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Scala runtime Meta-Programming
About Me
Meir Maor
Chief Architect @ SparkBeyond
At SparkBeyond we leverage the collective
human knowledge to solve the world's toughest
This Talk
Showcase Scala reflection, and compiler toolbox
Use a real guiding example to see how these are
used to solve a real problem
SparkBeyond generates code to solve machine
learning problems, leveraging world knowledge
Allows crafting deeply embedded pipelines to
explicitly transform your data
Guiding Example
● We would like to build a deeply embedded
framework to transform data.
● Multiple classes define actions
● Can be stacked together
● Embed user generated Scala code
● Auto generate a UI to input parameters for
● Allow annotating fields to guide UI generation
case class AddColumn(columnName: String,codeExpression: String) extends Action
case class SpecialParam(a: Int,b : Int => Int)
object SpecialAction {
val myMap = Map("mul2" -> SpecialParam(1,_ * 2),
"add1" -> SpecialParam(2,_ + 1),
"ident" -> SpecialParam(3, identity)
case class SpecialAction(@PossibleValuesMap(SpecialAction.myMap) foo:
SpecialParam) extends Action
Intro to Scala Meta Programming
Creating and using mirror
import reflect.runtime.universe._
val cm =
Know the players
● Type
● Symbol
● Tree
documentation reference:
val t=typeOf[List[Int]]
t: reflect.runtime.universe.Type =
Compare with =:= or <:< or weak_<:<
Key methods: declarations, baseClasses,
BaseType, typeSymbol
● If it has a name it has a Symbol
– Types, Members, parameters
Not a type, even TypeSymbol is less than a Type
val ts=t.typeSymbol
ts: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol =
class List
● An Abstract Syntax Tree
val tree = Apply(Select(Ident(TermName("x")),
TermName("$plus")), List(Literal(Constant(2))))
tree: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Apply = x.$plus(2)
val expr = reify { class Flower { def name = "Rose" } }
expr: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] = …
Get param list from primary ctr
scala> val typ = typeOf[AddColumn]
typ: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = AddColumn
val primary=typ.typeSymbol.asClass.primaryConstructor
primary: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = constructor AddColumn
//recall a method can have multiple param lists, hence flaten
val paramList = primary.asMethod.paramLists.flatten
paramList: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = List(value
columnName, value codeExpression)
Code Generation
● Cglib – byte code generation library
● Compiling externally and loading with a fresh
● The unsafe way - mutate the existing
● Scala Compiler toolbox
def getClassInstanceFromJar[T](jarFile: File, className:
String): T = {
val classLoader = new
rFile.toURI.toURL), this.getClass.getClassLoader)
val mirror =
val classSymbol = mirror.staticClass(className)
val ctorSymbol = classSymbol.primaryConstructor.asMethod
val ctor =
Mutate existing ClassLoader
public static void addURL(URL u) throws IOException {
URLClassLoader sysloader = (URLClassLoader)
Class sysclass = URLClassLoader.class;
try {
Method method = sysclass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", parameters);
method.invoke(sysloader, new Object[]{u});
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new IOException("Error, could not add URL to system
}//end try catch
}//end method
Compiler ToolBox
● Experimental (even more so than the rest of the reflection api)
val tb = cm.mkToolBox()
● Parse, typecheck, eval
def run(code: String) = {
synchronized {
val tree = tb parse s"import scala._nimport Predef._n $code"
tb eval tree
Using the ToolBox
● Get User code fragment
● Add boilerplate function definition, useful
● Parse and eval
● Apply function on new data
● In Java you can easily read annotations reflectively at
● Annotations can only hold specific types:
– primitive
– String
– Class
– an Enum
– another Annotation
– an array of any of the above
Scala annotations
● Scala annotations are not Java annotations
● You can put anything in a Scala annotation
● But How do you read it?
Defining Scala Annotation
Extend StaticAnnotation to make it available at
case class ValuesMap(vals: Map[String, Any]) extends
Get annotations from a symbol
● Many things can be annotated
– A type, A Method, A parameter, a val/var
● Recall our example:
case class SpecialAction(@ValuesMap(SpecialAction.myMap) foo:
SpecialParam) extends Action
Get annotations from a symbol
val param: Symbol = longestParmList.head
param: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = value foo
val annotations = param.annotations
scala> annotations: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Annotation] =
Recreate Annotation Instance
scala> val tree=annotations.head.tree
tree: reflect.runtime.universe.Tree = new
scala> tb.eval(tb.untypecheck(tree))
res15: Any = ValuesMap(Map(mul2 -> SpecialParam(1,<function1>), add1 ->
SpecialParam(2,<function1>), ident -> SpecialParam(3,<function1>)))
Overcoming Erasure - RTTI
● Java Generics for better or worse get erased in
● We would like to be able to tell the Type of an
instance including Type Parameters
● In most cases this is possible in a meaningful
What is my type?
case class OneIntSeq(a: Int) extends Seq[Int] {...}
case class MyCaseClass[T,U](e: T,o: Seq[U])
val v = MyCaseClass("foo",OneIntSeq(1))
We want a method, given v to produce:
val topType=cm.reflect(v).symbol.toTypeConstructor
topType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = MyCaseClass
//As Before
val primaryParams = topType.typeSymbol.asClass.primaryConstructor...
primaryParams: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = List(value elem,
value other)
res29: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Type] = List(T, scala.Seq[U])
Inspecting the Type
topType.decls.foreach{case s => println(s.toString + "t" + s.typeSignature) }
value elem => T
value elem T
value other => scala.Seq[U]
value other scala.Seq[U]
constructor MyCaseClass (elem: T, other: scala.Seq[U])MyCaseClass[T,U]
method copy [T, U](elem: T, other: scala.Seq[U])MyCaseClass[T,U]
method copy$default$1 [T, U]=> T @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
method copy$default$2 [T, U]=> scala.Seq[U] @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
method productPrefix => java.lang.String
method productArity => scala.Int
method productElement (x$1: scala.Int)scala.Any
method productIterator => Iterator[scala.Any]
method canEqual (x$1: scala.Any)scala.Boolean
method hashCode ()scala.Int
method toString ()java.lang.String
method equals (x$1: scala.Any)scala.Boolean
val instanceMirror = cm.reflect(v)
instanceMirror: reflect.runtime.universe.InstanceMirror = instance
mirror for MyCaseClass(foo,(1))
val elemField=topType.decls.filterNot(x => x.isMethod).head
elemField: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = value elem
val elemValue=instanceMirror.reflectField(elemField.asTerm).get
elemValue: Any = foo
val elemTyp=cm.reflect(elemValue).symbol.toTypeConstructor
elemTyp: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = java.lang.String
Similarly for second param other: Seq[U]
val otherTyp= cm.reflect(otherValue).symbol.toTypeConstructor
otherTyp: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = OneIntSeq
val asBase=otherTyp.baseType(otherField.typeSignature.typeSymbol)
asBase: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Seq[scala.Int]
val uType = asBase.typeArgs.head
uType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.Int
Combining Things together
val finalType=appliedType(topType,List(elemTyp,uType))
finalType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type =
Final Thoughts
Like pushing Scala to it’s limits? Thrive on
scalable computing with machine learning on
Join us!

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Scala Reflection & Runtime MetaProgramming

  • 2. About Me Meir Maor Chief Architect @ SparkBeyond At SparkBeyond we leverage the collective human knowledge to solve the world's toughest problems
  • 3. This Talk Showcase Scala reflection, and compiler toolbox Use a real guiding example to see how these are used to solve a real problem
  • 4. SparkBeyond SparkBeyond generates code to solve machine learning problems, leveraging world knowledge Allows crafting deeply embedded pipelines to explicitly transform your data
  • 5. Guiding Example ● We would like to build a deeply embedded framework to transform data. ● Multiple classes define actions ● Can be stacked together ● Embed user generated Scala code ● Auto generate a UI to input parameters for actions. ● Allow annotating fields to guide UI generation
  • 6. case class AddColumn(columnName: String,codeExpression: String) extends Action {...} case class SpecialParam(a: Int,b : Int => Int) object SpecialAction { val myMap = Map("mul2" -> SpecialParam(1,_ * 2), "add1" -> SpecialParam(2,_ + 1), "ident" -> SpecialParam(3, identity) ) } case class SpecialAction(@PossibleValuesMap(SpecialAction.myMap) foo: SpecialParam) extends Action
  • 7. Intro to Scala Meta Programming Creating and using mirror import reflect.runtime.universe._ val cm = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
  • 8. Know the players ● Type ● Symbol ● Tree documentation reference:
  • 9. Type val t=typeOf[List[Int]] t: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.List[Int] Compare with =:= or <:< or weak_<:< Key methods: declarations, baseClasses, BaseType, typeSymbol
  • 10. Symbol ● If it has a name it has a Symbol – Types, Members, parameters Not a type, even TypeSymbol is less than a Type val ts=t.typeSymbol ts: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = class List
  • 11. Tree ● An Abstract Syntax Tree val tree = Apply(Select(Ident(TermName("x")), TermName("$plus")), List(Literal(Constant(2)))) tree: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Apply = x.$plus(2) val expr = reify { class Flower { def name = "Rose" } } expr: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] = … expr.tree
  • 12. Get param list from primary ctr scala> val typ = typeOf[AddColumn] typ: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = AddColumn val primary=typ.typeSymbol.asClass.primaryConstructor primary: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = constructor AddColumn //recall a method can have multiple param lists, hence flaten val paramList = primary.asMethod.paramLists.flatten paramList: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = List(value columnName, value codeExpression)
  • 13. Code Generation ● Cglib – byte code generation library ● Compiling externally and loading with a fresh classloader ● The unsafe way - mutate the existing classloader ● Scala Compiler toolbox
  • 14. UrlClassLoader def getClassInstanceFromJar[T](jarFile: File, className: String): T = { val classLoader = new scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader(Seq(ja rFile.toURI.toURL), this.getClass.getClassLoader) val mirror = scala.reflect.runtime.universe.runtimeMirror(classLoader) val classSymbol = mirror.staticClass(className) val ctorSymbol = classSymbol.primaryConstructor.asMethod val ctor = mirror.reflectClass(classSymbol).reflectConstructor(ctorSymbol) ctor.apply().asInstanceOf[T] }
  • 15. Mutate existing ClassLoader public static void addURL(URL u) throws IOException { URLClassLoader sysloader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Class sysclass = URLClassLoader.class; try { Method method = sysclass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", parameters); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(sysloader, new Object[]{u}); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Error, could not add URL to system classloader"); }//end try catch }//end method
  • 16. Compiler ToolBox ● Experimental (even more so than the rest of the reflection api) import val tb = cm.mkToolBox() ● Parse, typecheck, eval def run(code: String) = { synchronized { val tree = tb parse s"import scala._nimport Predef._n $code" tb eval tree } }
  • 17. Using the ToolBox ● Get User code fragment ● Add boilerplate function definition, useful variables ● Parse and eval ● Apply function on new data
  • 18. Annotations ● In Java you can easily read annotations reflectively at runtime ● Annotations can only hold specific types: – primitive – String – Class – an Enum – another Annotation – an array of any of the above
  • 19. Scala annotations ● Scala annotations are not Java annotations ● You can put anything in a Scala annotation ● But How do you read it? Documentation:
  • 20. Defining Scala Annotation Extend StaticAnnotation to make it available at Runtime case class ValuesMap(vals: Map[String, Any]) extends StaticAnnotation
  • 21. Get annotations from a symbol ● Many things can be annotated – A type, A Method, A parameter, a val/var ● Recall our example: case class SpecialAction(@ValuesMap(SpecialAction.myMap) foo: SpecialParam) extends Action
  • 22. Get annotations from a symbol val param: Symbol = longestParmList.head param: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = value foo val annotations = param.annotations scala> annotations: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Annotation] = List(com.sparkbeyond.runtime.util.misc.ValuesMap(SpecialAction.m yMap)
  • 23. Recreate Annotation Instance scala> val tree=annotations.head.tree tree: reflect.runtime.universe.Tree = new com.sparkbeyond.runtime.util.misc.ValuesMap(SpecialAction.myMap) scala> tb.eval(tb.untypecheck(tree)) res15: Any = ValuesMap(Map(mul2 -> SpecialParam(1,<function1>), add1 -> SpecialParam(2,<function1>), ident -> SpecialParam(3,<function1>)))
  • 24. Overcoming Erasure - RTTI ● Java Generics for better or worse get erased in runtime ● We would like to be able to tell the Type of an instance including Type Parameters ● In most cases this is possible in a meaningful way.
  • 25. What is my type? case class OneIntSeq(a: Int) extends Seq[Int] {...} case class MyCaseClass[T,U](e: T,o: Seq[U]) val v = MyCaseClass("foo",OneIntSeq(1)) We want a method, given v to produce: MyCaseClass[String,Int]
  • 26. val topType=cm.reflect(v).symbol.toTypeConstructor topType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = MyCaseClass //As Before val primaryParams = topType.typeSymbol.asClass.primaryConstructor... primaryParams: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol] = List(value elem, value other) res29: List[reflect.runtime.universe.Type] = List(T, scala.Seq[U])
  • 27. Inspecting the Type topType.decls.foreach{case s => println(s.toString + "t" + s.typeSignature) } value elem => T value elem T value other => scala.Seq[U] value other scala.Seq[U] constructor MyCaseClass (elem: T, other: scala.Seq[U])MyCaseClass[T,U] method copy [T, U](elem: T, other: scala.Seq[U])MyCaseClass[T,U] method copy$default$1 [T, U]=> T @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance method copy$default$2 [T, U]=> scala.Seq[U] @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance method productPrefix => java.lang.String method productArity => scala.Int method productElement (x$1: scala.Int)scala.Any method productIterator => Iterator[scala.Any] method canEqual (x$1: scala.Any)scala.Boolean method hashCode ()scala.Int method toString ()java.lang.String method equals (x$1: scala.Any)scala.Boolean
  • 28. val instanceMirror = cm.reflect(v) instanceMirror: reflect.runtime.universe.InstanceMirror = instance mirror for MyCaseClass(foo,(1)) val elemField=topType.decls.filterNot(x => x.isMethod).head elemField: reflect.runtime.universe.Symbol = value elem val elemValue=instanceMirror.reflectField(elemField.asTerm).get elemValue: Any = foo val elemTyp=cm.reflect(elemValue).symbol.toTypeConstructor elemTyp: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = java.lang.String
  • 29. Similarly for second param other: Seq[U] val otherTyp= cm.reflect(otherValue).symbol.toTypeConstructor otherTyp: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = OneIntSeq val asBase=otherTyp.baseType(otherField.typeSignature.typeSymbol) asBase: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Seq[scala.Int] val uType = asBase.typeArgs.head uType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.Int
  • 30. Combining Things together val finalType=appliedType(topType,List(elemTyp,uType)) finalType: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = MyCaseClass[java.lang.String,scala.Int] Q.E.D
  • 31. Final Thoughts Questions? Like pushing Scala to it’s limits? Thrive on scalable computing with machine learning on top? Join us!