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The BC Spatial Project –
Integrating BC’s Cadastre with
FME Server

Paul van Nieuwkuyk, CartoSmart GIS
BC Spatial Project Coordinator, ICIS

  ICIS’ Vision   BC Spatial
BC Spatial

  ICIS’ Vision   BC Spatial
Core Challenges

   Challenges   Constraints    Solutions

    Source                    Delivery /    Integrated
   Datasets                    Sharing       Products
•  No uniform data       •  Ad hoc         •  Slow refresh
   model                    submission        cycle
•  Unknown /                habits         •  Manually
   anecdotal data        •  Modest            intensive
   quality                  operational       process
Operational Constraints

    Challenges   Constraints   Solutions

   Source                Delivery /            Products
  Datasets                Sharing
                                           •  Automate
•  Existing            •  Minimize            integration
   models reflect         impacts to       •  Assess and report:
   business need          data providers      so that producers
•  ICIS does not          in sharing          can enhance and
   alter member           their data          users can decide

  Challenges   Constraints   Solutions

   Use the best ETL Tool!
  •  Transparent and repeatable data processes
     •  Eliminate the manual
  •  Deploy where needed
     •  Available to a distributed community… online
  •  Sensible standards
     •  Data standards based on integration needs
     •  Common processing pattern for all datasets
“Data Integration Engine”
(DIE and Do!)

                             Assess                   Statistics
                                        QC Metadata
                Utilities               1.  Extract/Publish
                                        2.  Subscribe/Integrate
                                        3.  Notify/Distribute
Data Provider:
Extract & Publish
Delivering with Python

                           Publication Flavors
                             Web folder
                             FTP site

                           Python shutdown
                             Automate zip and
                              ship to ICIS

                           Scheduled Task
                             Delivery routine
ICIS: Scheduled Acquisition

  Python Startup
    Acquire FTP or
    Unzip
    Archive
  Standard processes
    Load (not
    Capture metadata
    Log change
ICIS: Real-time reporting

                          Calls FME service
                          Refreshes statistics
                          KML data footprints as
                           index to current
                          On-the-fly thematic
                              Color spectrum from
                               newer to older vintage
Coordinating Product Refresh

  Nightly scheduled service
    Analyzes ETL Log (populated in acquisition script)
    Determines which integrated layers to refresh
    Invokes layer refresh scripts
Layer Integration

  Changed sources are refreshed:
  Localized integration QC performed
    Jurisdictional
    Correlation
  Stats Updated
    ETL log
    QC metadata
The Program

                Activities
                   Pilot conducted 2009
                   CRD Beta Jan – June 2010
                       All municipalities and
                        regional district
                       GeoBC
                       BC Assessment
                       Utilities

                Infrastructure
                    FME Workbench & Server
                    ArcGIS Server 9.3 on
                     SQL Server
Thank You!

  Questions?
                           Portal   •

  For more information:
                                    • Project Charter
        Docs     • Pilot Program Report

                           Chat     •

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The BC Spatial Project – Integrating BC’s Cadastre with FME Server

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  • 2. ICIS ICIS’ Vision BC Spatial
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  • 4. Core Challenges Challenges Constraints Solutions Source Delivery / Integrated Datasets Sharing Products •  No uniform data •  Ad hoc •  Slow refresh model submission cycle •  Unknown / habits •  Manually anecdotal data •  Modest intensive quality operational process resources
  • 5. Operational Constraints Challenges Constraints Solutions Integrated Source Delivery / Products Datasets Sharing •  Automate •  Existing •  Minimize integration models reflect impacts to •  Assess and report: business need data providers so that producers •  ICIS does not in sharing can enhance and alter member their data users can decide data*
  • 6. Solutions Challenges Constraints Solutions Use the best ETL Tool! •  Transparent and repeatable data processes •  Eliminate the manual •  Deploy where needed •  Available to a distributed community… online •  Sensible standards •  Data standards based on integration needs •  Common processing pattern for all datasets
  • 7. “Data Integration Engine” (DIE and Do!) Integrate Assess Statistics Report LG Integrated Data GeoBC QC Metadata BCA Utilities 1.  Extract/Publish 2.  Subscribe/Integrate 3.  Notify/Distribute
  • 9. Delivering with Python   Publication Flavors   Web folder   FTP site   Python shutdown script   Automate zip and ship to ICIS   Scheduled Task   Delivery routine
  • 10. ICIS: Scheduled Acquisition   Python Startup   Acquire FTP or web   Unzip   Archive   Standard processes   Load (not integrate)   Capture metadata   Log change
  • 11. ICIS: Real-time reporting    Calls FME service   Refreshes statistics   KML data footprints as index to current statistics   On-the-fly thematic rendering   Color spectrum from newer to older vintage
  • 12. Coordinating Product Refresh   Nightly scheduled service   Analyzes ETL Log (populated in acquisition script)   Determines which integrated layers to refresh   Invokes layer refresh scripts
  • 13. Layer Integration   Changed sources are refreshed:   DELETE / INSERT   Localized integration QC performed   Jurisdictional overlaps   Correlation reports: LTSA BCA   Stats Updated   ETL log   QC metadata
  • 14. The Program   Activities   Pilot conducted 2009   CRD Beta Jan – June 2010   All municipalities and regional district   GeoBC   BC Assessment   Utilities   Infrastructure   FME Workbench & Server 2009   ArcGIS Server 9.3 on SQL Server
  • 15. Thank You!   Questions? Portal •   For more information:  • Project Charter  Docs • Pilot Program Report Chat • blog