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CCS Activities in Qatar and relevance toCCS Activities in Qatar and relevance to
the GCC regionthe GCC region
Mr. Saif S . Al- NaimiMr. Saif S . Al- Naimi
Director HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar PetroleumDirector HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar Petroleum
Dr. Nasser Al-MohannadiDr. Nasser Al-Mohannadi
Manager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar PetroleumManager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar Petroleum
Part 1: Policy, Legal and Regulations
• Climate Change – UNFCCC process
• Why CCS ? and Energy related CO2 emission reduction technology
• QP Vision/Strategy
• Policy options in practice
• CCS in CDM
• Key Messages/ Developments
• Conclusion
Part 2: Carbon Storage research in Qatar – QCCSRC
• Overview
• Objectives
• Research
Part 1: Policy, Legal and Regulations
BAP (2007)
450ppm CO2
IPCC Report
Actions –
Climate Change Overview of the
Process( UNFCCC negotiations)
2008 - 2012
2013 - 2020
Source : IEA, 2012b. Energy technology perspectives 2012: Pathways to a clean energy system. OECD/IEA,
Why CCS- Energy-related CO2 emission reductions
by technology
Note: Percentages represent share of cumulative emissions reductions to 2050. Percentages in brackets represent
share of emissions reductions in the year 2050.
• Shell, QP, the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP)
and Imperial College London are collaborating in a $70-
million 10-year investment R&D project in new storage
• One of the operators has initiated an acid gas reinjection
programme - re-injects approximately one million tonnes
of CO2 per year into a saline aquifer formation
Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in Qatarin Qatar
QP’s vision/ strategyQP’s vision/ strategy
• CCS is recognized as one of the key mitigation
technology to deal with climate change and is
considered as the medium /long term mitigation plans
• Actively supported the inclusion of CCS projects under
CDM in the UNFCCC negotiations
• Main sponsors of many CCS events- Doha Carbon
and Energy Forum-More than 150 experts participated
• Research and Development in specific areas
• Capacity Building
• Process of developing policy, legal and regulatory frame
Policy Short-term Long-term
Research Collaboration ** ***
Role of HSE in Energy sector ** ***
Public–Private partnership
* **
Standards for industrial
Export market development *
National investment plan ** ***
Pricing Reform *
Policy Options on CCSPolicy Options on CCS-Recommendations from-Recommendations from
Doha Carbon and Energy Forum -2010Doha Carbon and Energy Forum -2010
Categories are groups according to short-term vs. long- terms measures.
* indicates policy practice (*= moderate, ** = large and *** = very large)
UNFCCC decision of CCS in CDMUNFCCC decision of CCS in CDM
• By decision 10/CMP.7 (At Durban in 2011), the Conference of the Parties
serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) adopted
the modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in
geological formations (CCS) as CDM project activities
• In the same decision, the CMP requested the Subsidiary Body for Scientific
and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to consider the following:
• (a) CCS project activities which involve the transport of carbon dioxide
(CO2) from one country to another or which involve geological storage sites
that are located in more than one country;
• (b) A global reserve of certified emission reductions (CERs) for CCS project
activities, in addition to the 5 per cent reserve referred to in decision
10/CMP.7, annex, paragraph 21
UNFCC- COP18/CMP8 decision on CCS underUNFCC- COP18/CMP8 decision on CCS under
• 40. Decides that the eligibility under the clean development mechanism of carbon
dioxide capture and storage in geological formations project activities which involve
the transport of carbon dioxide from one country to another or which involve
geological storage sites that are in more than one country and the establishment of a
global reserve of certified emission reduction units for carbon dioxide capture and
storage in geological formations project activities shall be considered by Subsidiary
Body for Scientific and Technological Advice at its forty-fifth session
• 41. Also decides that while carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological
formations project activities which involve the transport of carbon dioxide from one
country to another or which involve geological storage sites that are in more than
one country would merit inclusion under the clean development mechanism,
more practical experience of carbon dioxide capture and storage project
activities in geological formations under the clean development mechanism
would be beneficial;
Key Messages / DevelopmentsKey Messages / Developments
• Only modest CCS-specific policy developments have occurred in the past 12 months,
however there has been a rebalancing of climate policy settings for carbon pricing
more generally.
• The level of funding for CCS demonstration projects is increasingly vulnerable and
level of funding support still available will service fewer projects.
• The current mix of policy settings and prevailing regulatory environments are
somewhat supportive of positive investment decisions in CCS demonstration
projects, but policy settings over the medium to longer term are seen to be
largely inadequate to ensure future project viability.
• Source: The global status of CCS /2012 report
Policy, legal, and regulatory developments are key
factors determining whether CCS will progress as an
important GHG mitigation technique. There is a wide
range of policy, legislation, and regulation that is
relevant to CCS, from international climate change
agreements, through national climate and energy
policy, to project-specific legislation and regulation.
Part 2: CCS research in Qatar
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre
• research partnership between QP, Shell, QSTP and Imperial College London
• focus on carbon storage/sequestration not capture techniques
• expand fundamental research
• providing improved tools for carbon sequestration
• build local capacity (currently 5 Qatari PhD students)
• transferring knowledge and technology: QP, Shell and QSTP
Targeted research over 10 years and $70 million
Aim: Improve Oil Recovery and Carbon Storage in Carbonate Reservoirs
The Strategy:
- Characterise & understand the Qatari reservoirs in depth
- Develop state-of-the art reservoir flow simulators
- Use to design optimum CO2 storage and oil & gas recovery processes
- Validate with ‘Field-scale Laboratory’
Capacity buildingCapacity building
• Qatari nationals conducting PhD studies at ICL
• QCCSRC establishing a presence in Qatar
• Move of lab equipment to QSTP; start 2013 with move of HPHT interfacial tension rig,
expanding in years after
QCCSRC Lab Grand Opening - 13 SeptemberQCCSRC Lab Grand Opening - 13 September
An elevator style experience taking visitors on a filmic CCS journey
600,000 metres into space and 2,200 metres underground to demonstrate how
energy powers our lives and how CO2 could be safely stored underground
Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre at COP18
Qatar petroleum presentation
Fundamental Carbonate Reservoir & Seal (Project 1)
• Reconstruct the evolution of rock formations of Qatari reservoirs using outcrop
analogues in Oman.
• Identify predictive geological rules and properties of fractured carbonate reservoirs
and the in situ fluids.
• Emphasising fieldwork and state-of-the-art equipment.
Research resultsResearch results
Reservoir pore/fracture scale physics and chemistry (Project 2)
• Expand understanding of rock-fluid property interactions at reservoir conditions
involving CO2 / brine / hydrocarbons.
• Link pore-core scale laboratory experiments with modelling.
• Emphasis on state-of-the-art experimental measurements to validate models (high
pressure/high temperature rigs and core flooding rigs with in-situ monitoring).
Research resultsResearch results
Research resultsResearch results
Integrated simulator for carbonate reservoirs (Project 3)
• Integrated Methodology and Simulator tools.
• Apply new tools for modeling of plume behaviour of injected CO2, fractured
reservoirs, and geochemical modelling.
• Incorporate results from Projects 1 and 2 into an integrated reservoir simulator
customised to Qatari reservoirs.
• Use the simulator/simulation technology to design and optimize new improved
recovery strategies and CO2 sequestration operations.
Mr. Saif S . Al- NaimiMr. Saif S . Al- Naimi
Director HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar PetroleumDirector HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar Petroleum
Tel: +974 40132555Tel: +974 40132555
E-Mail : :
Dr. Nasser Al-MohannadiDr. Nasser Al-Mohannadi
Manager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar PetroleumManager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar Petroleum
Tel: +974 40135677Tel: +974 40135677
Contact Details

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Global CCS Institute
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Qatar petroleum presentation

  • 1. CCS Activities in Qatar and relevance toCCS Activities in Qatar and relevance to the GCC regionthe GCC region Mr. Saif S . Al- NaimiMr. Saif S . Al- Naimi Director HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar PetroleumDirector HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar Petroleum && Dr. Nasser Al-MohannadiDr. Nasser Al-Mohannadi Manager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar PetroleumManager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar Petroleum
  • 2. OutlineOutline Part 1: Policy, Legal and Regulations • Climate Change – UNFCCC process • Why CCS ? and Energy related CO2 emission reduction technology • QP Vision/Strategy • Policy options in practice • CCS in CDM • Key Messages/ Developments • Conclusion Part 2: Carbon Storage research in Qatar – QCCSRC • Overview • Objectives • Research
  • 3. Part 1: Policy, Legal and Regulations
  • 4. BAP (2007) KP FCP SCP Targets Binding Commitments 2O C 450ppm CO2 IPCC Report Climate Change Mitigation Actions Climate Change Actions – Developed Countries Climate Change Overview of the Process( UNFCCC negotiations) 2008 - 2012 2013 - 2020 4 Doha Climate Gate way (COP18)
  • 5. Source : IEA, 2012b. Energy technology perspectives 2012: Pathways to a clean energy system. OECD/IEA, France. Why CCS- Energy-related CO2 emission reductions by technology Note: Percentages represent share of cumulative emissions reductions to 2050. Percentages in brackets represent share of emissions reductions in the year 2050.
  • 6. • Shell, QP, the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP) and Imperial College London are collaborating in a $70- million 10-year investment R&D project in new storage technologies • One of the operators has initiated an acid gas reinjection programme - re-injects approximately one million tonnes of CO2 per year into a saline aquifer formation Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in Qatarin Qatar
  • 7. QP’s vision/ strategyQP’s vision/ strategy • CCS is recognized as one of the key mitigation technology to deal with climate change and is considered as the medium /long term mitigation plans • Actively supported the inclusion of CCS projects under CDM in the UNFCCC negotiations • Main sponsors of many CCS events- Doha Carbon and Energy Forum-More than 150 experts participated • Research and Development in specific areas • Capacity Building • Process of developing policy, legal and regulatory frame work
  • 8. Policy Short-term Long-term Research Collaboration ** *** Role of HSE in Energy sector ** *** Public–Private partnership (ventures) * ** Standards for industrial application * Export market development * National investment plan ** *** Pricing Reform * Policy Options on CCSPolicy Options on CCS-Recommendations from-Recommendations from Doha Carbon and Energy Forum -2010Doha Carbon and Energy Forum -2010 Categories are groups according to short-term vs. long- terms measures. * indicates policy practice (*= moderate, ** = large and *** = very large)
  • 9. UNFCCC decision of CCS in CDMUNFCCC decision of CCS in CDM • By decision 10/CMP.7 (At Durban in 2011), the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) adopted the modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations (CCS) as CDM project activities • In the same decision, the CMP requested the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to consider the following: • (a) CCS project activities which involve the transport of carbon dioxide (CO2) from one country to another or which involve geological storage sites that are located in more than one country; • (b) A global reserve of certified emission reductions (CERs) for CCS project activities, in addition to the 5 per cent reserve referred to in decision 10/CMP.7, annex, paragraph 21
  • 10. UNFCC- COP18/CMP8 decision on CCS underUNFCC- COP18/CMP8 decision on CCS under CDMCDM • 40. Decides that the eligibility under the clean development mechanism of carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations project activities which involve the transport of carbon dioxide from one country to another or which involve geological storage sites that are in more than one country and the establishment of a global reserve of certified emission reduction units for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations project activities shall be considered by Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice at its forty-fifth session • 41. Also decides that while carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations project activities which involve the transport of carbon dioxide from one country to another or which involve geological storage sites that are in more than one country would merit inclusion under the clean development mechanism, more practical experience of carbon dioxide capture and storage project activities in geological formations under the clean development mechanism would be beneficial;
  • 11. Key Messages / DevelopmentsKey Messages / Developments • Only modest CCS-specific policy developments have occurred in the past 12 months, however there has been a rebalancing of climate policy settings for carbon pricing more generally. • The level of funding for CCS demonstration projects is increasingly vulnerable and level of funding support still available will service fewer projects. • The current mix of policy settings and prevailing regulatory environments are somewhat supportive of positive investment decisions in CCS demonstration projects, but policy settings over the medium to longer term are seen to be largely inadequate to ensure future project viability. • Source: The global status of CCS /2012 report
  • 12. ConclusionConclusion Policy, legal, and regulatory developments are key factors determining whether CCS will progress as an important GHG mitigation technique. There is a wide range of policy, legislation, and regulation that is relevant to CCS, from international climate change agreements, through national climate and energy policy, to project-specific legislation and regulation.
  • 13. Part 2: CCS research in Qatar Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre
  • 14. • research partnership between QP, Shell, QSTP and Imperial College London • focus on carbon storage/sequestration not capture techniques • expand fundamental research • providing improved tools for carbon sequestration • build local capacity (currently 5 Qatari PhD students) • transferring knowledge and technology: QP, Shell and QSTP OverviewOverview
  • 15. ObjectivesObjectives Targeted research over 10 years and $70 million Aim: Improve Oil Recovery and Carbon Storage in Carbonate Reservoirs The Strategy: - Characterise & understand the Qatari reservoirs in depth - Develop state-of-the art reservoir flow simulators - Use to design optimum CO2 storage and oil & gas recovery processes - Validate with ‘Field-scale Laboratory’
  • 16. Capacity buildingCapacity building • Qatari nationals conducting PhD studies at ICL • QCCSRC establishing a presence in Qatar • Move of lab equipment to QSTP; start 2013 with move of HPHT interfacial tension rig, expanding in years after
  • 17. QCCSRC Lab Grand Opening - 13 SeptemberQCCSRC Lab Grand Opening - 13 September 1717
  • 18. An elevator style experience taking visitors on a filmic CCS journey 600,000 metres into space and 2,200 metres underground to demonstrate how energy powers our lives and how CO2 could be safely stored underground Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre at COP18
  • 20. Fundamental Carbonate Reservoir & Seal (Project 1) • Reconstruct the evolution of rock formations of Qatari reservoirs using outcrop analogues in Oman. • Identify predictive geological rules and properties of fractured carbonate reservoirs and the in situ fluids. • Emphasising fieldwork and state-of-the-art equipment. Research resultsResearch results
  • 21. Reservoir pore/fracture scale physics and chemistry (Project 2) • Expand understanding of rock-fluid property interactions at reservoir conditions involving CO2 / brine / hydrocarbons. • Link pore-core scale laboratory experiments with modelling. • Emphasis on state-of-the-art experimental measurements to validate models (high pressure/high temperature rigs and core flooding rigs with in-situ monitoring). Research resultsResearch results
  • 22. Research resultsResearch results Integrated simulator for carbonate reservoirs (Project 3) • Integrated Methodology and Simulator tools. • Apply new tools for modeling of plume behaviour of injected CO2, fractured reservoirs, and geochemical modelling. • Incorporate results from Projects 1 and 2 into an integrated reservoir simulator customised to Qatari reservoirs. • Use the simulator/simulation technology to design and optimize new improved recovery strategies and CO2 sequestration operations.
  • 24. 2424 Mr. Saif S . Al- NaimiMr. Saif S . Al- Naimi Director HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar PetroleumDirector HSE Regulations & Enforcement, Qatar Petroleum Tel: +974 40132555Tel: +974 40132555 E-Mail : : && Dr. Nasser Al-MohannadiDr. Nasser Al-Mohannadi Manager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar PetroleumManager QP Research & Technology Centre, Qatar Petroleum Tel: +974 40135677Tel: +974 40135677 E-Mail: Contact Details