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Eric Nelson Developer Evangelist [email_address]  – I will reply  - tends to be about .NET and data   - all about Visual Basic  - pot luck :-)  The ONLY LINK you need!
First PC –  ZX80  in 1980 (then  BBC Micro ,  Atari 520STFM  and  Macintosh LC ) First computer job...  FORTAN  in 1986 Wrote most LOC on... Unix using C Favourite IDE of all time ... GNU Emacs Joined  Microsoft DRG  in 1996 Early adoption work on ASP, SQL 6.5,  MTS ... Went “Back to development” in July 2008 – in  VB I Geek to Live (not Live to Geek) I am editor of the  UK MSDN Flash I am  fascinated by  ALT.NET  values and practices  The ONLY LINK you need!
I live near Bath with wife, 2 kids, 1 dog (and many pet graves in the garden) I originally intended to be a naval officer I am very shy...seriously!  The ONLY LINK you need!
Sign up to the MSDN Flash Feedback, vote etc Technical articles for the UK MSDN Flash 400 to 500 words War stories around VB6 to .NET Your right (or left) arm in the air  NB: not all the time  
Give a flavour of the  new “stuff” in SQL Server 2008  for development  and   an insight into the direction  we are taking with data
TSQL Enhancements SQL-2006 Major and minor Beyond Relational Filestream Full text search  Spatial Semi-structured Futures* Object Relational Management SQL Data Services In one hour
Released August 6 th  2008 Many versions!
Date & Time Date types Table value constructor using VALUES clause MERGE Table Types and Table Value Parameters GROUPING SET SQL language IDE improvements Compound assignment operators Declaring and initializing variables Delighters
IDE Improvements Debugging is back! Intellisense has made it in Compound Assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /= Variable initialization during declaration UPDATE Inventory SET quantity  +=  s.quantity FROM Inventory AS i INNER JOIN Sales AS s ON = DECLAER @v  int = 5 ; DECLARE @v1  varchar(10) = ‘xxxxx’;
Insert multiple rows based on values in a single INSERT statement SQL 2006 standard compatible INSERT INTO dbo.Customers(custid, companyname, phone, address)    VALUES    (1, 'cust 1', '(111) 111-1111', 'address 1'),    (2, 'cust 2', '(222) 222-2222', 'address 2'),    (3, 'cust 3', '(333) 333-3333', 'address 3'),    (4, 'cust 4', '(444) 444-4444', 'address 4'),    (5, 'cust 5', '(555) 555-5555', 'address 5');
Single statement that combines multiple DML operations Operates on a join between source and target SQL-2006 compliant UPDATE TGT SET TGT.quantity = TGT.quantity + SRC.quantity, TGT.LastTradeDate = SRC.TradeDate FROM dbo.StockHolding AS TGT JOIN dbo.StockTrading AS SRC ON TGT.stock = SRC.stock; INSERT INTO dbo.StockHolding (stock, lasttradedate, quantity) SELECT stock, tradedate, quantity FROM dbo.StockTrading AS SRC WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.StockHolding AS TGT WHERE TGT.stock = SRC.stock); MERGE  INTO dbo.StockHolding AS TGT USING  dbo.StockTrading AS SRC ON  TGT.stock = SRC.stock WHEN MATCHED  AND (t.quantity + s.quantity = 0)  THEN DELETE WHEN MATCHED THEN  UPDATE SET t.LastTradeDate = s.TradeDate,  t.quantity += s.quantity WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES  (s.Stock,s.TradeDate,s.Quantity) Pre-SQL 2008 SQL 2008
Source Table (Stock Trading) Target Table (Stock Holding) Merged Table (Stock Holding) INSERT UPDATE DELETE
A new user defined type - Table Can define indexes and constraints Can be used for  declaring table variables Input parameters of Table type on SPs/Functions Optimized to scale and perform better for large data Behaves like BCP inside server In ADO.NET SqlDbType.Structured CREATE TYPE myTableType AS TABLE  (id INT, name NVARCHAR(100),qty INT); CREATE PROCEDURE myProc  (@tvp myTableType READONLY ) AS …
Define multiple groupings in the same query Produces a single result set that is equivalent to a UNION ALL of differently grouped rows SQL 2006 standard compatiable SELECT customerType,Null as TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer  GROUP BY  customerType UNION ALL SELECT Null as customerType,TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer  GROUP BY  TerritoryID order by TerritoryID SELECT customerType,TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer  GROUP BY  GROUPING SETS  ((customerType), (TerritoryID)) order by customerType Pre-SQL 2008 SQL 2008
CREATE TABLE Employee { FirstName VARCHAR(10), LastName VARCHAR(10), Birthday DATE , … } SELECT  Birthday  AS BirthDay FROM Employee INSERT INTO T (datetime2_col) VALUES (‘ 1541 -01-01’) INSERT INTO T (time_col) VALUES (’12:30:29 .1176548 ’) CREATE TABLE online-purchase-order { item-id int, item-name VARCHAR(30), qty int, purchase-time datetimeoffset, … } // For value ‘ 2005-09-08 12:20:19.345 -08:00 ’ INSERT INTO online-purchase-order VALUES (…., ‘ 2005-09-08 12:20:19.345 -08:00’  ,..)  Large year range (1~9999) Storage saving Easy programming DATE Large or optional precision (0 ~ 100ns) Easy programming TIME Large year range Large or optional precision DATETIME2 Datetime + time zone offset UTC enabled Easy programming DATETIME OFFSET
SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 HierarchyID Large UDTs Sparse Columns Wide Tables Filtered Indices XML Upgrades User Defined Types XML Data Type and Functions Full Text Indexing Filestream Integrated FTS Fully supported Geometry and Geography data types and Functions Relational  Semi Structured Documents &  Multimedia Spatial
Remote BLOB Storage FILESTREAM Storage SQL BLOB Documents &  Multimedia Use File Servers DB Application BLOB Dedicated BLOB Store DB Application BLOB Store BLOBs in Database DB Application BLOB Store BLOBs in DB + File System Application BLOB DB
Storage Attribute on VARBINARY(MAX) Works with integrated FTS Unstructured data stored directly in the file system (requires NTFS) Dual Programming Model TSQL (Same as SQL BLOB) Win32 Streaming APIs with T-SQL transactional semantics Advantages Integrated Manageability SQL Server Security Stack Dual model Documents &  Multimedia Store BLOBs in DB + File System Application BLOB DB
Full-Text Engine and Indexes fully integrated Catalog, index and stopword lists now inside the database Better performance in many common scenarios Make mixed queries perform and scale Optimizer has knowledge about FT index SELECT * FROM candidates  WHERE CONTAINS(resume,’”SQL Server”’)  AND ZipCode = ‘98052’ Documents &  Multimedia
Populating an index of 20million rows of 1k data on identical hardware (time in minutes) 2 min 1 min Documents &  Multimedia
Proliferation of geographical data GPS Systems, Virtual Earth, Live Search Maps etc New opportunities for spatially aware apps Storage and retrieval of spatial data using standard SQL New Spatial Data Types + methods + indexes  geometry  - Flat Earth (Planar)  geography  - Round Earth (Geodetic)  Offers full set of Open Geospatial Consortium components Spatial
1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 2 // Create a Filtered Indexes // Sparse column Create Table Products(Id int, Type nvarchar(16)…,  Resolution int  SPARSE , ZoomLength int  SPARSE ); // Filtered Indices Create Index ZoomIdx on Products(ZoomLength)  where Type = ‘Camera’; // HierarchyID  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Folder] ( [FolderNode]  HIERARCHYID  NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Level] AS  [FolderNode].GetLevel()  PERSISTED, [Description] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); HierarchyID Store arbitrary hierarchies of data and efficiently query them Large UDTs No more 8K limit on User Defined Types Sparse Columns Optimized storage for sparsely populated columns Wide Tables Support thousands of sparse columns Filtered Indices Define indices over subsets of data in tables Relational  Semi Structured
What is it? Technique for working with relational tables  as if they were objects  in memory Intention is to  hide away the complexity  of the underlying tables and give a uniform way of working with data Why use it? Productivity Retain database independence Which ORM? There are many ORMs for .NET developers already in existence. E.g. LLBLGen Pro Nhibernate EntitySpaces
LINQ to SQL .NET Framework 3.5, Nov 2007 Only SQL Server Simple Easy to learn and master LINQ to Entities ( ADO.NET Entity Framework ) .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008 “ Any” RDBMS Complex Easy to learn, hard to master Strategic
HTTP (AtomPub) Clients (Tools, Libraries, etc) SQL Data Services ADO.NET Data Services Framework SQL Server (On premises data service) (Cloud data service)
Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server
Unit of geo-location and billing Tied to DNS name Collection of Containers
Entity properties may differ in type and instance
Drop me an email if I confused you about anything! [email_address]   http:// UKDevEvents Post event resources for all Microsoft UK developer focused sessions The team Eric Nelson   Mike Ormond   Mike Taulty

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What's New for Developers in SQL Server 2008?

  • 1. Eric Nelson Developer Evangelist [email_address] – I will reply - tends to be about .NET and data - all about Visual Basic - pot luck :-) The ONLY LINK you need!
  • 2. First PC – ZX80 in 1980 (then BBC Micro , Atari 520STFM and Macintosh LC ) First computer job... FORTAN in 1986 Wrote most LOC on... Unix using C Favourite IDE of all time ... GNU Emacs Joined Microsoft DRG in 1996 Early adoption work on ASP, SQL 6.5, MTS ... Went “Back to development” in July 2008 – in VB I Geek to Live (not Live to Geek) I am editor of the UK MSDN Flash I am fascinated by ALT.NET values and practices The ONLY LINK you need!
  • 3. I live near Bath with wife, 2 kids, 1 dog (and many pet graves in the garden) I originally intended to be a naval officer I am very shy...seriously! The ONLY LINK you need!
  • 4. Sign up to the MSDN Flash Feedback, vote etc Technical articles for the UK MSDN Flash 400 to 500 words War stories around VB6 to .NET Your right (or left) arm in the air NB: not all the time 
  • 5. Give a flavour of the new “stuff” in SQL Server 2008 for development and an insight into the direction we are taking with data
  • 6. TSQL Enhancements SQL-2006 Major and minor Beyond Relational Filestream Full text search Spatial Semi-structured Futures* Object Relational Management SQL Data Services In one hour
  • 7. Released August 6 th 2008 Many versions!
  • 8.  
  • 9. Date & Time Date types Table value constructor using VALUES clause MERGE Table Types and Table Value Parameters GROUPING SET SQL language IDE improvements Compound assignment operators Declaring and initializing variables Delighters
  • 10. IDE Improvements Debugging is back! Intellisense has made it in Compound Assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /= Variable initialization during declaration UPDATE Inventory SET quantity += s.quantity FROM Inventory AS i INNER JOIN Sales AS s ON = DECLAER @v int = 5 ; DECLARE @v1 varchar(10) = ‘xxxxx’;
  • 11.  
  • 12. Insert multiple rows based on values in a single INSERT statement SQL 2006 standard compatible INSERT INTO dbo.Customers(custid, companyname, phone, address)   VALUES   (1, 'cust 1', '(111) 111-1111', 'address 1'),   (2, 'cust 2', '(222) 222-2222', 'address 2'),   (3, 'cust 3', '(333) 333-3333', 'address 3'),   (4, 'cust 4', '(444) 444-4444', 'address 4'),   (5, 'cust 5', '(555) 555-5555', 'address 5');
  • 13. Single statement that combines multiple DML operations Operates on a join between source and target SQL-2006 compliant UPDATE TGT SET TGT.quantity = TGT.quantity + SRC.quantity, TGT.LastTradeDate = SRC.TradeDate FROM dbo.StockHolding AS TGT JOIN dbo.StockTrading AS SRC ON TGT.stock = SRC.stock; INSERT INTO dbo.StockHolding (stock, lasttradedate, quantity) SELECT stock, tradedate, quantity FROM dbo.StockTrading AS SRC WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.StockHolding AS TGT WHERE TGT.stock = SRC.stock); MERGE INTO dbo.StockHolding AS TGT USING dbo.StockTrading AS SRC ON TGT.stock = SRC.stock WHEN MATCHED AND (t.quantity + s.quantity = 0) THEN DELETE WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t.LastTradeDate = s.TradeDate, t.quantity += s.quantity WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (s.Stock,s.TradeDate,s.Quantity) Pre-SQL 2008 SQL 2008
  • 14. Source Table (Stock Trading) Target Table (Stock Holding) Merged Table (Stock Holding) INSERT UPDATE DELETE
  • 15. A new user defined type - Table Can define indexes and constraints Can be used for declaring table variables Input parameters of Table type on SPs/Functions Optimized to scale and perform better for large data Behaves like BCP inside server In ADO.NET SqlDbType.Structured CREATE TYPE myTableType AS TABLE (id INT, name NVARCHAR(100),qty INT); CREATE PROCEDURE myProc (@tvp myTableType READONLY ) AS …
  • 16. Define multiple groupings in the same query Produces a single result set that is equivalent to a UNION ALL of differently grouped rows SQL 2006 standard compatiable SELECT customerType,Null as TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer GROUP BY customerType UNION ALL SELECT Null as customerType,TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer GROUP BY TerritoryID order by TerritoryID SELECT customerType,TerritoryID,MAX(ModifiedDate) FROM Sales.Customer GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((customerType), (TerritoryID)) order by customerType Pre-SQL 2008 SQL 2008
  • 17.  
  • 18.  
  • 19. CREATE TABLE Employee { FirstName VARCHAR(10), LastName VARCHAR(10), Birthday DATE , … } SELECT Birthday AS BirthDay FROM Employee INSERT INTO T (datetime2_col) VALUES (‘ 1541 -01-01’) INSERT INTO T (time_col) VALUES (’12:30:29 .1176548 ’) CREATE TABLE online-purchase-order { item-id int, item-name VARCHAR(30), qty int, purchase-time datetimeoffset, … } // For value ‘ 2005-09-08 12:20:19.345 -08:00 ’ INSERT INTO online-purchase-order VALUES (…., ‘ 2005-09-08 12:20:19.345 -08:00’ ,..) Large year range (1~9999) Storage saving Easy programming DATE Large or optional precision (0 ~ 100ns) Easy programming TIME Large year range Large or optional precision DATETIME2 Datetime + time zone offset UTC enabled Easy programming DATETIME OFFSET
  • 20.  
  • 21.  
  • 22. SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 HierarchyID Large UDTs Sparse Columns Wide Tables Filtered Indices XML Upgrades User Defined Types XML Data Type and Functions Full Text Indexing Filestream Integrated FTS Fully supported Geometry and Geography data types and Functions Relational Semi Structured Documents & Multimedia Spatial
  • 23. Remote BLOB Storage FILESTREAM Storage SQL BLOB Documents & Multimedia Use File Servers DB Application BLOB Dedicated BLOB Store DB Application BLOB Store BLOBs in Database DB Application BLOB Store BLOBs in DB + File System Application BLOB DB
  • 24. Storage Attribute on VARBINARY(MAX) Works with integrated FTS Unstructured data stored directly in the file system (requires NTFS) Dual Programming Model TSQL (Same as SQL BLOB) Win32 Streaming APIs with T-SQL transactional semantics Advantages Integrated Manageability SQL Server Security Stack Dual model Documents & Multimedia Store BLOBs in DB + File System Application BLOB DB
  • 25.  
  • 26. Full-Text Engine and Indexes fully integrated Catalog, index and stopword lists now inside the database Better performance in many common scenarios Make mixed queries perform and scale Optimizer has knowledge about FT index SELECT * FROM candidates WHERE CONTAINS(resume,’”SQL Server”’) AND ZipCode = ‘98052’ Documents & Multimedia
  • 27. Populating an index of 20million rows of 1k data on identical hardware (time in minutes) 2 min 1 min Documents & Multimedia
  • 28. Proliferation of geographical data GPS Systems, Virtual Earth, Live Search Maps etc New opportunities for spatially aware apps Storage and retrieval of spatial data using standard SQL New Spatial Data Types + methods + indexes geometry - Flat Earth (Planar) geography - Round Earth (Geodetic) Offers full set of Open Geospatial Consortium components Spatial
  • 29.  
  • 30. 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 2 // Create a Filtered Indexes // Sparse column Create Table Products(Id int, Type nvarchar(16)…, Resolution int SPARSE , ZoomLength int SPARSE ); // Filtered Indices Create Index ZoomIdx on Products(ZoomLength) where Type = ‘Camera’; // HierarchyID CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Folder] ( [FolderNode] HIERARCHYID NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Level] AS [FolderNode].GetLevel() PERSISTED, [Description] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); HierarchyID Store arbitrary hierarchies of data and efficiently query them Large UDTs No more 8K limit on User Defined Types Sparse Columns Optimized storage for sparsely populated columns Wide Tables Support thousands of sparse columns Filtered Indices Define indices over subsets of data in tables Relational Semi Structured
  • 31.  
  • 32.  
  • 33.  
  • 34. What is it? Technique for working with relational tables as if they were objects in memory Intention is to hide away the complexity of the underlying tables and give a uniform way of working with data Why use it? Productivity Retain database independence Which ORM? There are many ORMs for .NET developers already in existence. E.g. LLBLGen Pro Nhibernate EntitySpaces
  • 35. LINQ to SQL .NET Framework 3.5, Nov 2007 Only SQL Server Simple Easy to learn and master LINQ to Entities ( ADO.NET Entity Framework ) .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Aug 2008 “ Any” RDBMS Complex Easy to learn, hard to master Strategic
  • 36.  
  • 37.  
  • 38. HTTP (AtomPub) Clients (Tools, Libraries, etc) SQL Data Services ADO.NET Data Services Framework SQL Server (On premises data service) (Cloud data service)
  • 39. Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Data Access Lib SDS Runtime REST / SOAP Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server Mgmt. Services Distributed Data Fabric SQL Server
  • 40. Unit of geo-location and billing Tied to DNS name Collection of Containers
  • 41. Entity properties may differ in type and instance
  • 42.  
  • 43.  
  • 44.  
  • 45.  
  • 46. Drop me an email if I confused you about anything! [email_address] http:// UKDevEvents Post event resources for all Microsoft UK developer focused sessions The team Eric Nelson Mike Ormond Mike Taulty