases efficiency due to time saving.
Figure 3 Return On
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Symphony Driver Essay
Symphony Driver
The Driver is the main project of the Symphony framework that contains the entry point – main method, for a symphony
job to get executed. This is also the core engine of the framework where the orchestration of the entire job takes place.
The driver needs a workflow to execute the job which is defined in the form of a JSON file. The JSON contains 3 process
sequences namely pre–processing, job–processing and post–processing that are executed in sequence by Symphony as
part of the workflow execution.
Overview: How driver works?
 The driver's main class WorkflowApp is invoked by a Spark–submit command with 2 arguments: job instance JSON
and environment properties.
 The driver then parses the first argument i.e. job ... Show more content on ...
In addition to the above conventional logging, Symphony also logs the critical job updates to a centralized logging
platform called Common Logging Environment (CLE). This platform provides a user interface that facilitates the user to
monitor the workflow execution in real–time and debug the jobs. For more details on Common Logging Environment
(CLE), please visit:–189214.
Password Management – Chamber of Secrets (CoS):
The driver module is required to utilize services like Nebula and Common Logging Environment (CLE) which needs a
batch id and password. Prior to the integration of CoS with Symphony, passwords were stored on the EMR using
"ftppwd" utility, which are not secure. Symphony has incorporated Capital One's enterprise–wide credential management
solution – Chamber of Secrets, to make the password storage and retrieval more secure. Please visit this pulse page for
more details on Chamber of Secrets:–184992.
Class Diagrams:
The opening section of this page provides a high–level overview of how the driver works. Now let us dive into how a
workflow is executed in the driver module.
As mentioned previously, the workflow contains 3 process sequences: pre–processing, job processing and post–
processing and each process sequence can be
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Common Characteristics Of Wireless Devices
The Web is actually a REST system. Many of the web services that we have been using for years are REST based web
services. REST is concerned with the 'big picture' of Web and does not deal with any implementation details like Java
Servlet or CGIs. Many common characteristics of wireless devices too, adhere the principles behind REST. There has
also been some interest in "extending REST to consider variable request priorities, differentiated quality–of–service, and
representations consisting of continuous data streams, such as those generated by broadcast of audio and video source"
[2]. Since REST was introduced almost a decade ago, it has gained widespread acceptance. This acceptance has seen
many inconsistencies though, as people didn't get to know what it actually is. There is no acceptance test for these
standards which can determine whether or not your web application is RESTful or not. Fielding couldn't come up with
examples to showcase a thorough RESTful architecture as opposed to just an abstract description of the concept. A future
look in this concept should convey what REST actually is and how one can get to a comprehensive RESTful web
architecture. Richardson's Maturity Model defines different levels of progressive enhancements that one can adopt in
order to make a web application RESTful [2]. These levels are (1) Level 0: The Swamp of Pox (2) Level 1: Resources (3)
Level 2: HTTP Verbs (4) Level 3: Hypermedia Control 2.1 Strengths of REST Services Advantage of
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The Concept Of Server-Side Internet API
A server–side internet API could be a programmatic interface consisting of 1 or additional in public exposed endpoints to
an outlined request–response message system, usually expressed in JSON or XML, that is exposed via the internet–most
unremarkably by means that of associate degree HTTP–based web server. Mashups ar internet applicationswhich mix the
utilization of multiple server–side internet arthropod genus. Webhooks ar server–side internet arthropod genus that take
as input associate degree Uniform Resource symbol (URI) that's designed to be used sort of a remote named pipe or a
kind of request such the server acts as a shopper to dereference the provided URI and trigger an occurrence on another
server that handles this event ... Show more content on ...
These quiet internet arthropod genus ar accessible via commonplace HTTP strategies by a range of HTTP purchasers as
well as browsers and mobile devices. they need benefits over internet services in this they have a tendency to be less
resource intensive (and therefore sometimes run faster) if they use JSON as message exchange format as a result of in
this case they are doing not got to perform XML–to–programming language knowledge conversions PRN by a SOAP–
based service arthropod genus.
Signs of those business changes may be seen by:[8] Yahoo provides REST for all their services Amazon and eBay offer
each REST and SOAP Google accustomed solely offer SOAP, however deprecated these resources, in favour of REST in
This move from internet services to internet arthropod genus is analogous to the linguistics internet movement towards
the Resource Description Framework.
Server–side internet arthropod genus ar interfaces for the surface world to move with the business logic. for several
corporations this internal business logic and also the material possession related to it ar what distinguishes them from
alternative corporations, and doubtless what offers them a competitive edge. they are doing not wish this info to be
exposed. However, so as to supply an internet API of top quality, there must
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Node. Js
1) NODE.Js:
It is an open– source framework and a server–side platform. It responds to actions generated by the user so it provides an
event–driven environment. Node.js uses asynchronous programming which means that when a task is sent to the system,
the server does not wait for API to return data and it does not even block it. Else, it gets ready to handle the request and
moves to the next API, and when the file has been read (event) by the system, it responds to the client. Node.js does not
support the buffering of data; it sends the output in chunks which makes it fast in executing the code as well as memory
Node.js applications are written in JavaScript. It also provides a library of JavaScript ... Show more content on ...
Uses JavaScript syntax for development of applications. Uses TypeScript for development of applications. Uses
TypeScript 2.1 and TypeScript 2.2 for development of applications.
Does not support mobile application development. Totally focuses on mobile application development. Mobile
application development is faster with smaller file size.
Difficulty in developing SEO friendly applications. Can easily build SEO friendly applications by rendering the HTML
at server–side. It introduces View Engine in which 60% size is reduced of the produced code of components.
Animation included in application. Animation included in application. Animation is part of a separate package.
6) JSON:
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is very easy to use, read and write since it uses JavaScript syntax but in
Text Format which makes it very easy to change any JS object (form of text) into JSON and vice versa and send/receive
to/from the server; known as data–interchange language.
JSON does not depend on the language as it uses the text format and text is not restricted to any particular programming
language. It can easily convert a string from JSON format into JavaScript Objects using a method I.e. JSON.parse().
JSON is a self–documenting language and is very easy to
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Essay On Resume And Twitter
IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS The dataset used in this research contains 1000 resumes. These resumes were
downloaded manually from [10]. Most of these resumes did not have a standard format. These were
collected randomly and have different job descriptions. Also, most of them were in PDF format, and the others were with
DOC or DOCX extensions. This section focuses on implementing the methodology discussed in Section III for data
extraction from resume and Twitter, and representing it in a structured format. Python (anaconda 3.6) [11] was used due
to its ease and convenience of having many packages in the field of text mining [7]. In the data extraction phase, the data
is extracted and prepared for further processing. The resume ... Show more content on ...
It was extracted using the string slicing and POS tagging. The words that have noun (NN) as parts of speech are selected
as the name of the candidate. Also, the candidate's address, skills, and education were extracted using POS tagging. The
address usually has the same pattern, which is the name of the city followed by the state abbreviation. It checks if the first
word is a noun (NN) followed by a comma, and the length of the second word is equal to two: such as Erie, PA. The
candidate's skills and education were extracted by checking each sentence in the resume. If any sentence has any phrases
that are related to skills then appropriate nouns (NN) from these sentences are extracted as skills. Similarly, education
section is filled with NN in education or qualification. The regular expression library was used to extract the candidate's
email that has a specific pattern. In the sentiment extraction phase, the candidate's name extracted from the resume was
used to search on Twitter to find his/her profile. The candidate's tweets are retrieved for further processing using Tweepy
package and its API [13]. Then, these tweets are analysed to extract the sentiments for each candidate. This is done by
using Textblob package which is a popular natural language processer [14]. In the data consolidation phase, the extracted
data from resume and Twitter are
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A Sample Resume Essay
Renu P
Brampton, Ontario
Phone No: 647–331–5195
5+ years of extensive IT experience in software Development and Implementation including 1+Years of experience in big
data and Hadoop technology stack.
Constructive experience in installing, configuring and using ecosystem components like Hadoop Map Reduce, HDFS,
HBase, Zoo Keeper, Oozie, Hive, Cassandra, Sqoop, Pig, Flume, Avro, Chukwa, Whirr, and Cloudera.
Excellent Understanding and Hands on experience with Hadoop stacks Technology like Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig,
Sqoop, Impala, Oozie, Scala and Spark.
Extensive experience working with SQL, Core Java and Linux.
Having experience on importing and exporting data from different systems like RDBMS ... Show more content on ...
Effective in handling multiple synchronized prioritized tasks with critical thinking, decision–making and problem–
solving abilities.
Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills with ability to interact with individuals at
all levels and able to work independently or collaboratively.
Hadoop Developer April 2016 to Present
TELUS – Scarborough, ON
The project aims to move all data from different sources or log data from individual servers to HDFS as per the
management system and then perform analysis on these HDFS data sets. Once the data set is inside HDFS, then pig, hive
and map reduce are used to perform various analysis.
Used Pig and hive as ETL tool to do transformations, joins and aggregations before storing the data into HDFS.
Created Hive tables and loaded data in from Relational Database Management system using Sqoop.
Extensively worked on creating Hive tables, partitions and buckets for analyzing large volumes of data.
Creating Partitions and buckets hive tables in Parquet File Format with snappy compression and then loaded data into
Parquet hive tables from Avro hive tables.
Scheduling and managing the Hive, pig and map reduce jobs on Hadoop cluster by using Oozie and Falcon process files.
For implement business logic to transform the
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Mayo Clinic Television Iproject. Jayanth Reddy Bogasamudram,
Mayo Clinic Television iProject
JAYANTH REDDY BOGASAMUDRAM, Department of Software Engineering
Mayo clinic is a nonprofit medical research group focusing on solving medical problems maintaining finest medical
practices. Long waiting appointments and schedules always seem to be a problem for patients who seek immediate
medical care especially cases when problem related to sensitive body parts are intense and need immediate care. To
achieve better time management and proper medical care, an IOS app is designed to deliver the results of examination
report directly to physicians and technicians at Mayo clinic, thus delivering the immediate results. The primary focus of
the app is to ... Show more content on ...
JSON format & API for the IOS application is discussed in API's and JSON format section. Phase–2 contains visual
recognition API's, deep learning vs neural networks and proof of concept model. Visual recognition API's discuss about
various prominent API's developed by Microsoft, Amazon and IBM Watson. This section also contains various
technologies considered while developing these API's. Deep learning vs neural networks section explains the reason why
deep learning is implemented in these API's and how deep learning improves the performance of image recognition. The
Architecture and proof of concept explains how the model can be implemented in IOS application.
Fig. 1. Side view and front view of initial design with portable case.
Initially, ophthalmologists required a way to take mobile images of the eye and produce image to clinicians that helps
diagnose eye issues. The primary goal of this design is to reduce
1. Physicians travel time during off hours.
2. Patient wait time.
3. Usage and cost of the application.
The ASU team was tasked to develop a portable camera that could be used by technicians in areas where large, complex
and expensive instrumentation are needed to perform eye examinations and provide accurate results. The team performed
extensive research and concluded that apple camera is good fit for the research. Understanding the compatibility
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Identifying A Nosql Data Base
For the challenges we are facing be it technical or functional we find a NoSql data base as a best fit. We found out that
NoSql incorporates a wide mixed bag of various database technologies and were produced in response to the rising data
needs. Also when in comparison to the RDBMS present in the market NoSql provides an enriched performance and
better scalability solutions. So in search of the best fit as our solution we searched out various types of NoSql database
types and found out about Document databases, Graph databases, Key value stores and other similar types. Let's explore
various market players in each of the type and find the best one.
The goal of every NoSql ... Show more content on ...
Since Redis is top dog concerning pace and execution, the database is best utilized when time is an issue, including job
administration, qeueuing, analytics and geo look.
Earlier version of REDIS had the facility of on disk storage but this was deprecated in recent versions which provided
persistence using snapshotting in which the data is persisted asynchronously to disk from the memory. Currently its every
2 seconds. So we are risking a few seconds data when the system goes down.
Best Used when you know the size of data which will be in future and can be used in applications which use real time
analytics. Apache Cassandra
Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management framework intended to handle a lot of information
crosswise over numerous product servers, giving high accessibility. The single point of failure is eliminated in Cassandra.
It is a Decentralized database and every node has the capability to serve the request as such there is no use of single
master in this case. The key feature of Cassandra is this distributed architecture which serves very useful for multiple
deployments of data centers.
It includes other features like Scalability, Fault–tolerant, support with Hadoop,etc. It gives a recognizable interface (CQL,
reminiscent of SQL) and the learning curve isn 't excessively soak for users.
Best utilized when you have to store information so enormous that it doesn 't fit on server, yet at
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KnowledgeWorker has a local file storage integration as a...
KnowledgeWorker has a local file storage integration as a fundamental function for its users. Users can request importing
media from the local file storage, e.g., hard disk, to the central media repository. Once the media was selected, it will
transfer from the local file storage via the importing's module to the dedicated media server of KnowledgeWorker, as
shown in Fig.1. B. Import process using the integration approach The generic integration of file storage providers
emphasizes on the import process. The overall work flow of the import process from file storage to central media
repository of KnowledgeWorker is shown in Fig. 2 The mechanism of importing media asset from local file storage and
cloud file ... Show more content on ...
After that, the information will flow from cloud file storage providers to KnowledgeWorker. After this step, the
procedures of importing process will continue. After the referral URL and files' information acquired, file streaming
process is initialized to obtain duplications of the original files from the referral URL. The related files' information will
also record into the central media repository for the ease of searching. C. Component overview The generic integration of
file storage providers runs on the web browser. It is the component that require the internet connection between client and
server. The component can be separated into client part and server part. As shown in Fig. 3, the component overview of
the generic integration of file storage providers. Moreover, server part consists of four layers categorized by the specific
function. Client represents web browser and the page "create media asset" of KnowledgeWorker to users. Users interact
with web browser and web browser will interact with user interface of the system. Client represents web browser resides
on the user's computer. Users interact with web browser and web browser will interact with user interface of the system.
Client will communicate with KnowledgeWorker's server to begin any activities. In this case, client will request the
initialization of the import process. The presentation layer will response for the
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The Structure Of The Foundation Of Json Schema
Foundation of JSON Schema
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the most popular semi structured data format for sending API requests and
responses but it is still lacking a standardized schema or meta data definition that allows the developers to specify the
structure of JSON documents. JSON is a data format based on the data types of JavaScript Programming. JSON data
models comprises of strings, numbers and other types of data that database system treats as atomic. JSON is also used for
storing data, and that too in the format of choice for several document–oriented databases such as MongoDB[3] and
CouchDB[5]. This paper has been formally arranged in a way that it provides the reader complete understanding of what
JSON is and ... Show more content on ...
In the next step, the practical use case of increasing importance is demonstrated in Schema definition for Wikidata [6].
All the six types of valid JSON document such as object, array, string. Numbers, boolean values and null can be specified
by a JSON schema. Here, the key point to understand is that a JSON document satisfies a schema if it satisfies all
keywords of schema. Formally, a schema S and a document J can be represented as J|= S to describe that J satisfies S. |=
is to define all six types of JSON document as well as their combinations and enumerations.
Formal Analysis
The efficiency of working with JSON schema and its expressive power is discussed in this section. It is observed whether
the computational cost of document conforms to a schema. Later, JSON schema is compared with various well
established theoretical formalisms such as nondeterministic finite state automata.
Practical Considerations
To understand the efficiency and applicability of JSON Schema, an experimental analysis is undergone in this section of
the article where the author initially runs a series of experiments to test self–developed validators under JSON document
of increasing sizes. Later, a real use case named Wikidata Database is used where JSON schema can be naturally used.
Experiment under JSON document of increasing size
For this experiment, a machine with 8 GB
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Information Technology : A New Generation Of Sql
I. Introduction
Information technology continues to revolutionize the interactions of mankind in various ways, through social media,
business, education and other channels. The internet has made it possible to transmit large data across many networks.
These networks have made it possible to store, access and query billion of data from large databases. Innovation has
given rise to special language used to manage and access all sorts of information within various databases know as SQL.
Recently a new generation of SQL known as NoSQL has been developed. NoSQL store related data in JSON–like,
name–value documents and can store data without specifying a schema. One such type of NoSQL database that has been
developed is the IBM Informix ... Show more content on ...
Many organizations use the Informix database capability including DHL and CISCO.
III. NoSQL capability
IBM Informix provides the following NoSQL dimensions (IBM Informix Simply powerful):
Application development flexibility
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents are a fully–supported data type. IBM Informix provides a rich set of APIs
for storing, manipulating and retrieving JSON documents, accessible from a wide range of programming environments.
All of the enterprise–level capabilities of IBM Informix can be applied to the JSON document stores, including
compression, replication and high availability, transactional consistency, multi–node scalability and more.
Web developers can now access data without having to write SQL. But that 's not all – the traditional SQL model can still
be applied when needed, such as mission–critical transactional workloads. The two methodologies
Hybrid automated decision making supports SQL and NoSQL
IBM Informix determines if you are dealing with a JSON Collection or a SQL tables and processes the operations
appropriately. Thus IBM Informix's ability to access JSON documents and/or SQL tables within the popular MongoDB
APIs provides the foundation for a single hybrid application to span all of the enterprise data.
Enterprise level performance The IBM Informix NoSQL solution gives you ACID principles when they are needed,
along with
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Gender Recognition And Android Development
Gender Recognition and
Android Development
Summer Internship Report
TBI Online, Noida
Prakhar Singh
IV Year, ECW
The internship I had with TBI Online was a great chance for me to work with and learn from a professional environment.
I am very grateful that I was provided with this opportunity. I consider myself lucky for having a chance to meet so many
wonderful people and professionals who mentored me throughout my internship period.
I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to my mentor Rohit Sharma (CTO), who
took out his valuable time to help me out and guide me, allowing me to carry out my project, and for giving me necessary
I would also like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to Mr Vipul (Lead Developer) for his careful and precious
guidance which were extremely valuable to me, and his helping in getting me acquainted with the company
I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge
in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives.
Prakhar Singh
Table of Contents
Company Profile
About TBI Online
Literature Review
Technical Details (Work Done)
Gender Recognition
Android Code Review
Future Work
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Web Application For The Smart Agricultural System
The Web Application is used to view and interact with the smart agricultural system. The webpages are served from the
Webserver and consist of HTML, CSS, JS, and JSON files. The HTML and CSS files are used for the webpages content
and layout, the Javascript performs the webpages backend processing, and JSON is used for data. The Web Application
performs most of its interaction with the Sensor Network through JSON files are passed between the Webserver and the
Web Application. The JSON files contain labeled data that can be displayed as plots or text information. The plots are
updated once every second by requesting new sensor data from the Webserver. This Section will focus on the software
that allows that Web Application to ... Show more content on ...
Figure 26: Weather webpage layout. The Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Light, and Soil Moisture pages display
graphic plots for each sensor value type. These pages allow the user to track in real time the current status and history of
the sensor value. Figure 27: Temperature webpage layout. The Water Control webpage displays the history the water
pump on/off state and value of the environment's soil moisture. This page gives the best overview of the current system
status. Typically, what you would see is that based on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and
weather, the soil moisture threshold will scale to compensate for the current conditions. The scaling and compensating
factors will be discussed in the smart algorithm section below. Then, if the environment's soil moisture sensor value falls
below the soil moisture threshold, then the water pump will turn on. This will be reflected in the water control graphical
plot. Figure 28: Water control webpage layout. 4.5.2 Data Interface: The Web Application interfaces with the Webserver
by requesting JSON data files. The JSON files contain the sensor data used to update the plots and command statuses of
the Web Application. The information within the files is formatted in a specific way such that the files can be passed
directly to the plotting function. CouchDB performs the file formatting using its query function. Below is an
... Get more on ...
The Recent Pronouncement Of The World Wide Web (Www) Had
Comparing The Downloader And The Browser
Abstract In our project we want to set a bridge between the downloader and the browser, by writing a web–based
interface, the request can automatically transferred into the utility and file can be downloaded with fast speed and
breakpoint resume. Nowadays, when using downloading software to download files, the first thing is to download an
installer for setting up the software. Then it 's time to create a new account. After finishing the step of account creation,
the fast speed can be achieved. Sometimes downloading a large file, users have to add four more step to complete the
downloading operation, copy the link address, minimize the browser, open the software interface and paste onto it.
However, the downloader could be powerless if the ... Show more content on ...
We have tested on 5 popular browsers [2]. The results are listed below: 2.2 Software downloading Unlike browser
downloading, downloading software does it better in speed and some extra functions. It is an easy tool for users to
download. Nonetheless, it requests users to install its software and create a new account. Also, downloading software will
be powerless if the website has a user requirement. 2.2.1 Bit–torrent downloading BT (Bit Torrent) downloading divides
a file into many parts, and user will download different parts from different users at the same time to achieve a higher
speed and decrease the load of download servers. [3] 2.2.2 FTP downloading Users download files from FTP servers.
Downloading software will integrate resources for users, helping users download different parts of files from different
servers at same time. [4] We have tested on 5 downloading tools. 2 of them is for Bit–Torrent or magnetic links. The
results are listed below: 3.0 Proposed System The project is trying to implement advantages from both browser and
software. It is more convenient for every user. It support multi–protocol, multi–line, breakpoint resume features.
Meanwhile, users are allowed to login authenticating download. 3.1 Advantages of proposed system The goal system is
to support all kind of popular downloading ways. Users could also download several tasks or divide one task into several
parts for faster downloading at the same time. In the condition of
... Get more on ...

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  • 7. Notes On Association Rule Mining Association Rule Mining: Association Rule Mining is a part of data mining, which are most important techniques. Data Mining is used to extract the required information from a certain total data. Association Rules are mainly used in several areas such as telecommunication networks, risk management, etc. The efficiency of using the Association Rules Mining is to 1. Process the number of passes for the database. 2. Sampling the database process. 3. For the pattern structure, adding extra constraints. 4. By using the Parallelization Big Data: Big Data is the term which is used for data sets to make a very large application for processing the data. The Processing may involve analysis, search, sharing, storage, visualization and privacy information. Big data is a type of predictive analysis which is used for the purpose of extract the value from data. The data sets are used for the purpose of analysis to find the new correlation of business trends, for the prevention of diseases and so on. Cassandra: Cassandra is an open source project, which is used for Distributed Database Management System; this design is used to handle large amounts of data across the servers. Cassandra supports multiple data centers with asynchronous replication of low latency operations with all the clients. The performance of Cassandra is very high, and contains a data model which is divided into row store with consistency. Data Mining: The major calculations in Data mining and examination shape ... Get more on ...
  • 9. A Study Of Sapui5 Application Development Essay INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW:– The project is a study of SAPUI5 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT along with all its contents, controls, interface designs, connectivity and functionality. A simple demo test application is created using UI5 controls and technology for maintaining product database. In the demo application, ODataServices are created and used in order to view, create, delete and update the database. The user can effectively maintain the given product database with this demo application. OBJECTIVE:– The main objective of this project is to maintain database at the backend and provide a front–end to the client. The changes made to the database in the front end should be reflected and saved at the backend server as well. The following objectives were achieved in making this project:– Make the application mobile so that it is usable on all types of devices. Simple and user–friendly interface for the clients. Effectively use and maintain the database MOTIVATION:– ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is one the latest technologies being adopted by major companies all around the world. ERP aims to integrate the business operations and simplifying them in the process. It also aims to keep the data updated for all departments of the organisation. The scope of SAP ERP is unlimited and the software is in great demand in the market today. SAP SAP stands for Software, Applications and Products in data processing. SAP software was created by SAP Company itself which is the fourth ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Swot Analysis : Nosql Dbs CS 557 Writing Assignment #2 Naveen Chitturi Introduction to the topic of NoSQL DBs Relational database systems came into existence in the 1970's, and revolutionized the way data is maintained in computers. Like every technology that is subjected to test of time, relational database systems are under criticism for not being scalable enough to meet growing users and exponentially increasing data management needs. Today, a new technology called NoSQL is being pioneered by leading companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook etc. to meet the shortcomings of the 40–year–old relational database technology. Modern web applications are making a transition from traditional relational databases to NoSQL databases to meet the demand of steadily growing concurrent users and big data. NoSQL today stands for 'Not only SQL' and encompasses a myriad of different database technologies that can cope up with scale and agility challenges faced by modern applications. It provides the capability to store unstructured data, which is not possible using RDBS. The major advantage of using a NoSQL DB is horizontally scalability, that is, cheap infrastructure can be newly added to improve performance instead of upgrading an already expensive system. There are four types of NoSQL databases, as follows Document store: These store complex data structures known as documents, by associating them with a unique key. Documents can contain many key–value pairs and can even nest other documents. E.g. MongoDB, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Database Proposal : Analysis The Performance Of Database Analysis the performance of database Xiaoyu Liang Computer Engineering Department Student id: 010830131 Abstract–This report compares the performance of different type of databases and general the normal way to improve the performance of the database. Keywords–database; performance; SQL; NO–SQL; I. INTRODUCTION The database means we collect data according to their types or relations and store these data in the tables in order to make further operated. And the Database–management system is usually seen as DBMS which is software application used to manage these databases. What we discuss here is mainly focus on the DBMS. II. DATABASES There are many different types of database. The following part lists the widely ... Show more content on ... It is good at scalable. G. Amazon Dynamo Database Amazon DynamoDB is NoSQL database, it is famous for its cloud base and speed. It is agility to many data models. H. Apache Cassandra Database Apache Cassandra is a free open source which is a typically NoSQL with the distributed feature. This database could manage volume data and provide no single point of failure. I. Raven Database Raven Database is a document–oriented database combine the relational databases feature and document databases. III. PEFORMANCE COMPARISON BETWEEN SQL DATABASE AND NO–SQL DATABASE In order to make it easy to analyze the performance of the database. We need to categorize the above databases. We can categorize them due to the content of the database. Dividing them into "bibliographic, document–text, statistical, or multimedia objects. Another way is by their application area, for example, accounting, music compositions, movies, banking, manufacturing, or insurance" [1]. In our project, we divide the database according to the computer software aspect. Mainly including the SQL database (relational database) and NoSQL database (non–relation database). We compare these two databases in below aspects: A. Storage SQL database: store data in the table. This way is intuitive and clear. But the disadvantage is that the type of the data is determined. Table I: type of SQL Table Documents book_id book name author 001 Big data: principles and paradigms Rodrigo N. 002 Big ... Get more on ...
  • 15. How Does IBM I Diversify Its Database Support? There are many things that differentiate IBM i from other platforms, including its storage, security, and programming models. But one of the most unique aspects of the IBM i platform is its integrated DB2 database, which is used exclusively by practically all IBM i customers. You just dont find this on other platforms. But perhaps its time for IBM i to diversify its database support? In many respects, DB2 for i is the platforms greatest strength. IBM i is renowned for its transaction processing prowess that drives ERP and other line of business applications, and DB2 for i (formerly DB2/400, but do not call it that around Mike Cain) is the sturdy engine that powers those transactions. It is theoretically possible to run an IBM i server without DB2 for i. Perhaps you want to serve HTTP requests in concert with a separate Oracle or SQL Server database running on an X86 server. But doing so would seem to go against the strengths of the platforms, let alone the laws of computing nature. In a heterogeneous setups, which are common in Oracle JD Edwards and SAP Business Suite worlds, the IBM i server nearly always powers the database, while mainstream X86 servers and their Windows and Linux OSes power the application and HTTP servers. This database–centric identity has served the IBM midrange platform well for decades. The DB2 for i database is very mature and powerful, supports both SQL and DDS programming constructs, and is more ANSI SQL compliant that other relational databases (just as how, ironically, IBM i is more POSIX compliant than all Unix operating systems, even though its not Unix). Whats more, DB2 for i just keeps getting better and better with each new release of IBM i. So why in the world would an IBM i shop ever need something else? Its The Data, Stupid The most answer to that question may be that the nature of data itself is changing, and therefore the ways that we store it need to change, too. When IBM first developed the AS/400, storage (both main and disk) was expensive relative to today, and so companies wanted to minimize the amount they stored. IBMs storage architecture reflected this reality, and therefore the data written to disk was highly refined, or structured. This focus on structured data ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Nosql Essay Now days, open source technologies are becoming famous in the global market including corporate and government sector. A number of domains in software industry are making use of open source products for multiple applications. NoSQL Databases, Big Data Analytics and web services are on the top and used in diverse applications. NoSQL Databases are being used in the social media applications and big data processing based portals in which huge, heterogeneous and unstructured data formats are handled. NoSQL Databases are used for faster access of records from the big dataset at back–end. The AADHAAR Card implementation in India was done using NoSQL Databases as huge amount of information is associated including Text Data, Images, Thumb Impressions and Iris Detection. Any classical database system cannot handle the dataset of different types (Image, Text, Video, Audio, Video, Thumb Impressions for Pattern Recognition, Iris Sample) simultaneously. Currently, a number of NoSQL Databases are used for different type of portals and these are specialized in handling heterogeneous and unstructured data. OPEN SOURCE NOSQL DATABASES In classical web based implementations, the RDBMS packages are deployed for the database applications including Apache Derby, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Notes, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase or any other. These are known as Traditional SQL Databases which are ACID Properties Compliant. NewSQL is the new generation database engine that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Pros And Disadvantages Of ORM Impedence Mismatching When to non–relate While relational databases are great, they do come with trade–offs. One of those is ORM Impedence Mismatching, because relational databases were not initially created with the OOP languages in mind. The best way to avoid this issue is to create your database schema with referential integrity at its core. So, when using a relational database with an OOP (like Ruby), you have to think about how to set up your primary and foreign keys, the use of constraints (including the cascade delete and update), and how you write your migrations. But, if you're dealing with a phenomenally huge amount of data, it can be way too tedious, and the probability of error (in the form of an ORM Impedance Mismatch issue) increases. In that situation ... Show more content on ... This means you need to perform multiple queries and join the data manually within your code –– and that can get very ugly, very fast. Since Mongo doesn't automatically treat operations as transactions the way a relational database does, you must manually choose to create a transaction and then manually verify it, manually commit it or roll it back. Even the documentation on the MongoDB site warns you that without taking some potentially time–consuming precautions, and since documents can be fairly complex and nested, the success or failure of a database operation cannot be all or nothing. To put it simply, some operations will succeed while others fail. Of course, this all brings us back to the beginning; knowing how to ask exactly the right questions in order to effectively whiteboard your data model. It's this key step that will allow you to determine the best route for you regarding your application's flow. Taking the time to pinpoint the right questions will serve as a solid guide when choosing the programming language to write your application in, and the use of one particular database over ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Adopting To Achieve Mobile Data Security Adopting eLockBox to achieve Mobile Data Security Akshay Prakash Pawar1, Rohan Manoj Thakkar2, SaurabhSahebrao Salunkhe3, SarveshSuhasKapre4 1,2,3,4Student of Computer Engineering Department 1,2,3,4K. J.Somaiya College of Engineering Mumbai, Pin no.400077,,, Abstract: Smartphones like android are becoming common. Phones are very small in size and hence easy to misplace. Even a small inattention can lead to phone theft and hence information theft. Abusers can use your address lists, account information and various passwords that are stored in your phone. There are many applications that are available to lock your data stored on your ... Show more content on ... For further security eLockBox can also restrict anyone from accessing the files on server on unclassified date and time. If access is restricted on Sunday from 8 am to 5 pm no person will be able to access the server at the specified time. Keywords: Security Systems,LockBox, Mobile Data, Data Security, eLockBox, Mobile Data Security. 1. INTRODUCTION An individual has many personal email accounts and hence he needs to remember their passwords. Remembering all the credit card numbers is a heavy duty [6]. ELockBox can encrypt one's file containing all the ID's, passwords etc. and store it on the server instead of storing it on the phone itself. For Encrypting and Decrypting the file AES algorithm is used. AES algorithm can be implemented with 128, 192 and 256 bits[1]. AES algorithm is efficient to protect classified information which is on SECRET level. For TOP SECRET 192 and 256 bit key AES is recommended. AES algorithm is the main part in the eLockBox. The passwords required for authentication of a person and file is stored on the server rather than in one's phone. In the authentication process, a person is required to prove his identity using Login ID's or draw patter (CAPTCHA) or both for better security. After successfully entering into eLockBox a person can encrypt his file and then upload it on the server. A person is required to remember the secret key that is generated automatically while the process of encryption. This key ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Security Policies For Schema Less Or Dynamic Schema... 5.10 Authorization Two important challenges (Obijaju, 2015; Srinivas & Nair, 2015; Urbanski, 2012; Kirkpatrick, 2013; Fidelis Cybersecurity, 2014). 5.10.1 Possibility: How to define security policies for schema–less or dynamic–schema database? 5.10.2 Performance: Availability versus access controls overhead, how to manage the cost of access control? Because of schema–less nature of NoSQL data models, fine–grained data access controls at the column or row level, as gave by RDBMS i.e. oracle and these features are not accessible in the recent NoSQL databases. Some of them employ a few kind of authorization if desired. Authorization setting of some of NoSQL database is allowed by all authenticators, which means essentially there is no authorization per database level and allow any action by any user (Obijaju, 2015; Srinivas & Nair, 2015; Kirkpatrick, 2013; Fidelis Cybersecurity, 2014). Authorization information is mentioned in Table 6. Table 6. Authorization Detail in NoSQL Databases NoSQL Databases Granularity Explanation BigTable Column Family Using ACL Cassandra Column Family Using I Authorizer API HBase Column Family /Cell Group–based authorization Accumulo Cell using Visibility Field 5.10.3 Inference Control: Access control on data, especially in Column–Wide database. 5.10.4 Administration/access control management: How and where to grant database access. Local versus Global access policies and their possible conflicts. Centralized approach: single–point of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Why Some Companies Use Couchbase Instead Of Other Servers... The couchbase data storage becomes clear when we look at the reasons of why some companies use Couchbase instead of other servers. For instance, LinkedIn has chosen Couchbase to handle the big number of users that is around 225 million members around the world. Couchbase has features like scalability of high data and access availability that the company needs for logging, monitoring and analyzing the activities of their big users. At first LinkedIn used Memcached to store their data, but found that Memcached used independent requests that do not share data between them. This causes data conflict and slows the application performance. Then, LinkedIn replaced Memcached with a Couchbase Server that provides fast and scalable storages to handle their previous and new data ( What is Couchbase Mobile? With the development of technology, storing huge data is not the ultimate task of data administrators. They want users to have the ability to share data among multiple mobile devices. So, Couchbase Mobile is defined as NoSQL databases that is used in mobile. It delivers easy access to data either with a network connection or without it. Couchbase Mobile consists of three elements: Couchbase Sync Gateway, Couchbase Lite, and Couchbase Server ( The Couchbase Sync Gateway is a way to securely link the data between the mobile and the cloud by using web–facing cloud. Sync Gateway assists the process of synchronization because it provides balance ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Research And Development Of A Mobile Web Application Research and Development of a Mobile Web Application For Conducting Risk Assessments Stephen J. Donnellon Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Abstract The information age has brought with it the need to secure computer networks against unauthorized access, data manipulation and identification protection. "There is no such thing as 100% secure" or "if an attacker wants something bad enough they will get it", is heard often when information assurance is discussed. In fact, as one Information Security professional well knows, when a defense is developed to stop the breach, the enemy exhausts all means to find another way to get to the information/data or the "golden nugget". This game of "cat and mouse" is no more omnipresent than in the field of Risk Management. One of the many important tools used to "fight the good fight" against nefarious groups is the Risk Assessment. The risk assessment application being developed is no stranger to these cyber–delinquents and is developed with a blend of the top recommendations from the various agencies. The RAAPP will increase the feasibility of conducting a risk assessment; thereby increasing the frequency risk assessments are conducted in order to fortify operations and protect the "golden nugget". Discussion Information security breach vulnerabilities are growing at a rapid rate with no end in sight. The threat is migrating from financial, healthcare and business industries to the home as every new major appliance purchased ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Questions On Information And Programming MIKIN PATEL HOMEWORK–2 Middleware Concepts (a)Search the Internet and recognize a meaning of Middleware that you like Middleware is a general term for programming that serves to "paste together" discrete, regularly mind boggling and as of now existing, programs. Some product parts that are as often as possible associated with middleware incorporate venture applications and Web administrations. (b)Compare and differentiate the definition you found with the definition in the course message/slides Definition from Internet: Middleware is a general term for programming that serves to "paste together" independent, regularly intricate and as of now existing, programs. Some product segments that are as often as possible associated with middleware incorporate venture applications and Web administrations Definition from the course message: An arrangement of normal business–unconscious administrations Enabling applications and end clients to associate with each different over a system. Dwells over the system and beneath the business–mindful programming. Both the Definitions come to basic stage that the association between the applications and the end client with each other is over the system. Besides middleware standards are heats into cutting edge joining base, for example, Enterprise Service Bus and API Management programming to give more prominent administration and responsibility. (c)According to this definition, which ones of the accompanying are considered as middleware ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Analysis Based Monitoring Tools Of Cloud Literature Search The primary focus of behind the literature search is to research about the latest trends in the log analysis based monitoring tools of cloud which also provides the features for forensics ability. We list below our analysis of different papers we read which pertains information related to our topic. We have analyzed various tools and techniques available, which are doing log analysis on a cloud. The motive of which is to create a novel log based private cloud analysis build with the help of OpenStack cloud operating system. The paper 'Cloud Computing Log Forensics– The new frontier' talks about the complication when forensics is applied to the cloud.[1] Since there is no one to one mapping in cloud and ... Show more content on ... The paper proposes solutions to the aforementioned issues in a very detailed manner. The paper 'Log file 's centralization to improve cloud security' proposes a centralized, secure and comprehensive architecture for log–based analysis for cloud computing platform [3]. It suggests the use of logs generated by cloud due to different activities performed, defining the policies of which log file should be kept and which files must be transferred, and reporting of the attacks and threats and attacks based on the analysis of these logs. Algorithms like map–reduce are applied which can report about the patterns which can lead to attacks based on comparison with the stored values. Updating the policies based on the new findings during the analysis of the logs files. The paper 'Event Correlation for Log Analysis in the Cloud' proposes an approach for correlating different log based events so that these logs can be segregated [4]. It uses Infrastructure–as–a–service (IaaS) like OpenStack and through various correlation condition like Attribute–Based Correlation, Conjunctive Correlation, and Disjunctive Correlation and through this correlation criteria are set. Once policies for correlating events are defined, association rule mining can be applied to the log data. Based on the mining, classification and clustering of the events can be done which can later be used for detection of attacks and abnormalities in the system. The paper 'Secure logging ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Key Features Of The Database Management System .In this paper we will examine the key features of the database management system MongoDB. Day–to–day information is growing in gigantic amount. Generated information include predominant information and it will have to be analyzed for gathering essential expertise. On the whole, relational databases are used so as to system the data. These, ways works successfully for small amount of knowledge. What if the data is very tremendous? To avoid this problems Mongo databases are introduced. MongoDB is a cross–platform document–oriented database. Classified as a NoSQL databases. NoSQL meets the requirements of the large–scale distributed computing environment, which provides scalability, high availability, high performance and reliability. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real–time web applications. Using NoSQL provides the benefit of storing data in schema less structure. NoSQL is not a brand new database technology; yet, it provides the possibility and flexibility of handling complex semi–structured data and optimizes solutions to different types of data in this massive and data–intensive era of large–scale computing. Introduction: MongoDB is a structure free and it is a cross–platform document oriented database. MongoDB is developed by 10gen. MongoDB is classified as a non SQL database. NoSQL stores include the use of low–level query languages (instead of SQL, for instance the lack of ability to perform ad–hoc JOINs across tables), lack of standardized ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Mooc And Document Orientated Nosql Database MOOC and document orientated NoSQL database Abstract: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is getting popularity in not only in Universities worldwide but also in the people who want to enrich their skill sets. As the demand grows, different MOOC websites are taking appropriate action to provide more dynamic environment. They are using NoSQL to maintain the data. Most of the MOOC websites using Document type NoSQL databases to manage videos, forums and assignments. But when it comes to decide which NoSQL database should be implemented there are many choices like MongoDB, CouchDB, ClusterPoint etc. and consequently a question arises why majority of MOOC websites are using MongoDB instead of CouchDB which is also a NoSQL document oriented database? In the following paper it will be more clear which database MongoDB or CouchDB in the present time is more suitable to use for a MOOC website. Introduction: Distance learning had three generations 1. Correspondence Study 2. Multimedia 3. Computer mediate After the industrial revolution, correspondence study started in the Europe and United States because more skilled work force was required and also reliability and speed of postal service was improved greatly. In the 20th century multimedia is introduced and became new tool of education for teachers and learners. Class became more adaptable to reach different kind of audience result of that even people of remote areas started to get grasp on the subject. But Multimedia still lack ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Smarthings Architecture Analysis subsection{SmartThings} The open–source platform SmartThings cite{SmartThings} allows users to build applications and connect them to devices, actions and services offered by the platform. SmartThings also enables the integration of new devices and provides support for applications (SmartApps) communicating with external Web services by sending notifications via REST messages. begin{figure}[!ht] centering includegraphics[scale=0.60]{smartthing.PNG} caption{Illustration of the SmartThings architecture.} label{fig:smartthing} end{figure} In Figure ref{fig:smartthing} shows the infrastructure blocks of the devices illustrating the SmartThings architecture. The Hub provides communication between the "things" ... Show more content on ... begin{figure}[!ht] centering includegraphics[scale=0.60]{restthing.PNG} caption{Illustration of the RestThings architecture.} label{fig:restthing} end{figure} The RESTful API allows you to transmit data between sensors that use IP protocol, gateways, Web applications using three types of data formats, JSON, XML and CSV. For access to RESTful objects, the HTTP protocol operations are used: the textbf{GET} method is used to retrieve the current state of the device, the textbf{PUT} method is used to modify the current state of the device, the textbf{POST} method is used to create a new device; textbf{DELETE} to remove an device and, in addition, the textbf{LIST} method, which allows you to get all device connected to the platform. subsubsection*{Use Case} The Monitor Temperature and Heart beat application is user interface in smart phone that combines physical and Web resources in the Restful API. The real–time data view is used to obtain current data from WSNs. The smart phone updates this information through sending GET to the restful gateway. The gateway will give the response as the feedback to the phone. The temperature sensor whose device number is one to get current internal lab room temperature as used in Smart Health environments cite{Lavanya}. subsection{Xively} The Xively platformcite{Xively} provides an API for manager data from the sensors/devices through cloud services, allowing the visualization ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Hrm 531 Week 3 Individual Assignment During my co–op work placement, I was employed at Evichat Inc. in the position of Full Stack Developer. The total size of the company is 5 people. The Software Development team where I worked with was relatively small compared to other companies as it is an early stage startup. Throughout the work placement, I was worked on projects that involved integrating with third parties including Relativity and Clio, improving web app security with role based authentication and improving site SEO. The team's main goal or goals were to improve search speed of text search compared to SQL text search, develop an AI solution that provides semantic search results in the context of social media, integrate with third parties to transmit data that the lawyer has requested, comply with Canadian data privacy security law and security audits requested by law firms, and refactor ... Show more content on ... The team split into either teams of 2 or individuals to accomplish these goals over the course of the term. My tasks included integrating with Relativity and Clio, improving search result navigation, and improving web app security with role based authentication. For the Relativity integration, I built an ASP.Net web API that would take a JSON request sent by our Ruby on Rails application server and send it to Relativity using the Relativity Services API. The ASP.Net server is written in C# so I learned the relevant C# skills necessary to facilitate the success of the task. This server was deployed to our Amazon Web Services environment with Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk to be used by our clients. Another task I worked on was to integrate with Clio, a legal practice management software. In particular, clients have requested that we have the ability to export relevant documents that they have been working on to Clio to manage with the rest of their case data. Clio ... Get more on ...
  • 41. This project performs sentiment analysis in various... This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input for the application is Twitter tweets which are collected using Twitter API. The Twitter API is designed by Twitter which is made available to all registered Twitter Developers which runs on the Twitter Server. Input for the search term is provided by a Web Application User Interface designed for the user to input a product name on which the sentiment analysis is to be performed. This search term then acts as an input query for collecting tweets related to the product. Once when the user inputs the search term on the web application, the browser makes an Ajax call to the web application server with search term as an input to initiate the ... Show more content on ... The web application server is a Rails server which runs on ruby and is programmed to handle all inputs from web site and the Twitter server. The Twitter server is hosted by Twitter Inc. to handle Twitter and Twitter API requests. Hadoop machine is used to derive more semantic information using graphs generated by the web application server. The web application server here is a rails server which runs on ruby. It uses Ruby on Rails web application framework which is a open source software. It is model view controller framework and has a controller component which responds to external requests from the web server to the web application and determines which view to be rendered for a particular action. The controller is responsible for a particular action to be performed when is called and routed through the framework. In this project the algorithm resides inside a controller class called home and it renders a index view. The home class in this project invokes all the required libraries as gems and the Twitter API too. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the individual components in the Ruby on Rails framework. This project provides storage of processed tweets and all tweets collected by the Tweeter API. The file system is designed to hold all processed tweets and their sentiment with graphs generated for each tweet while processed by the algorithm. The file system has the following files in it which does the above functions. The user interface of the web ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) Systems Integration With... Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems Integration With Clarity Connect The challenges of integrating diverse healthcare standards, intranet and Internet communications, patient and consultant accessibility to EHRs and internal business systems require an exceptionally mobile, intuitive and secure platform. EMR and EHR software are designed to integrate electronic health records into healthcare businesses to provide HIPAA compliance. However, to meet or exceed these requirements and offer patients, medical staff, insurance providers and outside consultants access to EMRs and EHRs, healthcare businesses need a robust communications platform to connect these stakeholders. The benefits of offering Web access to health records include better patient care, cost savings and efficiencies, better coordination between medical service providers and greater patient participation in his or her own care. Integrating with Top EHR Software The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 committed federal resources by creating incentives for integrating EHR and EMR systems with patient–accessible websites. These integrations offer sweeping advantages for health care companies that include: Using Skype for Business to manage communications about patient care among healthcare staff, outside consultants and patients Qualifying for Medicare and Medicaid Electronic EHR Incentive Programs Improving data accessibility to clinicians, patients and outside ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Relational Model For Data Storage Abstract The relational model, which uses predefined tabular relations to store data, has remained the preeminent model for data storage since it was first implemented in the early 1980s. However, due to the proliferation of the Internet, today data flows in and out of organizations quickly, and most of this data is in a semi–structured state that is designed for communication over http. It is difficult to fit this complex data into a flat two dimensional array. For that reason, it is imperative that companies have the ability to store data in a semi–structured format compatible with modern network communications as well as various platforms and devices. The market has realized this and responded with document stores that support formats, ... Show more content on ... However, the proliferation of the Internet in the late twentieth century has changed the database landscape rapidly and drastically. Today, interconnected networks around the globe stream data to a profusion of devices that range from powerful mainframe supercomputers, and massive grids of commodity machines to smartphones and tiny single–board computers embedded in home appliances. Most of the flow of data is done through the Internet or over other large TCP/IP networks that utilize HTTP communications. For that reason, most of this data is in a semi–structured state that is designed not for storage in a relational database, but for communication over HTTP. This data often arrives and leaves in a voluminous stream. It is therefore difficult for organizations to convert the data quickly to and from a format that is conforms to the rigid tabular structure of a relational schema. Support for semi–structured data is integral to the collection and storage of data in the Internet age. While the relational model is sill a good long term storage solution, organizations must be able to store and query semi–structured data that is in a format compatible with HTTP communication because almost all modern devices use this medium of communication. While XML can serve as a solution to this problem, JSON, a condensed format that is based on the well–known JavaScript language, has many benefits over XML which I will ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Advantages And Differences Between SQLAnd Nosql Introduction SAP also known as systems applications and products in data processing is one of the better IT companies at the moment. It is a German software company which develops software for both small and large businesses to track customer and business interactions. Their largest software is ERP (Enterprise Planning Resource). The software was given the same name as the company name which can be slightly confusing at times. The company have offices in almost 130 countries and their software operates in 180 countries with 335,000 users spread across. As per task this research paper will challenge the comparison and contrast of NoSQL databases with relational database managing system which will be explained in greater detail further in the ... Show more content on ... Lack ability to perform ACID transactions Figure 2 Both databases have some advantages and disadvantages. As seen in "Figure 2" there are listed some limitations of both. Although the NoSQL database is not as well tested as SQL it will still keep growing as the technology advances so well and performance must be improved which NoSQL allows for. Below in "Figure 3" are listed some advantages of both databases. Advantages Uses long established standards used by ASCI Easier to manage, files are more organised SQL is a simple language which uses standard English keywords Higher level of flexibility Easily maintained as all tools are provided unlike in NoSQL Open source meaning it is available to even the smallest company at a very low cost It is not as fast as NoSQL although SQL has its own simplicity which organizations like. Detail database model is not needed therefore it increases efficiency due to time saving. Figure 3 Return On ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Symphony Driver Essay Symphony Driver The Driver is the main project of the Symphony framework that contains the entry point – main method, for a symphony job to get executed. This is also the core engine of the framework where the orchestration of the entire job takes place. The driver needs a workflow to execute the job which is defined in the form of a JSON file. The JSON contains 3 process sequences namely pre–processing, job–processing and post–processing that are executed in sequence by Symphony as part of the workflow execution. Overview: How driver works?  The driver's main class WorkflowApp is invoked by a Spark–submit command with 2 arguments: job instance JSON and environment properties.  The driver then parses the first argument i.e. job ... Show more content on ... In addition to the above conventional logging, Symphony also logs the critical job updates to a centralized logging platform called Common Logging Environment (CLE). This platform provides a user interface that facilitates the user to monitor the workflow execution in real–time and debug the jobs. For more details on Common Logging Environment (CLE), please visit:–189214. Password Management – Chamber of Secrets (CoS): The driver module is required to utilize services like Nebula and Common Logging Environment (CLE) which needs a batch id and password. Prior to the integration of CoS with Symphony, passwords were stored on the EMR using "ftppwd" utility, which are not secure. Symphony has incorporated Capital One's enterprise–wide credential management solution – Chamber of Secrets, to make the password storage and retrieval more secure. Please visit this pulse page for more details on Chamber of Secrets:–184992. Class Diagrams: The opening section of this page provides a high–level overview of how the driver works. Now let us dive into how a workflow is executed in the driver module. As mentioned previously, the workflow contains 3 process sequences: pre–processing, job processing and post– processing and each process sequence can be ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Common Characteristics Of Wireless Devices The Web is actually a REST system. Many of the web services that we have been using for years are REST based web services. REST is concerned with the 'big picture' of Web and does not deal with any implementation details like Java Servlet or CGIs. Many common characteristics of wireless devices too, adhere the principles behind REST. There has also been some interest in "extending REST to consider variable request priorities, differentiated quality–of–service, and representations consisting of continuous data streams, such as those generated by broadcast of audio and video source" [2]. Since REST was introduced almost a decade ago, it has gained widespread acceptance. This acceptance has seen many inconsistencies though, as people didn't get to know what it actually is. There is no acceptance test for these standards which can determine whether or not your web application is RESTful or not. Fielding couldn't come up with examples to showcase a thorough RESTful architecture as opposed to just an abstract description of the concept. A future look in this concept should convey what REST actually is and how one can get to a comprehensive RESTful web architecture. Richardson's Maturity Model defines different levels of progressive enhancements that one can adopt in order to make a web application RESTful [2]. These levels are (1) Level 0: The Swamp of Pox (2) Level 1: Resources (3) Level 2: HTTP Verbs (4) Level 3: Hypermedia Control 2.1 Strengths of REST Services Advantage of ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Concept Of Server-Side Internet API A server–side internet API could be a programmatic interface consisting of 1 or additional in public exposed endpoints to an outlined request–response message system, usually expressed in JSON or XML, that is exposed via the internet–most unremarkably by means that of associate degree HTTP–based web server. Mashups ar internet applicationswhich mix the utilization of multiple server–side internet arthropod genus. Webhooks ar server–side internet arthropod genus that take as input associate degree Uniform Resource symbol (URI) that's designed to be used sort of a remote named pipe or a kind of request such the server acts as a shopper to dereference the provided URI and trigger an occurrence on another server that handles this event ... Show more content on ... These quiet internet arthropod genus ar accessible via commonplace HTTP strategies by a range of HTTP purchasers as well as browsers and mobile devices. they need benefits over internet services in this they have a tendency to be less resource intensive (and therefore sometimes run faster) if they use JSON as message exchange format as a result of in this case they are doing not got to perform XML–to–programming language knowledge conversions PRN by a SOAP– based service arthropod genus. Signs of those business changes may be seen by:[8] Yahoo provides REST for all their services Amazon and eBay offer each REST and SOAP Google accustomed solely offer SOAP, however deprecated these resources, in favour of REST in 2006 This move from internet services to internet arthropod genus is analogous to the linguistics internet movement towards the Resource Description Framework. ☆Documentation Server–side internet arthropod genus ar interfaces for the surface world to move with the business logic. for several corporations this internal business logic and also the material possession related to it ar what distinguishes them from alternative corporations, and doubtless what offers them a competitive edge. they are doing not wish this info to be exposed. However, so as to supply an internet API of top quality, there must ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Node. Js SP15–BCS–055–6A–COURSEASSIGNMENT3 1) NODE.Js: It is an open– source framework and a server–side platform. It responds to actions generated by the user so it provides an event–driven environment. Node.js uses asynchronous programming which means that when a task is sent to the system, the server does not wait for API to return data and it does not even block it. Else, it gets ready to handle the request and moves to the next API, and when the file has been read (event) by the system, it responds to the client. Node.js does not support the buffering of data; it sends the output in chunks which makes it fast in executing the code as well as memory efficient. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript. It also provides a library of JavaScript ... Show more content on ... Uses JavaScript syntax for development of applications. Uses TypeScript for development of applications. Uses TypeScript 2.1 and TypeScript 2.2 for development of applications. Does not support mobile application development. Totally focuses on mobile application development. Mobile application development is faster with smaller file size. Difficulty in developing SEO friendly applications. Can easily build SEO friendly applications by rendering the HTML at server–side. It introduces View Engine in which 60% size is reduced of the produced code of components. Animation included in application. Animation included in application. Animation is part of a separate package. 6) JSON: JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is very easy to use, read and write since it uses JavaScript syntax but in Text Format which makes it very easy to change any JS object (form of text) into JSON and vice versa and send/receive to/from the server; known as data–interchange language. JSON does not depend on the language as it uses the text format and text is not restricted to any particular programming language. It can easily convert a string from JSON format into JavaScript Objects using a method I.e. JSON.parse(). JSON is a self–documenting language and is very easy to ... Get more on ...
  • 57. Essay On Resume And Twitter IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS The dataset used in this research contains 1000 resumes. These resumes were downloaded manually from [10]. Most of these resumes did not have a standard format. These were collected randomly and have different job descriptions. Also, most of them were in PDF format, and the others were with DOC or DOCX extensions. This section focuses on implementing the methodology discussed in Section III for data extraction from resume and Twitter, and representing it in a structured format. Python (anaconda 3.6) [11] was used due to its ease and convenience of having many packages in the field of text mining [7]. In the data extraction phase, the data is extracted and prepared for further processing. The resume ... Show more content on ... It was extracted using the string slicing and POS tagging. The words that have noun (NN) as parts of speech are selected as the name of the candidate. Also, the candidate's address, skills, and education were extracted using POS tagging. The address usually has the same pattern, which is the name of the city followed by the state abbreviation. It checks if the first word is a noun (NN) followed by a comma, and the length of the second word is equal to two: such as Erie, PA. The candidate's skills and education were extracted by checking each sentence in the resume. If any sentence has any phrases that are related to skills then appropriate nouns (NN) from these sentences are extracted as skills. Similarly, education section is filled with NN in education or qualification. The regular expression library was used to extract the candidate's email that has a specific pattern. In the sentiment extraction phase, the candidate's name extracted from the resume was used to search on Twitter to find his/her profile. The candidate's tweets are retrieved for further processing using Tweepy package and its API [13]. Then, these tweets are analysed to extract the sentiments for each candidate. This is done by using Textblob package which is a popular natural language processer [14]. In the data consolidation phase, the extracted data from resume and Twitter are ... Get more on ...
  • 59. A Sample Resume Essay Renu P Brampton, Ontario E–mail: Phone No: 647–331–5195 SUMMARY 5+ years of extensive IT experience in software Development and Implementation including 1+Years of experience in big data and Hadoop technology stack. Constructive experience in installing, configuring and using ecosystem components like Hadoop Map Reduce, HDFS, HBase, Zoo Keeper, Oozie, Hive, Cassandra, Sqoop, Pig, Flume, Avro, Chukwa, Whirr, and Cloudera. Excellent Understanding and Hands on experience with Hadoop stacks Technology like Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Impala, Oozie, Scala and Spark. Extensive experience working with SQL, Core Java and Linux. Having experience on importing and exporting data from different systems like RDBMS ... Show more content on ... Effective in handling multiple synchronized prioritized tasks with critical thinking, decision–making and problem– solving abilities. Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills with ability to interact with individuals at all levels and able to work independently or collaboratively. EXPERIENCE Hadoop Developer April 2016 to Present TELUS – Scarborough, ON Project: The project aims to move all data from different sources or log data from individual servers to HDFS as per the management system and then perform analysis on these HDFS data sets. Once the data set is inside HDFS, then pig, hive and map reduce are used to perform various analysis. Used Pig and hive as ETL tool to do transformations, joins and aggregations before storing the data into HDFS. Created Hive tables and loaded data in from Relational Database Management system using Sqoop. Extensively worked on creating Hive tables, partitions and buckets for analyzing large volumes of data. Creating Partitions and buckets hive tables in Parquet File Format with snappy compression and then loaded data into Parquet hive tables from Avro hive tables. Scheduling and managing the Hive, pig and map reduce jobs on Hadoop cluster by using Oozie and Falcon process files. For implement business logic to transform the ... Get more on ...
  • 61. Mayo Clinic Television Iproject. Jayanth Reddy Bogasamudram, Mayo Clinic Television iProject JAYANTH REDDY BOGASAMUDRAM, Department of Software Engineering 1209270448, ARIRZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Mayo clinic is a nonprofit medical research group focusing on solving medical problems maintaining finest medical practices. Long waiting appointments and schedules always seem to be a problem for patients who seek immediate medical care especially cases when problem related to sensitive body parts are intense and need immediate care. To achieve better time management and proper medical care, an IOS app is designed to deliver the results of examination report directly to physicians and technicians at Mayo clinic, thus delivering the immediate results. The primary focus of the app is to ... Show more content on ... JSON format & API for the IOS application is discussed in API's and JSON format section. Phase–2 contains visual recognition API's, deep learning vs neural networks and proof of concept model. Visual recognition API's discuss about various prominent API's developed by Microsoft, Amazon and IBM Watson. This section also contains various technologies considered while developing these API's. Deep learning vs neural networks section explains the reason why deep learning is implemented in these API's and how deep learning improves the performance of image recognition. The Architecture and proof of concept explains how the model can be implemented in IOS application. 2 INITIAL DESIGN Fig. 1. Side view and front view of initial design with portable case. Initially, ophthalmologists required a way to take mobile images of the eye and produce image to clinicians that helps diagnose eye issues. The primary goal of this design is to reduce 1. Physicians travel time during off hours. 2. Patient wait time. 3. Usage and cost of the application. The ASU team was tasked to develop a portable camera that could be used by technicians in areas where large, complex and expensive instrumentation are needed to perform eye examinations and provide accurate results. The team performed extensive research and concluded that apple camera is good fit for the research. Understanding the compatibility ... Get more on ...
  • 63. Identifying A Nosql Data Base For the challenges we are facing be it technical or functional we find a NoSql data base as a best fit. We found out that NoSql incorporates a wide mixed bag of various database technologies and were produced in response to the rising data needs. Also when in comparison to the RDBMS present in the market NoSql provides an enriched performance and better scalability solutions. So in search of the best fit as our solution we searched out various types of NoSql database types and found out about Document databases, Graph databases, Key value stores and other similar types. Let's explore various market players in each of the type and find the best one. 3.2.1 TECHNOLOGIES AVAILABLE IN MARKET The goal of every NoSql ... Show more content on ... Since Redis is top dog concerning pace and execution, the database is best utilized when time is an issue, including job administration, qeueuing, analytics and geo look. Earlier version of REDIS had the facility of on disk storage but this was deprecated in recent versions which provided persistence using snapshotting in which the data is persisted asynchronously to disk from the memory. Currently its every 2 seconds. So we are risking a few seconds data when the system goes down. Best Used when you know the size of data which will be in future and can be used in applications which use real time analytics. Apache Cassandra Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management framework intended to handle a lot of information crosswise over numerous product servers, giving high accessibility. The single point of failure is eliminated in Cassandra. It is a Decentralized database and every node has the capability to serve the request as such there is no use of single master in this case. The key feature of Cassandra is this distributed architecture which serves very useful for multiple deployments of data centers. It includes other features like Scalability, Fault–tolerant, support with Hadoop,etc. It gives a recognizable interface (CQL, reminiscent of SQL) and the learning curve isn 't excessively soak for users. Best utilized when you have to store information so enormous that it doesn 't fit on server, yet at ... Get more on ...
  • 65. KnowledgeWorker has a local file storage integration as a... KnowledgeWorker has a local file storage integration as a fundamental function for its users. Users can request importing media from the local file storage, e.g., hard disk, to the central media repository. Once the media was selected, it will transfer from the local file storage via the importing's module to the dedicated media server of KnowledgeWorker, as shown in Fig.1. B. Import process using the integration approach The generic integration of file storage providers emphasizes on the import process. The overall work flow of the import process from file storage to central media repository of KnowledgeWorker is shown in Fig. 2 The mechanism of importing media asset from local file storage and cloud file ... Show more content on ... After that, the information will flow from cloud file storage providers to KnowledgeWorker. After this step, the procedures of importing process will continue. After the referral URL and files' information acquired, file streaming process is initialized to obtain duplications of the original files from the referral URL. The related files' information will also record into the central media repository for the ease of searching. C. Component overview The generic integration of file storage providers runs on the web browser. It is the component that require the internet connection between client and server. The component can be separated into client part and server part. As shown in Fig. 3, the component overview of the generic integration of file storage providers. Moreover, server part consists of four layers categorized by the specific function. Client represents web browser and the page "create media asset" of KnowledgeWorker to users. Users interact with web browser and web browser will interact with user interface of the system. Client represents web browser resides on the user's computer. Users interact with web browser and web browser will interact with user interface of the system. Client will communicate with KnowledgeWorker's server to begin any activities. In this case, client will request the initialization of the import process. The presentation layer will response for the ... Get more on ...
  • 67. The Structure Of The Foundation Of Json Schema Foundation of JSON Schema Introduction JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the most popular semi structured data format for sending API requests and responses but it is still lacking a standardized schema or meta data definition that allows the developers to specify the structure of JSON documents. JSON is a data format based on the data types of JavaScript Programming. JSON data models comprises of strings, numbers and other types of data that database system treats as atomic. JSON is also used for storing data, and that too in the format of choice for several document–oriented databases such as MongoDB[3] and CouchDB[5]. This paper has been formally arranged in a way that it provides the reader complete understanding of what JSON is and ... Show more content on ... In the next step, the practical use case of increasing importance is demonstrated in Schema definition for Wikidata [6]. All the six types of valid JSON document such as object, array, string. Numbers, boolean values and null can be specified by a JSON schema. Here, the key point to understand is that a JSON document satisfies a schema if it satisfies all keywords of schema. Formally, a schema S and a document J can be represented as J|= S to describe that J satisfies S. |= is to define all six types of JSON document as well as their combinations and enumerations. Formal Analysis The efficiency of working with JSON schema and its expressive power is discussed in this section. It is observed whether the computational cost of document conforms to a schema. Later, JSON schema is compared with various well established theoretical formalisms such as nondeterministic finite state automata. Practical Considerations To understand the efficiency and applicability of JSON Schema, an experimental analysis is undergone in this section of the article where the author initially runs a series of experiments to test self–developed validators under JSON document of increasing sizes. Later, a real use case named Wikidata Database is used where JSON schema can be naturally used. Experiment under JSON document of increasing size For this experiment, a machine with 8 GB ... Get more on ...
  • 69. Information Technology : A New Generation Of Sql I. Introduction Information technology continues to revolutionize the interactions of mankind in various ways, through social media, business, education and other channels. The internet has made it possible to transmit large data across many networks. These networks have made it possible to store, access and query billion of data from large databases. Innovation has given rise to special language used to manage and access all sorts of information within various databases know as SQL. Recently a new generation of SQL known as NoSQL has been developed. NoSQL store related data in JSON–like, name–value documents and can store data without specifying a schema. One such type of NoSQL database that has been developed is the IBM Informix ... Show more content on ... Many organizations use the Informix database capability including DHL and CISCO. III. NoSQL capability IBM Informix provides the following NoSQL dimensions (IBM Informix Simply powerful): Application development flexibility JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) documents are a fully–supported data type. IBM Informix provides a rich set of APIs for storing, manipulating and retrieving JSON documents, accessible from a wide range of programming environments. All of the enterprise–level capabilities of IBM Informix can be applied to the JSON document stores, including compression, replication and high availability, transactional consistency, multi–node scalability and more. Web developers can now access data without having to write SQL. But that 's not all – the traditional SQL model can still be applied when needed, such as mission–critical transactional workloads. The two methodologies Hybrid automated decision making supports SQL and NoSQL IBM Informix determines if you are dealing with a JSON Collection or a SQL tables and processes the operations appropriately. Thus IBM Informix's ability to access JSON documents and/or SQL tables within the popular MongoDB APIs provides the foundation for a single hybrid application to span all of the enterprise data. Enterprise level performance The IBM Informix NoSQL solution gives you ACID principles when they are needed, along with ... Get more on ...
  • 71. Gender Recognition And Android Development Gender Recognition and Android Development Summer Internship Report TBI Online, Noida Prakhar Singh IV Year, ECW Acknowledgement The internship I had with TBI Online was a great chance for me to work with and learn from a professional environment. I am very grateful that I was provided with this opportunity. I consider myself lucky for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who mentored me throughout my internship period. I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to my mentor Rohit Sharma (CTO), who took out his valuable time to help me out and guide me, allowing me to carry out my project, and for giving me necessary guidance I would also like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to Mr Vipul (Lead Developer) for his careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable to me, and his helping in getting me acquainted with the company infrastructure. I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Sincerely Prakhar Singh Table of Contents Abstract Company Profile About TBI Online Technologies Products Interactions Objective Literature Review Technical Details (Work Done) Gender Recognition Android Code Review Results Timeline Conclusion
  • 72. Future Work References ... Get more on ...
  • 74. Web Application For The Smart Agricultural System The Web Application is used to view and interact with the smart agricultural system. The webpages are served from the Webserver and consist of HTML, CSS, JS, and JSON files. The HTML and CSS files are used for the webpages content and layout, the Javascript performs the webpages backend processing, and JSON is used for data. The Web Application performs most of its interaction with the Sensor Network through JSON files are passed between the Webserver and the Web Application. The JSON files contain labeled data that can be displayed as plots or text information. The plots are updated once every second by requesting new sensor data from the Webserver. This Section will focus on the software that allows that Web Application to ... Show more content on ... Figure 26: Weather webpage layout. The Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Light, and Soil Moisture pages display graphic plots for each sensor value type. These pages allow the user to track in real time the current status and history of the sensor value. Figure 27: Temperature webpage layout. The Water Control webpage displays the history the water pump on/off state and value of the environment's soil moisture. This page gives the best overview of the current system status. Typically, what you would see is that based on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and weather, the soil moisture threshold will scale to compensate for the current conditions. The scaling and compensating factors will be discussed in the smart algorithm section below. Then, if the environment's soil moisture sensor value falls below the soil moisture threshold, then the water pump will turn on. This will be reflected in the water control graphical plot. Figure 28: Water control webpage layout. 4.5.2 Data Interface: The Web Application interfaces with the Webserver by requesting JSON data files. The JSON files contain the sensor data used to update the plots and command statuses of the Web Application. The information within the files is formatted in a specific way such that the files can be passed directly to the plotting function. CouchDB performs the file formatting using its query function. Below is an ... Get more on ...
  • 76. Comparing The Downloader And The Browser Abstract In our project we want to set a bridge between the downloader and the browser, by writing a web–based interface, the request can automatically transferred into the utility and file can be downloaded with fast speed and breakpoint resume. Nowadays, when using downloading software to download files, the first thing is to download an installer for setting up the software. Then it 's time to create a new account. After finishing the step of account creation, the fast speed can be achieved. Sometimes downloading a large file, users have to add four more step to complete the downloading operation, copy the link address, minimize the browser, open the software interface and paste onto it. However, the downloader could be powerless if the ... Show more content on ... We have tested on 5 popular browsers [2]. The results are listed below: 2.2 Software downloading Unlike browser downloading, downloading software does it better in speed and some extra functions. It is an easy tool for users to download. Nonetheless, it requests users to install its software and create a new account. Also, downloading software will be powerless if the website has a user requirement. 2.2.1 Bit–torrent downloading BT (Bit Torrent) downloading divides a file into many parts, and user will download different parts from different users at the same time to achieve a higher speed and decrease the load of download servers. [3] 2.2.2 FTP downloading Users download files from FTP servers. Downloading software will integrate resources for users, helping users download different parts of files from different servers at same time. [4] We have tested on 5 downloading tools. 2 of them is for Bit–Torrent or magnetic links. The results are listed below: 3.0 Proposed System The project is trying to implement advantages from both browser and software. It is more convenient for every user. It support multi–protocol, multi–line, breakpoint resume features. Meanwhile, users are allowed to login authenticating download. 3.1 Advantages of proposed system The goal system is to support all kind of popular downloading ways. Users could also download several tasks or divide one task into several parts for faster downloading at the same time. In the condition of ... Get more on ...