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#MongoDBdays #askAsya @asya999 
Building a Social Platform 
with MongoDB 
Asya Kamsky 
MongoDB Inc
Solutions Engineering 
• Identify Popular Use Cases 
– Directly from MongoDB Users 
– Addressing "limitations" 
• Go beyond documentation and blogs 
• Create open source project 
• Run it!
Social Status Feed
Status Feed
Status Feed
• Open Source 
• Reference Implementation 
– Various Fanout Feed Models 
– User Graph Implementation 
– Content storage 
• Configurable models and options 
• REST API in Dropwizard (Yammer) 
• Built-in benchmarking
Content Proxy 
Graph Service Proxy
Pluggable Services 
• Major components each have an interface 
– see 
• Configuration selects implementation to use 
• ServiceManager organizes : 
– Default implementations 
– Lifecycle 
– Binding configuration 
– Wiring dependencies 
– see com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceManager
Simple Interface 
GET /users/{user_id} Get a User by their ID 
DELETE /users/{user_id} Remove a user by their ID 
POST /users/{user_id}/posts Send a message from this user 
GET /users/{user_id}/followers Get a list of followers of a user 
GET /users/{user_id}/followers_count Get the number of followers of a user 
GET /users/{user_id}/following Get the list of users this user is following 
GET /users/{user_id}/following count Get the number of users this user follows 
GET /users/{user_id}/posts Get the messages sent by a user 
GET /users/{user_id}/timeline Get the timeline for this user 
PUT /users/{user_id} Create a new user 
PUT /users/{user_id}/following/{target} Follow a user 
DELETE /users/{user_id}/following/{target} Unfollow a user
Technical Decisions 
Indexing Horizontal Scaling
Operational Testing 
Real life validation of our choices. 
Most important criteria? 
User facing latency 
Linear scaling of resources
Scaling Goals 
• Realistic real-life-scale workload 
– compared to Twitter, etc. 
• Understanding of HW required 
– containing costs 
• Confirm architecture scales linearly 
– without loss of responsiveness
Content Proxy 
Graph Service Proxy
Operational Testing 
• All hosts in AWS 
• Each service used its own DB, cluster or shards 
• All benchmarks through `mongos` (sharded config) 
• Used MMS monitoring for measuring throughput 
• Used internal benchmarks for measuring latency 
• Based volume tested on real life social metrics
Scaling for Infinite Content
Content Proxy 
Graph Service Proxy
Socialite Content Service 
• System of record for all user content 
• Initially very simple (no search) 
• Mainly designed to support feed 
– Lookup/indexed by _id and userid 
– Time based anchors/pagination
Social Data Ages Fast 
• Half life of most content is 1 day ! 
• Popular content usually < 1 month 
• Access to old data is rare
Content Service 
• Index by userId, _id 
• Shard by userId (or userId, _id) 
• Supports “user data” as pass-through 
"_id" : ObjectId("52aaaa14a0ee0d44323e623a"), 
"_a" : "user1", 
"_m" : "this is a post”, 
"_d" : { 
"geohash" : "6gkzwgjzn820" 
Content Proxy 
Graph Service Proxy
Graph Data - Social 
John Kate 
Recommendation ?
Graph Data - Promotional 
John Kate 
Recommendation ?
Graph Data - Everywhere 
• Retail 
• Complex product catalogues 
• Product recommendation engines 
• Manufacturing and Logistics 
• Tracing failures to faulty component batches 
• Determining fallout from supply interruption 
• Healthcare 
• Patient/Physician interactions
Design Considerations
The Tale of Two Biebers 
Follower Churn 
• Tempting to focus on scaling content 
• Follow requests rival message send rates 
• Twitter enforces per day follow limits
Edge Metadata 
• Models – friends/followers 
• Requirements typically start simple 
• Add Groups, Favorites, Relationships
Storing Graphs in MongoDB
Option One – Embedding Edges
Embedded Edge Arrays 
• Storing connections with user (popular choice) 
Most compact form 
Efficient for reads 
• However…. 
– User documents grow 
– Upper limit on degree (document size) 
– Difficult to annotate (and index) edge 
"_id" : "djw", 
"fullname" : "Darren Wood", 
"country" : "Australia", 
"followers" : [ "jsr", "ian"], 
"following" : [ "jsr", "pete"] 
Embedded Edge Arrays 
• Creating Rich Graph Information 
– Can become cumbersome 
"_id" : "djw", 
"fullname" : "Darren Wood", 
"country" : "Australia", 
"friends" : [ 
{"uid" : "jsr", "grp" : "school"}, 
{"uid" : "ian", "grp" : "work"} ] 
"_id" : "djw", 
"fullname" : "Darren Wood", 
"country" : "Australia", 
"friends" : [ "jsr", "ian"], 
"group" : [ ”school", ”work"] 
Option Two – Edge Collection
Edge Collections 
• Document per edge 
> db.followers.findOne() 
"_id" : ObjectId(…), 
"from" : "djw", 
"to" : "jsr" 
• Very flexible for adding edge data 
> db.friends.findOne() 
"_id" : ObjectId(…), 
"from" : "djw", 
"to" : "jsr", 
"grp" : "work", 
"ts" : Date("2013-07-10") 
Operational comparison 
• Updates of embedded arrays 
– grow non-linearly with number of indexed array elements 
• Updating edge collection => inserts 
– grows close to linearly with existing number of edges/user
Edge Insert Rate
Edge Collection 
Indexing Strategies
Finding Followers 
Consider our single follower collection : 
> db.followers.find({from : "djw"}, {_id:0, to:1}) 
"to" : "jsr" 
Using index : 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, 
"unique" : true, 
"ns" : "socialite.followers", 
"name" : "from_1_to_1" 
Covered index 
when searching on 
"from" for all 
Specify only if 
multiple edges 
cannot exist
Finding Following 
What about who a user is following? 
Can use a reverse covered index : 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, 
"unique" : true, 
"ns" : "socialite.followers", 
"name" : "from_1_to_1" 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { "to" : 1, "from" : 1 }, 
"unique" : true, 
"ns" : "socialite.followers", 
"name" : "to_1_from_1" 
Notice the flipped 
field order here
Finding Following 
Wait ! There is an issue with the reverse index….. 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, 
"unique" : true, 
"ns" : "socialite.followers", 
"name" : "from_1_to_1" 
"v" : 1, 
"key" : { "to" : 1, "from" : 1 }, 
"unique" : true, 
"ns" : "socialite.followers", 
"name" : "to_1_from_1" 
If we shard this collection 
by "from", looking up 
followers for a specific 
user is "targeted" to a 
To find who the user is 
following however, it must 
scatter-gather the query to 
all shards
Dual Edge Collections
Dual Edge Collections 
When "following" queries are common 
– Not always the case 
– Consider overhead carefully 
Can use dual collections storing 
– One for each direction 
– Edges are duplicated reversed 
– Can be sharded independently
Edge Query Rate Comparison 
Number of shards 
Number of queries 
Followers collection 
with forward and 
reverse indexes 
Two collections, 
followers, following 
one index each 
1 10,000 10,000 
3 90,000 30,000 
6 360,000 60,000 
12 1,440,000 120,000
Content Proxy 
Graph Service Proxy
Feed Service 
• Two main functions : 
– Aggregating “followed” content for a user 
– Forwarding user’s content to “followers” 
• Common implementation models : 
– Fanout on read 
• Query content of all followed users on fly 
– Fanout on write 
• Add to “cache” of each user’s timeline for every post 
• Various storage models for the timeline
Fanout On Read
Fanout On Read 
Simple implementation 
No extra storage for timelines 
– Timeline reads (typically) hit all shards 
– Often involves reading more data than required 
– May require additional indexing on Content
Fanout On Write
Fanout On Write 
Timeline can be single document read 
Dormant users easily excluded 
Working set minimized 
– Fanout for large follower lists can be expensive 
– Additional storage for materialized timelines
Fanout On Write 
• Three different approaches 
– Time buckets 
– Size buckets 
– Cache 
• Each has different pros & cons
Timeline Buckets - Time 
Upsert to time range buckets for each user 
> db.timed_buckets.find().pretty() 
"_id" : {"_u" : "jsr", "_t" : 516935}, 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"} 
"_id" : {"_u" : "ian", "_t" : 516935}, 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} 
"_id" : {"_u" : "jsr", "_t" : 516934 }, 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} 
Timeline Buckets - Size 
More complex, but more consistently sized 
> db.sized_buckets.find().pretty() 
"_id" : ObjectId("...122"), 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} 
"_s" : 3, 
"_u" : "jsr" 
"_id" : ObjectId("...011"), 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} 
"_s" : 1, 
"_u" : "ian" 
Timeline - Cache 
Store a limited cache, fall back to "fanout on read" 
– Create single cache doc on demand with upsert 
– Limit size of cache with $slice 
– Timeout docs with TTL for inactive users 
> db.timeline_cache.find().pretty() 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} 
"_u" : "jsr" 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} 
"_u" : "ian" 
Embedding vs Linking Content 
Embedded content for direct access 
– Great when it is small, predictable in size 
Link to content, store only metadata 
– Read only desired content on demand 
– Further stabilizes cache document sizes 
> db.timeline_cache.findOne({”_id" : "jsr"}) 
"_c" : [ 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1”)}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2”)}, 
{"_id" : ObjectId("...da7”)} 
”_id" : "jsr" 
Socialite Feed Service 
• Implemented four models as plugins 
– FanoutOnRead 
– FanoutOnWrite – Buckets (size) 
– FanoutOnWrite – Buckets (time) 
– FanoutOnWrite - Cache 
• Switchable by config 
• Store content by reference or value 
• Benchmark-able back to back
Benchmark by feed type
Benchmarking the Feed 
• Biggest challenge: scaling the feed 
• High cost of "fanout on write" 
• Popular user posts => # operations: 
– Content collection insert: 1 
– Timeline Cache: on average, 130+ cache document 
• SCATTER GATHER (slowest shard determines 
Benchmarking the Feed 
• Timeline is different from content! 
– "It's a Cache" 
Benchmarking the Feed 
Benchmarking the Feed 
• Results 
– over two weeks 
– ran load with one million users 
– ran load with ten million users 
– used avg send rate 1K/s; 2K/s; reads 10K-20k/s 
– 22 AWS c3.2xlarge servers (7.5GB RAM) 
– 18 across six shards (3 content, 3 user graph) 
– 4 mongos and app machines 
– 2 c2x4xlarge servers (30GB RAM) 
– timeline feed cache (six shards)
• Real Working Implementation 
– Implements All Components 
– Configurable models and options 
• Built-in benchmarking 
• Questions? 
– I will be at "Ask The Experts" this afternoon!
Thank You!

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Socialite, the Open Source Status Feed

  • 1. #MongoDBdays #askAsya @asya999 Building a Social Platform with MongoDB Asya Kamsky MongoDB Inc
  • 2. Solutions Engineering • Identify Popular Use Cases – Directly from MongoDB Users – Addressing "limitations" • Go beyond documentation and blogs • Create open source project • Run it!
  • 6. Socialite • Open Source • Reference Implementation – Various Fanout Feed Models – User Graph Implementation – Content storage • Configurable models and options • REST API in Dropwizard (Yammer) – • Built-in benchmarking
  • 7. Architecture Content Proxy Graph Service Proxy
  • 8. Pluggable Services • Major components each have an interface – see • Configuration selects implementation to use • ServiceManager organizes : – Default implementations – Lifecycle – Binding configuration – Wiring dependencies – see com.mongodb.socialite.ServiceManager
  • 9. Simple Interface GET /users/{user_id} Get a User by their ID DELETE /users/{user_id} Remove a user by their ID POST /users/{user_id}/posts Send a message from this user GET /users/{user_id}/followers Get a list of followers of a user GET /users/{user_id}/followers_count Get the number of followers of a user GET /users/{user_id}/following Get the list of users this user is following GET /users/{user_id}/following count Get the number of users this user follows GET /users/{user_id}/posts Get the messages sent by a user GET /users/{user_id}/timeline Get the timeline for this user PUT /users/{user_id} Create a new user PUT /users/{user_id}/following/{target} Follow a user DELETE /users/{user_id}/following/{target} Unfollow a user
  • 10. Technical Decisions User timeline cache Schema Indexing Horizontal Scaling
  • 11. Operational Testing Real life validation of our choices. Most important criteria? User facing latency Linear scaling of resources
  • 12. Scaling Goals • Realistic real-life-scale workload – compared to Twitter, etc. • Understanding of HW required – containing costs • Confirm architecture scales linearly – without loss of responsiveness
  • 13. Architecture Content Proxy Graph Service Proxy
  • 14. Operational Testing • All hosts in AWS • Each service used its own DB, cluster or shards • All benchmarks through `mongos` (sharded config) • Used MMS monitoring for measuring throughput • Used internal benchmarks for measuring latency • Based volume tested on real life social metrics
  • 16. Architecture Content Proxy Graph Service Proxy
  • 17. Socialite Content Service • System of record for all user content • Initially very simple (no search) • Mainly designed to support feed – Lookup/indexed by _id and userid – Time based anchors/pagination
  • 18. Social Data Ages Fast • Half life of most content is 1 day ! • Popular content usually < 1 month • Access to old data is rare
  • 19. Content Service • Index by userId, _id • Shard by userId (or userId, _id) • Supports “user data” as pass-through { "_id" : ObjectId("52aaaa14a0ee0d44323e623a"), "_a" : "user1", "_m" : "this is a post”, "_d" : { "geohash" : "6gkzwgjzn820" } }
  • 21. Architecture Content Proxy Graph Service Proxy
  • 22. Graph Data - Social John Kate follows Bob Pete Recommendation ?
  • 23. Graph Data - Promotional John Kate follows Bob Pete Mention Acme Soda Recommendation ?
  • 24. Graph Data - Everywhere • Retail • Complex product catalogues • Product recommendation engines • Manufacturing and Logistics • Tracing failures to faulty component batches • Determining fallout from supply interruption • Healthcare • Patient/Physician interactions
  • 26. The Tale of Two Biebers VS
  • 27. Follower Churn • Tempting to focus on scaling content • Follow requests rival message send rates • Twitter enforces per day follow limits
  • 28. Edge Metadata • Models – friends/followers • Requirements typically start simple • Add Groups, Favorites, Relationships
  • 29. Storing Graphs in MongoDB
  • 30. Option One – Embedding Edges
  • 31. Embedded Edge Arrays • Storing connections with user (popular choice) Most compact form Efficient for reads • However…. – User documents grow – Upper limit on degree (document size) – Difficult to annotate (and index) edge { "_id" : "djw", "fullname" : "Darren Wood", "country" : "Australia", "followers" : [ "jsr", "ian"], "following" : [ "jsr", "pete"] }
  • 32. Embedded Edge Arrays • Creating Rich Graph Information – Can become cumbersome { "_id" : "djw", "fullname" : "Darren Wood", "country" : "Australia", "friends" : [ {"uid" : "jsr", "grp" : "school"}, {"uid" : "ian", "grp" : "work"} ] } { "_id" : "djw", "fullname" : "Darren Wood", "country" : "Australia", "friends" : [ "jsr", "ian"], "group" : [ ”school", ”work"] }
  • 33. Option Two – Edge Collection
  • 34. Edge Collections • Document per edge > db.followers.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId(…), "from" : "djw", "to" : "jsr" } • Very flexible for adding edge data > db.friends.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId(…), "from" : "djw", "to" : "jsr", "grp" : "work", "ts" : Date("2013-07-10") }
  • 35. Operational comparison • Updates of embedded arrays – grow non-linearly with number of indexed array elements • Updating edge collection => inserts – grows close to linearly with existing number of edges/user
  • 38. Finding Followers Consider our single follower collection : > db.followers.find({from : "djw"}, {_id:0, to:1}) { "to" : "jsr" } Using index : { "v" : 1, "key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "socialite.followers", "name" : "from_1_to_1" } Covered index when searching on "from" for all followers Specify only if multiple edges cannot exist
  • 39. Finding Following What about who a user is following? Can use a reverse covered index : { "v" : 1, "key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "socialite.followers", "name" : "from_1_to_1" } { "v" : 1, "key" : { "to" : 1, "from" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "socialite.followers", "name" : "to_1_from_1" } Notice the flipped field order here
  • 40. Finding Following Wait ! There is an issue with the reverse index….. SHARDING ! { "v" : 1, "key" : { "from" : 1, "to" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "socialite.followers", "name" : "from_1_to_1" } { "v" : 1, "key" : { "to" : 1, "from" : 1 }, "unique" : true, "ns" : "socialite.followers", "name" : "to_1_from_1" } If we shard this collection by "from", looking up followers for a specific user is "targeted" to a shard To find who the user is following however, it must scatter-gather the query to all shards
  • 42. Dual Edge Collections When "following" queries are common – Not always the case – Consider overhead carefully Can use dual collections storing – One for each direction – Edges are duplicated reversed – Can be sharded independently
  • 43. Edge Query Rate Comparison Number of shards vs Number of queries Followers collection with forward and reverse indexes Two collections, followers, following one index each 1 10,000 10,000 3 90,000 30,000 6 360,000 60,000 12 1,440,000 120,000
  • 44. Architecture Content Proxy Graph Service Proxy
  • 45. Feed Service • Two main functions : – Aggregating “followed” content for a user – Forwarding user’s content to “followers” • Common implementation models : – Fanout on read • Query content of all followed users on fly – Fanout on write • Add to “cache” of each user’s timeline for every post • Various storage models for the timeline
  • 47. Fanout On Read Pros Simple implementation No extra storage for timelines Cons – Timeline reads (typically) hit all shards – Often involves reading more data than required – May require additional indexing on Content
  • 49. Fanout On Write Pros Timeline can be single document read Dormant users easily excluded Working set minimized Cons – Fanout for large follower lists can be expensive – Additional storage for materialized timelines
  • 50. Fanout On Write • Three different approaches – Time buckets – Size buckets – Cache • Each has different pros & cons
  • 51. Timeline Buckets - Time Upsert to time range buckets for each user > db.timed_buckets.find().pretty() { "_id" : {"_u" : "jsr", "_t" : 516935}, "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"} ] } { "_id" : {"_u" : "ian", "_t" : 516935}, "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} ] } { "_id" : {"_u" : "jsr", "_t" : 516934 }, "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} ] }
  • 52. Timeline Buckets - Size More complex, but more consistently sized > db.sized_buckets.find().pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("...122"), "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} ], "_s" : 3, "_u" : "jsr" } { "_id" : ObjectId("...011"), "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} ], "_s" : 1, "_u" : "ian" }
  • 53. Timeline - Cache Store a limited cache, fall back to "fanout on read" – Create single cache doc on demand with upsert – Limit size of cache with $slice – Timeout docs with TTL for inactive users > db.timeline_cache.find().pretty() { "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "message from ian"}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...da7"), "_a" : "ian", "_m" : "earlier from ian"} ], "_u" : "jsr" } { "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1"), "_a" : "djw", "_m" : "message from daz"} ], "_u" : "ian" }
  • 54. Embedding vs Linking Content Embedded content for direct access – Great when it is small, predictable in size Link to content, store only metadata – Read only desired content on demand – Further stabilizes cache document sizes > db.timeline_cache.findOne({”_id" : "jsr"}) { "_c" : [ {"_id" : ObjectId("...dc1”)}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...dd2”)}, {"_id" : ObjectId("...da7”)} ], ”_id" : "jsr" }
  • 55. Socialite Feed Service • Implemented four models as plugins – FanoutOnRead – FanoutOnWrite – Buckets (size) – FanoutOnWrite – Buckets (time) – FanoutOnWrite - Cache • Switchable by config • Store content by reference or value • Benchmark-able back to back
  • 57. Benchmarking the Feed • Biggest challenge: scaling the feed • High cost of "fanout on write" • Popular user posts => # operations: – Content collection insert: 1 – Timeline Cache: on average, 130+ cache document updates • SCATTER GATHER (slowest shard determines latency)
  • 58. Benchmarking the Feed • Timeline is different from content! – "It's a Cache" IT CAN BE REBUILT!
  • 59. Benchmarking the Feed IT CAN BE REBUILT!
  • 60. Benchmarking the Feed • Results – over two weeks – ran load with one million users – ran load with ten million users – used avg send rate 1K/s; 2K/s; reads 10K-20k/s – 22 AWS c3.2xlarge servers (7.5GB RAM) – 18 across six shards (3 content, 3 user graph) – 4 mongos and app machines – 2 c2x4xlarge servers (30GB RAM) – timeline feed cache (six shards)
  • 62. Socialite • Real Working Implementation – Implements All Components – Configurable models and options • Built-in benchmarking • Questions? – I will be at "Ask The Experts" this afternoon!

Editor's Notes

  1. News/Social Status Feed: popular and common Internal goals: implement different schema options, builtin benchmarking for comparison External goals: low latency from end-user perspective, linear scaling from operational perspective
  2. News/Social Status Feed: popular and common Internal goals: implement different schema options, builtin benchmarking for comparison External goals: low latency from end-user perspective, linear scaling from operational perspective
  3. image at of the hat 
  4. add REST API calls
  5. How to test, show how growing documents are very painful to update. Add the MTV or appmetrics mtools plot showing what happens to outliers.
  6. actual performance – show how inserting million users was easy – no point even trying to update embedded documents...
  7. side-point of
  8. Variants?
  9. Should you embed the messages/content into "cache"/buckets/etc. or just store references?
  10. WHICH ONE DID WE IMPLEMENT IN SOCIALITE??? All work with Async Service(? or mention later) And we did benchmark them! -> Asya
  11. examining latency of reading content by fanout type - note two types of latency – for sender and for recipient. scaling throughput... THIS WILL NOT SCALE LINEARLY(!) *RERUN WITH SEVERAL SHARDS* replace with new screenshot
  12. MongoDB as a cache Storage amplification on a feed service – Justin Bieber makes a single post and we need to write it to 2 million timelines.... ??? Cache only for active users. Number of updates across all cache / number of documents updated
  13. MongoDB as a cache Storage amplification on a feed service – Justin Bieber makes a single post and we need to write it to 2 million timelines.... ??? Cache only for active users.
  14. MongoDB as a cache Storage amplification on a feed service – Justin Bieber makes a single post and we need to write it to 2 million timelines.... ??? Cache only for active users.